Maker Pro
Maker Pro

OLinuXino, a serious Rasberry Pi competitor?


Andrew Smallshaw

Jan 1, 1970
We play the 24 films at 25,
That makes them shorter, a good thing with most Hollywood crap,
and it also increases the pitch of the voices,
so we think all those Hollywood actors are pussies.

At 25 Hz PAL, sure, but not 30 Hz NTSC. You can make exactly the
same point with imported videos. And as for the out of pitch
soundtrack that hasn't been true for 20 years or so. Similarly,
the lies you refer to much later in a largely irrelevant post are
deinterlacing artifcats rather than anything to do with frame frame.

Get ssome current understanding, come back in six months if you
still have an axe to grind. It's perfectly clear to me now that
that is all this is.

Nico Coesel

Jan 1, 1970
Jan Panteltje said:
No I was referring to C++
Cannot stand it.
It is a crime against humanity.

Spoken like someone unwilling to learn something new. C++ actually
offers a lot to avoid common mistakes made in C. When used right you
can create more robust programs and cut down on time wasted on


Jan 1, 1970
No I was referring to C++
Cannot stand it.
It is a crime against humanity.

I must agree. That blazing idiot Strousup thought that smalltalk like
objects really could be smoothly bolted onto C. Thirty years later it is
finally becoming apparent to even him that it wasn't the best idea.



Jan 1, 1970
Spoken like someone unwilling to learn something new. C++ actually
offers a lot to avoid common mistakes made in C. When used right you
can create more robust programs and cut down on time wasted on

So does Pascal, Object Pascal, Ada, Perl, Python and many other languages.
And guess what, none of them have the same mind bending inconsistencies
that C++ endured for so many years.


Vinzent Hoefler

Jan 1, 1970
Nico said:
Spoken like someone unwilling to learn something new. C++ actually
offers a lot to avoid common mistakes made in C.

And enables you to make a whole lot new ones instead.
When used right

Yeah. That's the hard part.



Jan 1, 1970
Hey, if you think object bolting in C++ is bad, check out Matlab some
time -- amazing they managed to pull it off at all. :)

Pragmatically speaking, C++ is pretty good -- it offered a lot of the
power of "pure" OO languages such as Smalltalk or LISP, and as history
has shown, none of those languages have ever been hugely successful
commercially... whereas C++ very much has been. I.e., the choice wasn't
ever C++ or Smalltalk, it was C++ or C.

I am a little surprised that Apple decided to make Objective C the
primary programming language of iThings ... I suppose that's what you
end up with if you don't like C++ that much but don't want to suck all
the performance out of your app using something like LISP.

LISP isn't really object oriented. It is actually something even more
