Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Repairing car alternators



Jan 1, 1970
Does anyone have a url for the nitty gritty (test, etc) of repairing car

Two Bob

Jan 1, 1970
Does anyone have a url for the nitty gritty (test, etc) of repairing car

99% of the time it's bearings and brushes. That'll be $250 thank you.

David L. Jones

Jan 1, 1970
Last time mine was the diodes, so I must be in the 1%

Do was mine, had an external regulator fitted after that.



Jan 1, 1970
Terryc said:
Does anyone have a url for the nitty gritty (test, etc) of repairing car

You'll find most of it in the car's service manual... seen one and
you've seen 'em all (well almost). One that uses the same make of
alternator from the same era will be close enough in most instances.

You can also obtain service sheets on virtually any make and model
from the agent for the particular brand. That's how the trade keeps
abreast of things, but you may need to ask very politely if you're not
part of it.

If you're thinking of doing rewinds you'll need to dig deeper, but
there are tech manuals available.

If you're thinking of the cheap and dirty test gear that avoids
capital outlay, like using a 240vac pilot globe in lieu of an
expensive insulation tester, then you'll need to ask someone who knows
as they're not likely to risk crucifixion (as well as electrocution)
by providing the details here. The fact that it costs bugger all and
works better won't impress your minders in the nanny state (or the
politically correct who lurk among us).

Some of the old time texts, like Dykes, are likely to provide the
precise details though. My armature growler (not relevant to
alternators) was built from a plan published in 1925 (suitably
modified to use modern components). A 2007 drill armature (or a 1960
car generator) can't tell the difference, although a workplace health
and safety inspector probably can. ;-)


Jan 1, 1970
David said:
Do was mine, had an external regulator fitted after that.

Okay, being lasy, I ask
"replacement diodes are more expensive?"
or it was just easier.

I must admit that I considering taking all that external as it will give
me more stuff to play with in the battery charger project.