Maker Pro
Maker Pro

ATMEL microcontroller + USB memory stick



Jan 1, 1970
I want to build an small data logger based around ATMEL's 8535 (or one of
the AVR Mega).
I need to log around 300MBytes of data. USB memory sticks are cost effective
storage mediums. Is there a simple way to interface a USB memory stick with
an ATMEL microcotroller?


Joe G \(Home\)

Jan 1, 1970
Hi Ray,

A USB memory stick is a USB device/peripheral and is designed to be
connected to a USB host (Eg a PC with USB host stack in XP etc).

The problem is - your ATMEL micro needs software that implements a USB host
stack of a PC.

Have you considered other flash storage mediums like SD, CF or MMC cards and
a FAT file system so your PC can read the file stored on these cards?

Just a thought.


Adrian Jansen

Jan 1, 1970
newtype said:

Plenty of USB slave devices around. But you need a USB host to talk to
a memory stick.

Much easier to talk to a CF card for datalogging from an AVR. Code
already exists to talk to a FAT filesystem on a card with an AVR.


Adrian Jansen adrianjansen at internode dot on dot net
Design Engineer J & K Micro Systems
Microcomputer solutions for industrial control
Note reply address is invalid, convert address above to machine form.

Michael C

Jan 1, 1970
Jasen Betts said:
for that task you'd need a microcontroller that has usb master
functionality, many can function as slaves (eg behave like a
memory stick) few can function as masters (eg read or write write
to an attached stick)

ATMEL have app notes on interfacing their serial eeprom chips to their
microcontrollers would it be practical to use that for storage
provide USB interface for download?

AIUI these eproms cost about the same or less than the USB sticks.

Can you get these eeproms is 300MB though?


Michael C

Jan 1, 1970
Adrian Jansen said:
Much easier to talk to a CF card for datalogging from an AVR. Code
already exists to talk to a FAT filesystem on a card with an AVR.

Much easier to use SD I would have thought, less pins.
