Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Can anyone help me in using UART


Feb 1, 2020
Feb 1, 2020
I can't use UART to communicate with the STONE lcd module. ( I tried different serial port applications, such as SSCOM, RealTERM, and SerialPlot, but nothing changed.I don't know what's wrong.

Harald Kapp

Nov 17, 2011
Nov 17, 2011
Welcome to electronics point.

You need to provide a few more bits of information:

  • What do you mean by "I can't use UART to communicate with the STONE lcd module."?
  • Which uart do you use? The com port of a PC? RS232, RS485, TTL level?
  • Are all parameters set up correctly (baudrate, number of bits, paritx etc.)?
  • Have you read the FAQ? Are you aware that you need to create an interface software and download it to the display before use?


Hop - AC8NS
Jun 21, 2012
Jun 21, 2012
Geeze. @mrshell: Welcome to ElectronicsPoint. This is not a forum where we do all the work. I recommend that you try this link to a STONE User Development Guide before doing anything else. And the next time you do a drive-by and post something here, please provide ALL the information relevant to what your are TRYING TO DO! That includes part numbers, model numbers, block diagrams, schematics, hand doodles on napkins photographed with your cell phone... EVERYTHING. Let us decide what is relevant.

I don't know about other members of EP , but my crystal ball appears to be non-functional at the moment. So start by answering the questions posed so far in response #2 (@Harald Kapp) and response #3 (@bertus) so they and other members here can begin to help you. Building an HMI (Human-Machine Interface) for a TFT (Thin Film Transistor) LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) is not a trivial task, but STONE appears to provide some free tools that at least makes the task possible. Have you downloaded these tools? Please describe your electronics background so we will know what level of expertise to expect from you. A dialog is essential for resolving problems here.

If you are a drive-by poster expecting a quick answer (we get a lot of those visiting here) you need to look elsewhere. Google can be your best friend in searching for answers, but you must learn how to ask the right questions.