Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Sine Lookup Table with Linear Interpolation



Jan 1, 1970
0 should be a good start. Do you
remember Ray Andraka?

Yes, of course. I should have thought of that. I don't go to his site
often, but his stuff is always excellent. I may have even downloaded
this paper before. I took a look at the CORDIC once a few years ago and
didn't get too far. I'm happy with my current approach for the moment,
but I will dig into this more another time.

I appreciate the link. Thanks Jerry.


Jan 1, 1970
Seems what they instead do is implement

sin(M)cos(L)+cos(M)sin(L) where M and L are the more and less
significant bits of theta. Also, cos(L) tends to be almost 1,
so they just say it is 1.

I did a little work with this tonight and guess what, this is nearly the
same as the linear interpolation. cos(M) is as you say, nearly one. So
close in fact, that using the 10 msbs for M and an 18 bit output word,
there value calculated for the 1023rd entry is 0x40000.

That leaves sin(L). Surprise! This turns out to be a straight line! So
the formula is FAPP the same as the linear interpolation with the added
fudge factor of multiplying sin(L) by cos(M) rather than just
multiplying L directly with the difference sin(M+1)-sin(M). The sin*cos
method does require a second table to be stored. In fact, the paper you
reference uses a bit of slight of hand to include both the cos(M) *
sin(L) at a lesser precision both in the input and output of this table.
I'm not sure how well this would work with higher precision needs, but
I suppose it is worth a bit further look. It would be nice to eliminate
the multiplier which is used in the linear interpolation.

So I think this is just different strokes for different folks in the
end. The sin*cos method might work out a little better with the RMS
noise depending on how the second table is handled. But I think it may
end up... well, in the noise anyway.

I think the real problem is that as the resolution of the input
increases, the second table gets harder to keep small. But their trick
of essentially tossing the middle bits seems to work fairly well.

Seems like that is one of the suggestions, but not done in the ROMs
they were selling. Then the interpolation has to add or subtract,
which is slightly (in TTL) harder.

Yes, I see this note. This seems to be exactly what I was thinking. But
I don't think the data has to be subtracted. The unadjusted error is
zero at the end points of each interpolated line and consistently
increases in toward the middle from each end point. Adjusting the data
in the table results in an error that instead goes positive and
negative, but the table data is still always added, although they don't
deal with the issues of implementing more than 90 degrees. If you go
around the clock you then need to consider sign bits (as opposed to sine
bits) on the inputs to the tables.

The interpolated sine was done in 1970 with 128x8 ROMs. With larger
ROMs, like usual today, you shouldn't need it unless you want really
high resolution.

I am working in a small FPGA with rather limited block RAM capabilities.
It is already on the board, so I can't swap it out. I also need two
generator circuits which pushes the limits a bit more. At least I don't
have any shortage of adder/subtractors or all the other logic this will

Thanks for the pointer and the advice.


Jan 1, 1970
rickman said:
It is a lot of document for just two pages. Try this link to see the
short version...
isn't it "fubar" ?


glen herrmannsfeldt

Jan 1, 1970
In comp.dsp rickman said:
On 3/18/2013 2:10 PM, Jerry Avins wrote:

(snip, ending on CORDIC)
Yes, of course. I should have thought of that. I don't go to his site
often, but his stuff is always excellent. I may have even downloaded
this paper before. I took a look at the CORDIC once a few years ago and
didn't get too far. I'm happy with my current approach for the moment,
but I will dig into this more another time.

I once thought I pretty well understood binary CORDIC, but it
is also used in decimal on many pocket calculators. I never got
far enough to figure out how they did that.
I appreciate the link. Thanks Jerry.

