Maker Pro
Maker Pro

EBay stores


Oct 3, 2014
Oct 3, 2014
If I'm in no hurry to get components I gravitate to EBay's offerings from the far east, and I'm sure I'm not alone, It seems silly to buy things like Pro Mini Atmega boards for $10 locally when I can get 5 of them for the same price with free shipping.
Recently I have been price shopping for a few 1602 LCD modules ($14 locally, $1.68 from China). I'm finding plenty but when you check out the sellers store, quite often the fist thing in the store is women's handbags, followed by backscratchers and the other crap that China is famed for. Call me strange but if I buy electronic components I prefer it to come from a store that sells exclusively electronic components.
So the purpose of this rant is to ask:

Can the members recommend or point to any EBay stores that only sell electronic components?

i already have a few to start the ball rolling but would like to get the approval of the forum moderators, as posting them may be construed as advertising.


Jun 20, 2015
Jun 20, 2015
I'm buying on Ebay as well.
You can get the very same "trash",
whether you buy from an "Electronic specialized" store or an "I sell everything" one.
What matters is the % positive feedback they get.

The biggest worry I have is with counterfeit devices,the higher the price the bigger the risk.