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RE Bigpond news server



Jan 1, 1970
Was there a time when it did?

Not Telstra - not even Telecom Australia - definitely P.M.G.

Take Care. ~~
Feral Al ( @..@)
(\-- Ü--/)
^^^ % ^^^


Jan 1, 1970
So does Firefox or Opera, without Google tracking.

}By tracking you mean cookies?

Nope, you can turn those off. Your server connection is tracked regardless.



Jan 1, 1970
Noddy said:
I've had accounts with all three, and in my experience Telstra is *easily*
the absolute worst in terms of staff knowledge and customer service, and
by a very long way. Their only saving grace is that they have the best
network coverage, which forces you between a rock and a hard place.

Well it's a long time since I could afford Telstra, but the service once was
far better than anything I've ever had from Optus or Vodaphone :-(

If ever there was a country that needed a *massive* telecommunications
overhaul it's this one.

That's what John Howard gave us :-( Now we get to spend more taxpayer money
to upgrade the network than it was sold for. Lost the $5B every year they
were getting in revenue *after* network upgrade costs. Seen a triplication
of networks at great expense, a loss of a hundred thousand jobs in Telstra
and support industries, and the customer service has gotten worse.
Unfortunately the government can't "fix" it now, even with an NBN.



Jan 1, 1970
Feral said:
Not Telstra - not even Telecom Australia - definitely P.M.G.

Right, how did I forget all the name changes. Here's one you missed though,
Australian and Overseas Telecommunications Commission, when they originally
merged with OTC. Most people don't remember it, didn't last long under that



Jan 1, 1970
Right, how did I forget all the name changes. Here's one you missed though,
Australian and Overseas Telecommunications Commission, when they originally
merged with OTC. Most people don't remember it, didn't last long under that

I didn't miss OTC because; OTC weren't part of the P.M.G. Engineering
Division. They featured separately in the Gazette.

Take Care. ~~
Feral Al ( @..@)
(\-- Ü--/)
^^^ % ^^^


Jan 1, 1970
Well it's a long time since I could afford Telstra, but the service once was
far better than anything I've ever had from Optus or Vodaphone :-(

Not today.
That's what John Howard gave us :-( Now we get to spend more taxpayer money
to upgrade the network than it was sold for. Lost the $5B every year they
were getting in revenue *after* network upgrade costs. Seen a triplication
of networks at great expense, a loss of a hundred thousand jobs in Telstra
and support industries, and the customer service has gotten worse.
Unfortunately the government can't "fix" it now, even with an NBN.

Thank Paul Keating. It was his deficit that Forced Howard to sell half
of Telstra in the first place.


Jan 1, 1970
Not Telstra - not even Telecom Australia - definitely P.M.G.


Given that there was *no* competition in the PMG's day whatsoever, how
do you qualify such a ridiculous statement?


Jan 1, 1970
Maybe not, but it was far better once than it is now.

It's hard to imagine that it could be any worse.

I've been trying to get an ADSL connection for the last 2 years now but
can't because I'm too far from the exchange. If that was *really* the
case then I'd just suck it up and move on, but the neighbour across the
road is 120 odd meters *further* from the exchange than I am and they
gave him one a couple of months ago. My dispute with telstra is ongoing
and has been for a while.

Yet at least three times a month I get cold called from Telstra's
"Philipines" based marketing department asking me if I'd like to change
from my wireless account to ADSL2.

Their left hand has no fucking idea what their right hand is doing....

D Walford

Jan 1, 1970

Given that there was *no* competition in the PMG's day whatsoever, how
do you qualify such a ridiculous statement?
Also there were no mobiles or internet and a lot fewer landlines so its
possible service was better but there is no real comparison to now.
In the 50's my parents had the only phone in our immediate area so not
many phones to go wrong.


Jason James

Jan 1, 1970
I didn't miss OTC because; OTC weren't part of the P.M.G. Engineering
Division. They featured separately in the Gazette.

OTC trainee technicians used the DCA school for the first couple of
years [due the basic electronics being taught], then they switched to
dedicated OTC curriculum for the final 2 or 3 years..


F Murtz

Jan 1, 1970
Noddy said:
How would anyone *outside* Telstra know that, when Telstra *themselves*
can't give you an answer about it?

Given my experience with Tesltra over the last couple of years, I would
imagine that if their news server *was* getting the chop the "bigpond
team" would probably be the last to know :)

Honestly I don't know why you're getting so hung up about this as their
server was pretty unreliable even when it *was* working. Just subscribe
to Eternal-September or any of the other reliable news feeds and spend
less of your life worrying.
I use eternal september but it does not list some of the things that
telstra did.

Jason James

Jan 1, 1970
Also there were no mobiles or internet and a lot fewer landlines so its
possible service was better but there is no real comparison to now.
In the 50's my parents had the only phone in our immediate area so not
many phones to go wrong.

In 1983 PMG [or wot ever they were called then] took 5 weeks to
install a home-phone. They dug a trench diagonally across my front
yard. Failed to fill it properly, so I got bogged in my own frontyard
with the 1800 :)



Jan 1, 1970
Well it's a long time since I could afford Telstra, but the service once was
far better than anything I've ever had from Optus or Vodaphone :-(

That's what John Howard gave us :-( Now we get to spend more taxpayer money
to upgrade the network than it was sold for. Lost the $5B every year they
were getting in revenue *after* network upgrade costs. Seen a triplication
of networks at great expense, a loss of a hundred thousand jobs in Telstra
and support industries, and the customer service has gotten worse.
Unfortunately the government can't "fix" it now, even with an NBN.

You really are a fckwitt , we all know JH's response was to solve the
massive debt Keating created , another labor fskup


X-No-Archive: Yes

Wolfgang Wildeblood

Jan 1, 1970
Right, how did I forget all the name changes. Here's one you missed though,
Australian and Overseas Telecommunications Commission, when they originally
merged with OTC. Most people don't remember it, didn't last long under that


I think that is wrong, Trevor, but I'm not sure. My recollection:- OTC
and Telecom Australia were never merged. OTC was merged with Aussat to
form AOTC, and AOTC was privatised to become Optus.

F Murtz

Jan 1, 1970
Noddy said:
It's hard to imagine that it could be any worse.

I've been trying to get an ADSL connection for the last 2 years now but
can't because I'm too far from the exchange. If that was *really* the
case then I'd just suck it up and move on, but the neighbour across the
road is 120 odd meters *further* from the exchange than I am and they
gave him one a couple of months ago. My dispute with telstra is ongoing
and has been for a while.

Yet at least three times a month I get cold called from Telstra's
"Philipines" based marketing department asking me if I'd like to change
from my wireless account to ADSL2.

Their left hand has no fucking idea what their right hand is doing....
Just spent an hour on the phone with tech services, even with him
connecting remotely with my computer so he could see connection with
eternal sept working and bigpond not,got nowhere. Am getting call back
tomorrow from case manager from my long running case number (she was not
there today)

F Murtz

Jan 1, 1970
Noddy said:
I'd be more than a little surprised if the "tech" actually knew what you
were talking about.
Maybee they are doing it to see how many complaints are generated before
switching it off.