Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Replacing a fusible resistor on a laptop...?


Brian Maupin

Jan 1, 1970
A bad car adaptor blew out what HP calls a "fusible resistor" on my
motherboard and I'd like to replace the resistor rather than the
entire motherboard like HP wants me to do. I have one of two options:
1) Take it someplace where they'll charge me an ungodly amount to do
it (one estimate was around $100) or 2) Fix it myself.

I was wondering, will most electronics repair places replace the
resistor or just buy a new motherboard and replace that?

What would I have to do in order to locate the resistor and replace it
if I were to do it on my own? I've done some simple soldering before
but I'm not sure about detaching the resistor...

Thanks in advance!


Jan 1, 1970
A bad car adaptor blew out what HP calls a "fusible resistor" on my
motherboard and I'd like to replace the resistor rather than the
entire motherboard like HP wants me to do. I have one of two options:
1) Take it someplace where they'll charge me an ungodly amount to do
it (one estimate was around $100) or 2) Fix it myself.


On the ones I have the casing is light grey.
It looks like a normal resistor but will have the board legend "FR
xxxx" - they are usually 1/2 watt or so though can be smaller .

Shouldn't be too hard to swap it . I usually cut the legs off flush
with the board and pull the remains through from the print side
(carefully) - works most of the time, then clean up with solder wick
and replace .



Jan 1, 1970
If it's like most of HP's laptops, it a surface mount resistor near the
power connector. They're pretty easy to swap, just don't use too much heat
on the board.

Brian Maupin

Jan 1, 1970
I'm not able to find anything labeled with an "FR" near the power
connector but I have found a small (probably 1/8 inch wide) grey/black
retangular box directly next to the power connector and it appears to
have a hairline crack in it. Could this be it? What writing were you
refering to? The white lettering on the motherboard itself or the
lettering actually on the resistors?


Jan 1, 1970
Check to see if there is continuity on the chip with a DVM. You might also
look under a magnifying glass to see it better.

Brian Maupin

Jan 1, 1970
Ok, I'll try and found our DVM to check the continuity. I've also
scanned the mother board and posted a picture of what I think might be
the reisitor. The pictures is located at
Is this what it should look like?

Brian Maupin

Jan 1, 1970
Oops, that arrow should be pointing at the smaller black rectangle to
the right. That one appears to have a very small crack in it... could
that be the problem?