Maker Pro
Maker Pro

design for an electronically controlled locking mechanism for a door


dan d man

Jan 1, 1970
i have one circuit is to design and make a full size electronically
controlled locking mechanism for a door. i was wondering would anyone
be able to help me out with a design for the circuit. power source to
be used is 12v dc. its only a school based project and it does not have
to be sofisticated so a basic design which works is all i require. id
be very grateful if someone could help me out


Jan 1, 1970
dan said:
it does not have to be sofisticated [sic]

Good. It appears that sophistication is beyond you.
(Posting this 3 times
is not the best way to impress people and get good help.)

On each of your duplicate posts, click **show options**
then click **Remove**.

Before you do much more on Usenet, you should read about Usenet.
Start here:

BTW, remote door locks have been readily available
at any electrical supply house for more than a generation.

dan d man

Jan 1, 1970
well im sorry for posting it 3 times but wen something is new to you it
might take you a while to get used to it

dan said:
it does not have to be sofisticated [sic]Good. It appears that sophistication is beyond you.
(Posting this 3 times
is not the best way to impress people and get good help.)

On each of your duplicate posts, click **show options**
then click **Remove**.

Before you do much more on Usenet, you should read about Usenet.
Start here:

BTW, remote door locks have been readily available
at any electrical supply house for more than a generation.


Jan 1, 1970
dan said:
i have one circuit is to design and make a full size electronically
controlled locking mechanism for a door. i was wondering would anyone
be able to help me out with a design for the circuit. power source to
be used is 12v dc. its only a school based project and it does not have
to be sofisticated so a basic design which works is all i require. id
be very grateful if someone could help me out

Keyswitch drives a 12VDC coil 10 amp relay, relay drives the solenoid.
Use a 1N4002 diode across the relay coil, and another diode across the
solenoid of at least the current rating of the solenoid (most are at
leat 1 amp -- use a 1N5402).

| + + + +
| | | | |
| 1N4002- C| 1N5402- C|SOL
| ^ C|RY ^ C|
| SW1 | C| | C|
| _/ | | | |
| .--o/ o-----o---' '---o
| | CRY1 |
| | -----
| | -----
| | |
| | |
| === ===
(created by AACircuit v1.28.6 beta 04/19/05

Your lab question has to be a little more complicated than that -- how
about at least taking the time to describe the problem in a little more

Going to the well for homework problems is kind of frowned upon, but at
least you're up front about it. Make an effort here, and you might get
some help.
