Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Connecting electrical devices into DC grid - polarity

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Jan 5, 2010
Jan 5, 2010
This works for batteries, capacitors, radios, cars, and small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri.
I have reported your post to the ACSPCA (Alpha Centauri Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.)



Apr 7, 2016
Apr 7, 2016
Direction of current implies polarity, therefore polarity does matter.
This may be a bit "off topic" but technically electrons (current) flow from negative to positive. Though conventional current flow (where they flow from positive to negative) is what a lot of people seem to use. Either way, you should be ok as long as you're consistent.


Hop - AC8NS
Jun 21, 2012
Jun 21, 2012
I have discovered a remarkable feature of this forum! If you don't care to read the posts of someone, for whatever reason(s), just right-click on their icon to bring up a page with their info. Near the top of the new page there are links to Report, Ignore, and Follow. Click on Ignore and... voila! The next time you refresh a thread to which that someone has posted, you will find all their posts are missing! Not deleted, mind you, just hidden and therefore missing.

In following a thread for which you have tagged several of the participants to Ignore, it may be somewhat difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff, so it is best to only Ignore a single person per thread. If your curiosity overcomes you, you can un-do the Ignore and see all of that someone's missing posts.

This Ignore feature seems like an excellent method (when used responsibly) for hijacking threads!
I have reported your post to the ACSPCA (Alpha Centauri Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.)

Note however, the Alpha Centauri Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ACSPCA) seldom responds to interstellar reports, especially those that originate in the vicinity of Sol, because of the trouble with tribbles that allegedly occurred around 1970, as reported in a television show of that era, Star Trek. An investigatory team that was dispatched had to be recalled at no small expense when the mistake was finally noticed. However, @BobK, we animal lovers appreciate your attention to @(*steve*)'s faux pas in mentioning electrical connections to furry animals for reasons other than resuscitation or broiling...
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