Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Digital TV Antenna


Alan Rutlidge

Jan 1, 1970
Phil Allison said:
"Alan Rutlidge = criminal bullshit artist

** Any communication from the Rutmanic is going to be much worse than

** The Rutlidge moron thinks he knows everything and often misquotes
things to suit his agenda.

............ Phil

Oh poor Phil Allison (a.k.a. Quad Boy because it is alleged he buggered up a
perfectly good set of Quad electrostatic speakers by tampering with them and
then waited 4 days before blaming it on the dealer who sold them to him),
who's limited knowledge of electronics has effectively left him buggering up
toasters, has found the keyboard in his cramped and dusty little bed-sit
flat. Oh dear.....

Phil is famous for resorting to defamation and obscenities when it is proved
or even suggested he may be in error or his information is a tad out of date
(like years out of date).

Phil why don't you go down to the local deli, buy a bag of lollies and go
sit in the park near the grammar school and amuse yourself.