Maker Pro
Maker Pro

how do I add preset memory and digital control of analogue circuit ?


Richard Crowley

Jan 1, 1970
"clubsprint" wrote (many times) ...

Point of Usenet etiquitte ("netiquitte"):
It is not necessary to post individual messages of
"thanks" to each person. A single message will be
read and appreciated by everyone.

It is also undesirable to quote the entire message
back to the newsgroup, particularly if your response
is brief or only dialogs with one or two points within
the message.

We are all very happy to help you, but please
don't return the favor by posting lots of duplicate
content back to the newsgroup.

If you could reveal a bit more information about
what you are doing, it would make it easier for us
to recommend things like how to make tradeoff
decisions between programmable pots and the
more expensive alternatives (for example). Or
whether solid-state switches or traditional relays
would be better for a particular application. A
description of the salient parts of the circuit would
likely sufficice if you don't want to reveal the overall
product, etc.

Phil Allison

Jan 1, 1970
"Richard Crowley"
"clubsprint" wrote (many times) ...

** Forget it.

The guy is a rabid, nut case troll.

...... Phil

Mogens V.

Jan 1, 1970
Phil said:
"Richard Crowley"

** Forget it.

The guy is a rabid, nut case troll.

That was a Bit uncalled-for harshly said..

Richard Crowley

Jan 1, 1970
"Mogens V." wrote ...
That was a Bit uncalled-for harshly said..

Reading, and replying to a notorious troll
like Allison makes you a troll-helper. Some
of us have him killfiled for a good reason.
Please help maintain the SNR by stifling
your temptation to reply to this source of

Phil Allison

Jan 1, 1970
"Richard Crawling Crowley"

** **** off -


......... Phil


Jan 1, 1970
Mogens V. said:
That would be the ADA MicroCab speaker emulator, right?
Well, closely, my intention is to use the ADA design as a jump off
point and expanding on what they've done, adding more extensive EQ, cab
and midi control.


Jan 1, 1970
My apologies, I was just trying to acknowledge everyone who contributed.
The circuit I want to mod is the ADA Microcab
I plan to add additional EQ and cab sims and was thinking about adding
presets and midi
program change and was wondering what it was going to take.
I haven't even had the time to check all the supplied resources out yet.

Mogens V.

Jan 1, 1970
Clubsprint said:
My apologies, I was just trying to acknowledge everyone who contributed.
The circuit I want to mod is the ADA Microcab
I plan to add additional EQ and cab sims and was thinking about adding
presets and midi
program change and was wondering what it was going to take.
I haven't even had the time to check all the supplied resources out yet.

I may see _some_ point in additional EQ, though not a lot, as the µCab
already feature several sims and a switch for 'bright' speakers.
Maybe a presense control. Take a look at the Ampulator for ideas on more
or different cab sims; that's what I'm doing.
As to MIDI controls, IMO all that's needed is being able to switch
between the various sims and add some means to switch bright, thump and
some added EQ (i.e. presence) in/out. Shouldn't be too hard to implement
using a 20 pin PIC.

Let's continue in the thread you started on the adadepot (when it's up
again after maintenance).


Jan 1, 1970
Mogens V. said:
I may see _some_ point in additional EQ, though not a lot, as the µCab
already feature several sims and a switch for 'bright' speakers.
Maybe a presense control. Take a look at the Ampulator for ideas on more
or different cab sims; that's what I'm doing.
As to MIDI controls, IMO all that's needed is being able to switch between
the various sims and add some means to switch bright, thump and some added
EQ (i.e. presence) in/out. Shouldn't be too hard to implement using a 20
pin PIC.

Let's continue in the thread you started on the adadepot (when it's up
again after maintenance).

Yeah cool.
I only had a cursory glance at the Ampulator. I'll read up.