Maker Pro
Maker Pro

piezo tweeters


Oldus Fartus

Jan 1, 1970
** So if I dare reply to mindless pesonal abuse I then cop even more
from you ?

Go to straight hell you senile arsehole.

You are blustering again Aunty. Your dyslexia appears when you bluster.

Rob Judd

Jan 1, 1970
Phil said:
** And all fair questions and all facts too I see.

** That I can agree with - and you are an absolute, first class one.

Plus a lunatic Scientologist as well.

So this has something to do with religious bigotry? Well, you are a
sadder specimen than even I gave you credit for. I just assumed you were
a common-garden psycho.

I haven't had any contact with that group in years. But it hardly adds
any weight to your arguments on electronics, and in fact is quite
BTW I know Allen Wright - and all about him.

How nice for you. WTF does that have to do with me?


Phil Allison

Jan 1, 1970
Rob Judd said:
So this has something to do with religious bigotry?

** Scientology is no damn "religion".

Well, you are a sadder specimen ....

** Big mistake arsehole.

I haven't had any contact with that group in years. But it hardly adds
any weight to your arguments on electronics, and in fact is quite

** So your *are* one of those fucking crazies.

How nice for you. WTF does that have to do with me?

** Enjoy fixing those crappy radar detectors under warranty for him in
1979 ???

Did you work in the Wentworth Avenue, AWE place ?

Know Clive Broome, Joe Rasmussen or Rowan McCombe as well ??

Our paths have crossed - we missed by "that much".

............... Phil


Jan 1, 1970
Phil Allison said:
** The addy says it all.

What a moron.

Huh? It doesn't say anything actually...

I should learn to head my own advice!

pretentious hypocrite - cowcunt... yeah, same dif.

I just couldn't stand to go through life with a seemingly
uncontrollable, irrational and meaningless hatred of complete
strangers on Usenet.

I genuinely feel sorry for this poor man. However, I feel compelled
to ignore disadvantaged souls clambering for attention - whether they
are harassing you for spare change outside Central Station or crying
out for help on this newsgroup.

Phil Allison

Jan 1, 1970
Phil Allison wrote:

Yes. Yes. No. No. Yes.
Interesting. So what? None of this is the slightest bit relevant,

** It is to who you claim to be and what you claim to know - and your
whole smug attiude of superiority.

and since it all happened 24 years ago I can't for the life of me figure why
you're bringing it up.

** I was employed at AWE for a while around 1980 - doing audio

Then I started my own business.

*** I was not then, nor have ever been a Scientologist. ***

But you were - as I guessed.

Plus a phoney, a bullshit artist , a pathetic poseur, etc etc - as
per usual for one.

........... Phil

Rob Judd

Jan 1, 1970
Phil said:
** It is to who you claim to be and what you claim to know - and your
whole smug attiude of superiority.

You're getting worked up, Phil. Sit down in front of your hi-fi VCR and
play a bit of soothing music through your 15" speakers with Motorola
tweeters, it should calm you right down. Bwahahaha.
and since it all happened 24 years ago I can't for the life of me figure why

** I was employed at AWE for a while around 1980 - doing audio

Then I started my own business.

*** I was not then, nor have ever been a Scientologist. ***

But you were - as I guessed.

Plus a phoney, a bullshit artist , a pathetic poseur, etc etc - as
per usual for one.

By the time you worked there, I had been at Wang Computer for 18 months
in their Rosebery national tech support workshop, and then moved to
Canberra. We missed by more than a little at AWE.

By that time, Allen had left Scientology as I recall (or was about to do
so). Rowan McCombe was not a Scientologist on the two occasions I met
him in '78, and afaik never was. Don't know about the others you
mentioned, I've never met them.

Essentially you're clutching at straws to build a straw man. They're
*so* easy to detect, and even easier to torch.

Like I already said, have a nice life.
