Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Haven't had luck elsewhere, so here goes ...


Brian Goldsmith

Jan 1, 1970
I have been looking everywhere without any joy - can anyone help me?

Able to drive a search engine? Just fired up google to see how hard
you looked, using "Yamaha DV-S5450 region" and "crack or code".
Shiteloads of hits, the first one I tried gave me the answer.

next time, I'll leave you to do your own search ....

**** Jeez,Budgie,you're a hard man.:)
Anyone could have seen that the OP used the magic words "I have been
looking EVERYWHERE--".
Translation:- "I haven't got the foggiest notion of what I am doing".

Brian Goldsmith.

Rod Speed

Jan 1, 1970
Gee budgie, you'd also better tell us what search engine to use,

Same one you tried, stupid.
Google certainly isn't up to it....

You certainly aint up to it...
0 hits for "Yamaha DV-S5450 region"

You're sposed to leave the quote marks out, stupid.
That hit shows up if you do.

The quote marks tell google to search for that PHRASE.
i.e. without the and "crack or code"
5 hits for "Yamaha DV-S5450" region
but none of them corresponding to the one above

Its there if you leave the quote marks out, stupid.
So please let us in on the secret,

Just how many of you are there between those ears ?
or, failing that, tell me where to
find the code for an LG V-692W.
(and yes, I have tried

But clearly havent got a clue about how to use google.

Mark van der Eynden

Jan 1, 1970
budgie said:
yep, what he said ....

Gee it's easy to get flamed here...............

I could say I've been using google before it was google, but you
probably wouldn't understand.

It was you who put the quotes in, not me. And if you are trying to
educate someone (the orignal poster, perhaps) you should be accurate
in what you write, i.e. putting in quotes that create an incorrect
result (in this case) does not contribute to the education of the

Have a nice one,
