Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Output comparison of Analog vs Digital mems accelerometer


May 30, 2024
May 30, 2024
Analog vs. Digital MEMS Accelerometer Output Comparison

We are developing a condition monitoring device and are currently testing its performance using the SPM Vib-15 as a reference, which is a well-known industrial condition monitoring device.

SPM Vib-15 Vibrameter (Analog Device):
Link to datasheet: Here

Our Device with ST Accelerometer Sensor (IIS3DWB Digital Sensor):
Link to the datasheet: Here

IIS3DWB Configuration:

  • Accelerometer ODR: IIS3DWB_XL_ODR_26k7Hz
  • Effective ODR: 26.9 kHz
  • Full Scale: ACCELERO_FS_16
  • Hardware Filter: IIS3DWB_HP_ODR_DIV_800

We are measuring the acceleration RMS and velocity of a compressor/chiller/motor in an industrial setting during normal operation. Despite the IIS3DWB sensor providing output in all three axes, we are considering only the Y-axis, which aligns with the SPM Vib-15.

We have taken readings for acceleration peak, acceleration RMS, and speed RMS using both our device and the SPM Vib-15. However, our device's readings are significantly different from those of the SPM Vib-15, particularly at higher vibration levels (almost double). The acceleration RMS values have been converted to G to match the units used by the vibrameter, and velocity RMS values are already in mm/s for both devices.

Despite similar measurement conditions and proper mounting of both devices, our readings do not match the SPM Vib-15 readings. Given that both devices serve the same application, should we expect the digital sensor data from the IIS3DWB to closely align with the analog sensor output from the SPM Vib-15?

Are we making an error by comparing the outputs of an analog sensor to those of a digital sensor? What could be causing these discrepancies?

We have also attempted linear regression for calibration, but it did not resolve the issue.

Additional Information
Here is an image of the testing devices mounted on the machine:
At right side is our device (Biggest one) and SPM Vib-15 is on the left side in first image.

We would appreciate any insights or suggestions on this matter.


May 7, 2021
May 7, 2021
No, issue is not resolved yet.

Looking for help.
Well, it seemed like the issue was resolved since you wanted to delete your post.

So what is the frequency response specification for the two accelerometers, and what is the digital sampling rate?


May 30, 2024
May 30, 2024
Well, it seemed like the issue was resolved since you wanted to delete your post.

So what is the frequency response specification for the two accelerometers, and what is the digital sampling rate?
what is the digital sampling rate? -->26.7k hz,
and bandwidth is --> 6k hz for digital one.

and for the analog , it is 3-1000 hz