Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Free electronics CAD DVD with Elektor November 2005 mag



Jan 1, 1970
I just noticed that Elektor Electronics magazine issue November 2005
will come with a free DVD containing a glut of e-CAD software. Their
news item on the homepage states:

Splan 6.0 - SprintLayout 4.0 - Circuit Creator - Layo PCB 10.0
- BAE - OrCAD V 10.0 - CADInt PCB - Eagle
4.15 - DesignWorks 4.3.1 - EPD 7.2.31 - Electronics Workbench
Design Suite 8.1 - Free PCB 1.2 - Target 3001! V11 & V12 - CirCAD
'98 - KiCAD - Proteus 6.8 - McCAD Schematics - MAC PCB-ST -
PCB Elegance 3.0 - MerliPCB - WinSchém 6.1 -WinTYPON 6.1 - PCB
Designer 1.3.3 - Easy PC 9.0 - Pad2Pad 1.6.0 - PCB123 V2.1 -
PCB Developer's Assistant V3.0 - Ranger2XL - Boardmaker 3 -
EdWinXP 14.0 - Vutrax 12.5 - CADStarexpress.

should be interesting, never seen a free disk supplied with this
magazine before.
Magazine is said to be available from UK newsagents from Saturday 22
October. I am on subscription.



Jan 1, 1970
The French edition will have a big article about design softwares, but
the website doesn't say if it's gonna contain a DVD with them on it.
We'll see in due time, around the 19th of October, according to the website.

petrus bitbyter

Jan 1, 1970
"RickB" <[email protected]> schreef in bericht
I just noticed that Elektor Electronics magazine issue November 2005
will come with a free DVD containing a glut of e-CAD software. Their
news item on the homepage states:

Splan 6.0 - SprintLayout 4.0 - Circuit Creator - Layo PCB 10.0
- BAE - OrCAD V 10.0 - CADInt PCB - Eagle
4.15 - DesignWorks 4.3.1 - EPD 7.2.31 - Electronics Workbench
Design Suite 8.1 - Free PCB 1.2 - Target 3001! V11 & V12 - CirCAD
'98 - KiCAD - Proteus 6.8 - McCAD Schematics - MAC PCB-ST -
PCB Elegance 3.0 - MerliPCB - WinSchém 6.1 -WinTYPON 6.1 - PCB
Designer 1.3.3 - Easy PC 9.0 - Pad2Pad 1.6.0 - PCB123 V2.1 -
PCB Developer's Assistant V3.0 - Ranger2XL - Boardmaker 3 -
EdWinXP 14.0 - Vutrax 12.5 - CADStarexpress.

should be interesting, never seen a free disk supplied with this
magazine before.
Magazine is said to be available from UK newsagents from Saturday 22
October. I am on subscription.


The Dutch page announces the DVD as well.

petrus bitbyter


Jan 1, 1970
I just noticed that Elektor Electronics magazine issue November 2005
will come with a free DVD containing a glut of e-CAD software. Their
news item on the homepage states:

Splan 6.0 - SprintLayout 4.0 - Circuit Creator - Layo PCB 10.0
- BAE - OrCAD V 10.0 - CADInt PCB - Eagle
4.15 - DesignWorks 4.3.1 - EPD 7.2.31 - Electronics Workbench
Design Suite 8.1 - Free PCB 1.2 - Target 3001! V11 & V12 - CirCAD
'98 - KiCAD - Proteus 6.8 - McCAD Schematics - MAC PCB-ST -
PCB Elegance 3.0 - MerliPCB - WinSchém 6.1 -WinTYPON 6.1 - PCB
Designer 1.3.3 - Easy PC 9.0 - Pad2Pad 1.6.0 - PCB123 V2.1 -
PCB Developer's Assistant V3.0 - Ranger2XL - Boardmaker 3 -
EdWinXP 14.0 - Vutrax 12.5 - CADStarexpress.

should be interesting, never seen a free disk supplied with this
magazine before.
Magazine is said to be available from UK newsagents from Saturday 22
October. I am on subscription.


Would someone resident in the UKofGBandNI be kind enough to volunteer to
snag an issue for myself, a resident of one of the former colonies?

Appropriate compensation offered...

Terry Pinnell

Jan 1, 1970
RickB said:
I just noticed that Elektor Electronics magazine issue November 2005
will come with a free DVD containing a glut of e-CAD software. Their
news item on the homepage states:

I went to
After registering and logging in, every time I try to get to the
relevant link:

'COUNTDOWN: T minus 14 days to FREE CAD DVD with Elektor Electronics
November 2005
First time ever free DVD with Europe’s largest magazine on
electronics. (07/10/2005) read more...'

