Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Help! VeriBest / Mentor Question!


Craig Suffolk

Jan 1, 1970

I am trying to draw an ellispe for a solder mask and the only tools
that I have to do that are the Arc tool. Needless to say, my Ellipse,
looks like crap. Is there any way to may a real Ellipse in Veribest?

-Michele Fontoya


Jan 1, 1970

I am trying to draw an ellispe for a solder mask and the only tools
that I have to do that are the Arc tool. Needless to say, my Ellipse,
looks like crap. Is there any way to may a real Ellipse in Veribest?

It's been a few years since using Veribest/Expedition but there used
to be a lot of handy tools in the 'bin' directory such as cdb2ascii
and back annotation tools.

Therefore, I'm going to make the sweeping assumption that there is a
tool to import ASCii into schematics/PCB, which seems reasonable as
the logo of the company I was working for at the time had 2 elipses.

Next, read up on how to generate the ASCii files, and knock out a few
lines of VB or your chosen language to spit out a series of short
straight lines, and import that.

More lines: smoother curve,