Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Orcad Viewer doesn't work



Jan 1, 1970
Nico said:
Joerg said:
JeffM said:
Joerg wrote:
JeffM wrote:
Joerg wrote:
Man, Eagle is so much better,
the *.sch files always contain _everything_.

Yup. **Everything**.

I have had no such issues in over five years that I use Eagle.

That's one data point.
The experience Marcus had is another.

[...]when dealing only with honest people
(who refuse to run stolen software) there is no problem.

The trick is to *assure* that.
Marcus *thought* he was safe, yet he still got screwed by Cadsoft.
Everyone has to decide for himself if he wants to roll the dice
--or just avoid Cadsoft's stuff.
I maintain that even the "legit" stuff you get from the company
is still warez.

You seem to be on a cruzade there :)

Perhaps but I like to be warned.
He wrote, quote "It happened that back then, I reused a very small part
of this schema (with copy and paste) in one of my projects and continued
to copy and paste the same part from my project into a couple of other
projects of mine later on."

I never do that, ever. That's quite similar to downloading some
executable from an unknown source and then complaining that all hell
broke loose.

What is an unknown source? Some day you might get Eagle symbols from a
semiconductor firm. With Eagle you can't trust those. This effictively
cripples the ability of semiconductor firms to distribute Eagle

AFAIK only schematic parts can trigger that. But I don't know, I never
copy symbols but create my own. Semi mfgs never really distribute symbols.

The bottom line is: when a company assumes all of their clients are
criminals, I don't want to be a customer.

If someone buys an iPod at a "too good to be true" price in a pub, then,
well, chances are the police will take it away and there will not be a
refund. I know the law in your country is a bit weird in that respect
but that's how it is here. And should be.
AFAIK: depending on the version (>version 9) the symbols are inside
the schematics file.

The .DSN, yes. They're in the design cache, which has to be updated whenever
someone on the block sneezes.

Martin Riddle

Jan 1, 1970
Joerg said:
That one is for converting between formats. For viewing itself they
recommend the capture viewer (Myriad).

Where do I load them to? Myriad does not have any parking structure

I have an old 9.2 student version. What Capture format are the
schematics in?



Jan 1, 1970
Martin said:
I have an old 9.2 student version. What Capture format are the
schematics in?

Thanks, Martin. Very kind but that won't work, it's a few versions
younger than that.


Jan 1, 1970
Jim said:
I remembered that after I commented.

And the reader they promoted can't read that. This is almost like at a
Lada dealer in Moscow, where the displayed model had flat tires.


Jan 1, 1970
Jim said:
I just installed the Myriad Viewer. Works like a champ on OrCAD
Capture files ;-)

As if we expected otherwise :)

Hint: The Myriad Viewer only supports the OrCAD .DSN format. Your
client probably sent you some sub-schematic ??

No, it's DSN files. I just followed the standard installation procedure
(but into a directory of my choice), nothing fancy.


Jan 1, 1970
Jim said:
I just installed the Myriad Viewer. Works like a champ on OrCAD
Capture files ;-)

As if we expected otherwise :)

Hint: The Myriad Viewer only supports the OrCAD .DSN format. Your
client probably sent you some sub-schematic ??

Question: Was that a fairly big multi-sheet set of schematics? Reason I
ask is that Keith wrote it works on simple schematics but not large
ones. So, I guess I am (again ...) not the only one here.
Slowly I begin to understand. It ain't looking good at all ...

I have PDF Creator, and some others. But that doesn't display *.dsn files.

Your customer uses PDF Creator to print PDFs from OrCrap and you use
PDF-XChange as the viewer. ;-)


Jan 1, 1970
Your customer uses PDF Creator to print PDFs from OrCrap and you use
PDF-XChange as the viewer. ;-)

That's what we are doing right now. Other clients convert to DXF for
some reason. Which is why I bought a mechanical CAD. Which actually
works ... :)

Just thought about skipping the intermediate step and commenting right
inside the schematic. But I guess not.

Martin Riddle

Jan 1, 1970
Joerg said:
Thanks, Martin. Very kind but that won't work, it's a few versions
younger than that.

If it becomes a last resort you can try, let me know. It’s a freebe
from Orcad before they became Cadence. Limited connections of nodes,
but will open up any size schematic.
Only saves schematics under 60 or so nodes. Hence 'Student version'.



Jan 1, 1970
Jim said:
Seems to work with even really old drawings... and a 5 year old one
with 134 pages :)

Beats me why it doesn't work here. It's newer version stuff, I don't
have any older version files. Do you have a schematic that contains one
of your already published (as in non-confidential) circuits as *.dsn
that you could email me? At least that would tell me whether the Myriad
install worked or not.

I really like this tool! Glad you had problems that caused me to not
only tweak you under the chin, but try it out myself :)

Glad to have been of help then :)

They advertise the CIS ViewReader as a tool for ViewLogic conversions,
might also be helpful.
'krw' don't know shit. He hasn't even tried it. I have. It works
nicely. I'm glad you brought it up. It's going to a very useful tool
since it can bring foreign designs into OrCAD, which I can use as a
front-end for PSpice... save me some manual translating.

You have gone senile.