....I get cycled back to the same page, as if I wasn't logged in.
Anyone else having trouble please? (Firefox 1.07 here.)

Terry Pinnell

Jan 1, 1970
jtaylor said:
Would someone resident in the UKofGBandNI be kind enough to volunteer to
snag an issue for myself, a resident of one of the former colonies?

Appropriate compensation offered...

I'll try.


Jan 1, 1970
No problem on this side, I'm using IE. Must be your Firefix s.w.
playing daft.

(just another hobbyist)

Terry Pinnell

Jan 1, 1970
RickB said:
No problem on this side, I'm using IE. Must be your Firefix s.w.
playing daft.

Thanks. Yes, turns out I needed to allow cookies.


Jan 1, 1970
Articles from the November 2005 issue already available from the EE


Terry Pinnell

Jan 1, 1970
Terry Pinnell said:
I'll try.

I bought an extra copy yesterday as planned. Do you still want it? If
so, please send address for surface mail.

Magazine as well, or just the CD?

Terry Pinnell

Jan 1, 1970
Terry Pinnell said:
I bought an extra copy yesterday as planned. Do you still want it? If
so, please send address for surface mail.

Magazine as well, or just the CD?

Beginning to look like OP lost interest. No reply to either my initial
reply nearly 3 weeks ago, or the latest one (with simultaneous email).
So if anyone else wants the Elektor CD and/or mag, let me know.

Winfield Hill

Jan 1, 1970
Terry Pinnell wrote...
Beginning to look like OP lost interest. No reply to either my initial
reply nearly 3 weeks ago, or the latest one (with simultaneous email).
So if anyone else wants the Elektor CD and/or mag, let me know.

I'd love to purchase the magazine and CD, if it's still available.


Jan 1, 1970
Would someone resident in the UKofGBandNI be kind enough to volunteer to
Beginning to look like OP lost interest. No reply to either my initial
reply nearly 3 weeks ago, or the latest one (with simultaneous email).
So if anyone else wants the Elektor CD and/or mag, let me know.

Terry, I'm interested... what are the terms?

Dave M
MasonDG44 at comcast dot net (Just substitute the appropriate characters in
the address)

Never take a laxative and a sleeping pill at the same time!!

Terry Pinnell

Jan 1, 1970
DaveM said:
Terry, I'm interested... what are the terms?

Two requests at once! Sorry Dave, looks like Win beat you to it by a
hour or so. Maybe he could forward it to you when he's through with
it? Or maybe someone else in UK can snatch a copy if there are still
any around?

Terry Pinnell

Jan 1, 1970
Winfield Hill said:
I'd love to purchase the magazine and CD, if it's still available.

Let me have a surface mail address and I'll send it winging its way
across the pond to you.

See also my reply to Dave.

Michael Black

Jan 1, 1970
Terry said:
Let me have a surface mail address and I'll send it winging its way
across the pond to you.
Maybe you should hold out for a mention in the next edition of The Book.


Winfield Hill

Jan 1, 1970
Terry Pinnell wrote...
Let me have a surface mail address and I'll send it winging its
way across the pond to you.

OK, see here it is. Tomorrow I'll send you our FedEx account
number for you to use in the shipping.

Winfield Hill
Rowland Institute
100 Land Blvd
Cambridge, MA 02142
See also my reply to Dave.

I'd be happy to send it all along to Dave after I've looked at it.
Sorry I beat him; I'm sitting home at my computer, sick with a cold.


Jan 1, 1970
sounds like a popular dvd/magazine. what was in it that made it so


Two requests at once! Sorry Dave, looks like Win beat you to it by a
hour or so. Maybe he could forward it to you when he's through with
it? Or maybe someone else in UK can snatch a copy if there are still
any around?


Terry Pinnell

Jan 1, 1970
Winfield Hill said:
OK, see here it is. Tomorrow I'll send you our FedEx account
number for you to use in the shipping.

Winfield Hill
Rowland Institute
100 Land Blvd
Cambridge, MA 02142

I'd be happy to send it all along to Dave after I've looked at it.
Sorry I beat him; I'm sitting home at my computer, sick with a cold.

OK, 298 gm, ready to ship.

FedEx might be quicker/safer, or I'll cheerfully just pop along to
local post office. Having added 'USA' to the above, we can be
reasonably confident it won't turn up in the Cavendish or somewhere

I'll await your email. Don't have your ID, and my worthy spam
defender, MailWasher, is sometimes a tad over-zealous. So please
confirm here that you've emailed me. Don't worry about duplication
either - I sometimes zap a few babies with the bath water!

Get well soon.