Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Ever wonder why Windows has more problems than Mac?


Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
May 8, 2012
May 8, 2012
I was searching for why my new W7 64 bit laptop doesn't always hide the taskbar even though I have AutoHide activated. This post isn't about that because I'm fairly certain I know why. No, this topic is more about why Windows sales far exceed Mac and probably always will.

Windows problems exist precisely for the same reason more people use Windows than Mac. That would be the third part software. I think most of us are aware that there is much more third party apps for windows than Mac. And I do mean a lot! The fact is that anyone who's programmed for Windows knows that they must tap into the OS. They will also know that they posses great power in doing so. When I was very active on a VB 6.0 forum we would get quite a few posts that raised red flags. If the mods thought that the OP had nefarious intentions they'd always inquire and sometimes lock the thread but not all things programmers do are intended to be nefarious. They're simply unforeseen. IMHO the most powerful programing statement ever written is If - Then.

This article gets to the root of it. It also explains the tradeoff for Macs stricter requirements for Mac third party developers.



Aug 13, 2011
Aug 13, 2011
The difference between the two platforms is at it's root ideological. It can't be discussed for long without involving both politics and religion. ;)
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Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
May 8, 2012
May 8, 2012
Well, I've never counted how many windows API's there are but there's thousands of them. I am sure that none of them include God or my political leanings within the function or call statements. :rolleyes:



So long, and Thanks for all the Fish!
Aug 27, 2013
Aug 27, 2013
I am confused, I thought there WAS a god dll :rolleyes: I am certain I have declared it, and I might have even called it :eek:

At the end of the day, artists seem to prefer Macs, engineering types prefer linux, the rest of us just use win-blows. hehe.

I have never tried Mac. I have tried linux. I use windows, lol.



Jan 15, 2010
Jan 15, 2010
What I've heard is that because there are a lot more Windows than Mac users, there
are more people hacking the more prevalent system. With fewer Mac users, there's
less interest in hacking Mac stuff. There might be something to Mac being harder
than windows to hack, but I've never heard anybody actually say that.


Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
May 8, 2012
May 8, 2012
I am confused, I thought there WAS a god dll :rolleyes: I am certain I have declared it, and I might have even called it :eek:

At the end of the day, artists seem to prefer Macs, engineering types prefer linux, the rest of us just use win-blows. hehe.

I have never tried Mac. I have tried linux. I use windows, lol.


If we're talking about which users prefer which OS then KJ6EAD's God/Political statement holds water. One only has to observe what computer is invariablyused as a Hollyweird prop. It would make for a stimulating debate in the Members Lounge but not here. Engineers and developers probably prefer Linux because it's open source. Though neither of these points have anything to do with my topic title, issue.

What I've heard is that because there are a lot more Windows than Mac users, there
are more people hacking the more prevalent system. With fewer Mac users, there's
less interest in hacking Mac stuff. There might be something to Mac being harder
than windows to hack, but I've never heard anybody actually say that.

This is a totally valid point but it too is an entirely different issue. I'm not talking about Viruses, Maleware, Trojans or any others I might have missed. It's more about third party software and hardware compatibility. Windows affords far greater choices than Mac. There is simply a price or as the article stated "a tradeoff" to be paid for that. It boils down to Windows having deal with a far greater number of both.



Aug 13, 2011
Aug 13, 2011
Well, I've never counted how many windows API's there are but there's thousands of them. I am sure that none of them include God or my political leanings within the function or call statements. :rolleyes:


This is not the answer you are looking for. (Waving hand in Jedi mind trick fashion.) APIs are inanimate objects and as such both agnostic and apolitical but the developers and users of both platforms are not, hence my reference to ideology and root.
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Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
May 8, 2012
May 8, 2012
This is not the answer you are looking for. (Waving hand in Jedi mind trick fashion.) APIs are inanimate objects and as such both agnostic and apolitical but the developers and users of both platforms are not, hence my reference to ideology and root.

I will confess that I have absolutely no idea where you're going with this. I'm a Christian and a life long hard core conservative that dropped off the radar screen after the last election. I use Windows. My brother in-law has exactly the same leanings. He uses Mac. :confused:

I reiterate that non of this is relevant to this topic anyway.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Jan 21, 2010
Jan 21, 2010
The major reason why windows has more security issues than Linux/Mac is that Linux/Mac can trace their lineage back to Unix. These operating systems were built for use in environments where security was an issue right from the beginning (multi-user, multi-tasking, networked).

In contrast, Windows can trace its lineage back to single use, single-tasking, and totally isolated systems.

The major difference is that for most of it's existence, Microsoft OSs have either not had any concept of "logging on" or allowed the default user to do absolutely anything. This was a boon for virus writers.

An an aside, the first virus was written for the Mac. At this time Macs had their own OS (the current one is a fork of an open source OS). Whilst changing OS was a big and painful thing for Mac users, the result was that their systems were based on something more secure and more reliable.

Adding to this is the plethora of other reasons, like the "control" Apple exerts over applications. However, virus and exploit writers have never really followed these rules :)

As to who uses Mac more than Windows, that is pretty much an accident of history these days. There is no fundamental reason why someone making a decision today would necessarily choose the same way. Apple has always tried to be "cool" and "Hip" and this has been a plus for them in some environments and not others. Having control of manufacture of hardware as well as software has allowed them to force certain ergonomic things that Microsoft was less able to.

All that and not one word about....zzzzzfkjdfhsdah@$rgfd
