Maker Pro
Maker Pro

red halo on objects, rear projection tv

I have a red halo on anything white and other coloerd objects too,
could the red drive be to high? this rptv is about 10yr old zenith
52", i can get to the service srreen but it dosent have any adjustments
for drive or convergence like newer models?

Ken G.

Jan 1, 1970
Its probaby dirty on the lenses and mirror inside and if that model has
liquid coolant its probably cloudy and needs to be replaced a big job .
The coolant will short out circuits if dripped in them
I'm not very up to date on Zenith But basing it on RCA which I have
been working on for a lot of years, It could also be a weak red (CRT
RED PICTURE TUBE)If you could remove screen you could look right into
the red lense. That would tell you a lot (dirty lense, contaminated
coolant fluid or with set off look at the color of face of each tube If
red is darker than others the phosper coating on front of tube is
burned (replace tube) C Grob


Jan 1, 1970
Contrary to what the others have said here, Zeniths have a very high HV block
failure rate. Even the replacements, especially the aftermarket ones.

Zeniths do get coolant leaks, but that usually dumps on the PC boards. It
usually doesn't affect the focus. They also don't have a very high rate of
coolant contamination, it happens but not alot.

If it was the mirror the haze would be pretty much gray.

The focus is behind the front cover, and if you can adjust it for good focus,
order the block, it is about to fail. Also when you do this turn the picture to
max, but then turn it way down along with the brightness and see if you get
retrace lines. Dim the lights to make sure. If there are retrace lines turn the
G2 down as low as you can and still have a good picture, then order the block
and do not let the set run unattended. If possible don't run it at all or you
might wind up with a screen burn.

I assume you know something if you are in the service menu and haven't screwed
it up, but if you don't work on these things, you might want to refer it to a
qualified pro.
