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Maker Pro

Browsing for Magnifying Tools



Jan 1, 1970

Rich Grise

Jan 1, 1970
On Thu, 08 Feb 2007 15:27:47 -0700, Jim Thompson

Looks like it does the job :)
Stereoscopic too for depth...
I do wonder where that's sold..

But I can't resist the "cool" factor of a DIY PC based videoscope.
Just makes me feel like a kid again. New toy microscope :)
It'll be good for inspection and documentation of PCB's.

I got a little digital camera at the drug store for about $135; it's
I think 2 or 3 Megapixels, has macro down to a few inches, 3X optical
zoom, a tripod socket, and a little phone jack with live NTSC video coming
out. It came with a phone jack-to-phono plug to plug into the video input
of your other device.

Have Fun!

D from BC

Jan 1, 1970
I got a little digital camera at the drug store for about $135; it's
I think 2 or 3 Megapixels, has macro down to a few inches, 3X optical
zoom, a tripod socket, and a little phone jack with live NTSC video coming
out. It came with a phone jack-to-phono plug to plug into the video input
of your other device.

Have Fun!

Maybe adapting a cheapo ebay macro lens from an old camera is possible
if more magnification is needed.

A few months ago, I went shopping for a 3Megapixel camera.
Damn... I should have gotten one with a video output.
D from BC

John Larkin

Jan 1, 1970
Used to be that way... fuzzy vision and various infections.

You obviously haven't had it done... I have.

They blast away you existing lens with a laser, make a small slit and
slip it an artificial lens.

Takes just a few minutes.

...Jim Thompson

Was it painful? I'm going to need that in a year or so, I estimate.

Can they leave me nearsighted?


Jim Thompson

Jan 1, 1970
Was it painful?

No. I went to a French bistro right after ;-)
I'm going to need that in a year or so, I estimate.

Can they leave me nearsighted?


No I was nearsighted when I went in, 20/30 when I left.

This was 9 years ago. I've now developed some astigmatism, so I don't
know if they'll do a Lasik tweak, or just implant a new lens.

...Jim Thompson

Jim Yanik

Jan 1, 1970
I bought that visor around 1980.

...Jim Thompson

you can buy binocular magnifiers at Home Depot,around $22 USD,IIRC;I've got
two of them.

It may take some looking to locate where they are in the store....(tool
section,around the measuring tools)
I did some searching for magnification tools for inspection of
homebrew PCB's....

I checked out the toy digital microscope at:

I read what the pros are using:

Looked at stereo microscopes dental/surgical binoculars on ebay.

Then I discovered a hack-your-digicam website

How about this idea..
I'd like to find a handheld digital camera with a video output and
attachable 2x or up to 10x macro lens.
I'd mount it on a stand to magnify, video or photograph PCB's.
Then I can move the PCB around and watch the enlarged footage off my
computer monitor.

Since the camera is not dedicated for macro use, I can remove it from
the stand and take it with me for vacation photos/video.

Has anybody done this? Is it a good idea?
I did a little google searching and became impatient.. :)
D from BC

I bought a B&L Stereo zoom maybe 8 years ago for $300. It had a heavy
stand that is designed so you can slip PCBs under it. No regrets. I'd
sure hate to have to pay shipping on such a beast.

I've also fiddled with a supercircuits camera (B&W) and C-mount spaces
for close focusing. It's not bad, but you still need a steady base.
Such microscope stands show up all the time on ebay. This is the stand
I have:
This is the focusing arm:

You can try your luck on ebay with complete microscopes, but I passed
over so many clunkers at the flea market that I didn't even argue
regarding the one I bought, which had nothing wobbly.

You can get microscopes on Craigslist. They tend to be lab scopes, not
assembly scopes. The deal with the B&L is you have decent working

Michael A. Terrell

Jan 1, 1970
Jim said:
Michael, Get cataract surgery... aka lens replacement... fastest way
from 20/400 (which I used to be) to 20/20 ;-)

The VA won't do it till my cataracts get worse, and I can't afford to
pay for it.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida


Jan 1, 1970
Jim Yanik said:
you can buy binocular magnifiers at Home Depot,around $22 USD,IIRC;I've got
two of them.

It may take some looking to locate where they are in the store....(tool
section,around the measuring tools)

Or you can go to one of the budget on-line glasses places (with prices
down in the $14 delivered range on up, depending on which website you
choose and what frames you want), but you'll need a tiny bit of research
into how to specify a magnifier in optician terms. (ie, +3 diopter is
1.75X, +5 is 2.25X, +12 is 4X). If you happen to wear glasses, this can
be a very good option, as you can get magnifying glasses that fit your
eye spacing and other aspects of your prescription in one package (by
starting with your prescription and adding appropriate magnification).
If you bring the subject up while in the eye doctor's office, you can
probably have a preview of the effect (useful - bring something you'd
like to look at with you) and a prescription for your "special
work-magnifying reading-type glasses" if you feel the need. If you don't
wear glasses, it's still cheaper than most magnifiers, and you can still
get the correct eyespacing (good luck on that with most magnivisors).

These simple magnifiers have working distance limitations (shorter as
the power gets higher - 4X would have the work awfully close to your
nose), but no worse or different than the visor type things that are the
same principle. Telescopic magnifiers can improve the working distance,
but generally cost quite a bit more. There's probably a way to home-brew
a cheaper solution to the telescopic versions.

John Devereux

Jan 1, 1970
Winfield Hill said:
Sheesh, I'm glad I haven't eaten anything recently!

Yeah, I'm always fighting off the babes when I wear mine...

James Arthur

Jan 1, 1970
Was it painful? I'm going to need that in a year or so, I estimate.

Can they leave me nearsighted?


Not terribly. My Mom was getting home from having hers done as you
posted this! Today she's tired, but fine.

Yes, they can leave you nearsighted. Discuss it with the doc &
(s)he'll make you whatever you want. I encouraged Mom to do this, but
she opted to shoot for emmetropia (0.0 diopters correction). I
personally wouldn't want that. I like being able to see clearly up
close, sans lenses. The imprecision of the lens replacement, however,
is such that you could easily wind up +0.5 or more, i.e.,
significantly farsighted. Farsighted, of course, means you can't ever
see anything clearly, ever, without some sort of appliance. Too early
to tell, but it looks so far like that's what she got.

Another choice is to have one "far" eye and the other "close" aka
"monovision." Very handy if you can stand it, but life-wrecking to
those who can't. I'm that way naturally and like it. Most docs will
Rx trial contact lenses beforehand that simulate the various choices
so you can try it before you buy it. Highly recommended.

James Arthur