Sjouke Burry

Jan 1, 1970
JeffM said:
JeffM wrote:
[...]just avoid Cadsoft's stuff.
Joerg said:
You seem to be on a cruzade there :)
Years ago, I had a company spend money with that vendor.
That that vendor now treats **paid** customers as thieves
bugs the hell out of me.
DRM only affects **legit** customers
(and Murphy says it will occur when you're up against the clock)
...and DRM doesn't phase the pirates in the slightest;
they always know how to deal with this crap anyway.
[...]quite similar to downloading some executable
from an unknown source
and then complaining that all hell broke loose.
Frame it any way you want.
A vendor that includes in its warez
the ability to lock me out of my work product
gets all the scorn I can heap on them.

Jim said:
Pretty hard to have a problem like that
when a schematic file is text-only (as in PSpice Schematics :)
Not really. The problem *is* in the text-format file;
the issue shows itself when the app accesses that file.
It's not an insurmountable issue
*if* you know what's happening.
When a **paid** customer suddenly encounters DRM,
he now has to learn how to be a pirate.
(See "Murphy", above.) Screw that.

The moral of the story is that
payware corps feel they can do whatever they want
and when it comes to software, the old rules are passe'.
Investigate the ethics of a corp BEFORE buying their stuff.
Do not ASSuME anything with payware vendors.

If they use DRM, learn how to crack it BEFORE you start to use it.
...or just **AVOID** the scummy corp and their DRM'd crap.

Hear hear!!!!!!!!!


Jan 1, 1970
Joerg said:

So, in order to be able to view Orcad schematics I gave Cadence all my
information, address, profession, shoe size and so on. That allowed me
to download the Myriad viewer. Tried it with various client schematics
and it always results in the same error:

"File load error: Internal library error"

What gives? Any idea how to fix this or about a better viewer?

Guys, I figured it out, with the help of Jim and my client:

Jim sent some files and they opened fine. Then my client who uses
Capture 16.3 saved in 16.2 and ... Myriad opens that as well. IOW,
Myriad does not seem to support the file format of the latest release.
Ain't that just great?


Jan 1, 1970
Michael said:
You know that air was rationed, like everything else.

And foot pumps probably weren't available until the next 5-year plan
kicked in, and then only if you had connections to some of the higher-ups.

Spehro Pefhany

Jan 1, 1970
Thought so.

There are still businesses that think that customers are truly partners
and treat them that way. Cadsoft is one of them.

BTW, Orcad used to be that way, too. I bought Orcad-SDT in 1989 and
there was no dongle or anything. Heck, not even an initialization code.
You loaded it onto your HD and that was it.

Their layout program not only had a dongle but was a buggy piece of
garbage in the beginning.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany

Spehro Pefhany

Jan 1, 1970
Question: Was that a fairly big multi-sheet set of schematics? Reason I
ask is that Keith wrote it works on simple schematics but not large
ones. So, I guess I am (again ...) not the only one here.

Probably. I've seen it work with 15+ page hierarchical schematics in a
fairly recent version.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany
Guys, I figured it out, with the help of Jim and my client:

Jim sent some files and they opened fine. Then my client who uses
Capture 16.3 saved in 16.2 and ... Myriad opens that as well. IOW,
Myriad does not seem to support the file format of the latest release.
Ain't that just great?

When I tried it with 15.something, a year ago, it didn't work either.

Charlie E.

Jan 1, 1970
Well! I have the real deal so I can convert my Schematics to OrCAD
for those clients needing it.

Charlie E would know... he used to work for MicroSim/OrCAD/Cadence.

...Jim Thompson

Sorry guys,
Been goofing off and getting work done today while waiting for the
solder stencils to get here for the next prototype...

The .DSN file SHOULD contain all the library parts internally. It
keeps a local cache of the parts in the design. One of those gotchas
when you go and alter the part in the library, and then wonder why all
those transistors have the wrong parameters on them...

Can you have the originator try opening the files on a 'virgin'
machine? It could be he has been archiving the files after turning
off the 'library files' option since, of course, they already HAVE all
the library files configured!

Yes, adding the library files to the archive is an option... :-(


Charlie E.

Jan 1, 1970
JeffM said:
Joerg wrote:
JeffM wrote:
Joerg wrote:
Man, Eagle is so much better,
the *.sch files always contain _everything_.

Yup. **Everything**.

I have had no such issues in over five years that I use Eagle.

That's one data point.
The experience Marcus had is another.

[...]when dealing only with honest people
(who refuse to run stolen software) there is no problem.

The trick is to *assure* that.
Marcus *thought* he was safe, yet he still got screwed by Cadsoft.
Everyone has to decide for himself if he wants to roll the dice
--or just avoid Cadsoft's stuff.
I maintain that even the "legit" stuff you get from the company
is still warez.

You seem to be on a cruzade there :)

He wrote, quote "It happened that back then, I reused a very small part
of this schema (with copy and paste) in one of my projects and continued
to copy and paste the same part from my project into a couple of other
projects of mine later on."

I never do that, ever. That's quite similar to downloading some
executable from an unknown source and then complaining that all hell
broke loose.

Pretty hard to have a problem like that when a schematic file is
text-only (as in PSpice Schematics :)

...Jim Thompson
Except Schematics doesn't contain any of the symbol library info, so
you have to include a complete set of libraries when you send a copy
to someone... :)