-- glen

glen herrmannsfeldt

Jan 1, 1970
(snip, I wrote)
I did a little work with this tonight and guess what, this is nearly the
same as the linear interpolation. cos(M) is as you say, nearly one. So
close in fact, that using the 10 msbs for M and an 18 bit output word,
there value calculated for the 1023rd entry is 0x40000.
That leaves sin(L). Surprise! This turns out to be a straight line! So
the formula is FAPP the same as the linear interpolation with the added
fudge factor of multiplying sin(L) by cos(M) rather than just
multiplying L directly with the difference sin(M+1)-sin(M). The sin*cos
method does require a second table to be stored. In fact, the paper you
reference uses a bit of slight of hand to include both the cos(M) *
sin(L) at a lesser precision both in the input and output of this table.
I'm not sure how well this would work with higher precision needs, but
I suppose it is worth a bit further look. It would be nice to eliminate
the multiplier which is used in the linear interpolation.

It has been a while since I used a table with actual interpoltation, but
as I remember it they give you the spacing somewhere on the table.
Now, you could have one table to look up the spacing and another to
calculate the interpolation value (that is, a multiply table).

So, they divide the problem up into 16 different slopes, but the
slopes are equally distributed in theta.
So I think this is just different strokes for different folks in the
end. The sin*cos method might work out a little better with the RMS
noise depending on how the second table is handled. But I think it may
end up... well, in the noise anyway.

Well, it is also convenient for the size of ROMs they had available.
(Or the other way around. A convenient use for the size of ROMs
they had to sell.) The tradeoffs might be different for more,
smaller ROMs. I believe the manual I had (and didn't find) has the
actual ROM tables listed. At least I thought it did.

It could also be pipelined, especially with more levels of ROM.
I think the real problem is that as the resolution of the input
increases, the second table gets harder to keep small. But their trick
of essentially tossing the middle bits seems to work fairly well.

(snip, I wrote)
Yes, I see this note. This seems to be exactly what I was thinking. But
I don't think the data has to be subtracted. The unadjusted error is
zero at the end points of each interpolated line and consistently
increases in toward the middle from each end point. Adjusting the data
in the table results in an error that instead goes positive and
negative, but the table data is still always added, although they don't
deal with the issues of implementing more than 90 degrees. If you go
around the clock you then need to consider sign bits (as opposed to sine
bits) on the inputs to the tables.

Oh, I think I see what you mean. But it might have bigger slope
discontinuities that way.
I am working in a small FPGA with rather limited block RAM capabilities.
It is already on the board, so I can't swap it out. I also need two
generator circuits which pushes the limits a bit more. At least I don't
have any shortage of adder/subtractors or all the other logic this will

If you have more, smaller ROMs I think the idea can be repeated.
That is, have High, Mid, and Low bits, and two levels of interpolation.
Thanks for the pointer and the advice.

-- glen


Jan 1, 1970
this *should* be a relatively simple issue, but i am confused

On 3/16/13 6:30 PM, rickman wrote:
I've been studying an approach to implementing a lookup table (LUT) to
implement a sine function. The two msbs of the phase define the
quadrant. I have decided that an 8 bit address for a single quadrant is
sufficient with an 18 bit output.

10 bits or 1024 points. since you're doing linear interpolation, add one
more, copy the zeroth point x[0] to the last x[1024] so you don't have
to do any modulo (by ANDing with (1023-1) on the address of the second
point. (probably not necessary for hardware implementation.)

x[n] = sin( (pi/512)*n ) for 0 <= n <= 1024

So you are suggesting a table with 2^n+1 entries? Not such a great idea
in some apps, like hardware.

i think about hardware as a technology, not so much an app. i think that
apps can have either hardware or software realizations.

Ok, semantics. What word should I use instead of "app"?

What is the advantage?

in *software* when using a LUT *and* linear interpolation for sinusoid
generation, you are interpolating between x[n] and x[n+1] where n is
from the upper bits of the word that comes outa the phase accumulator:

#define PHASE_BITS 10
#define PHASE_MASK 0x001FFFFF // 2^21 - 1
#define FRAC_BITS 11
#define FRAC_MASK 0x000007FF // 2^11 - 1
#define ROUNDING_OFFSET 0x000400

long phase, phase_increment, int_part, frac_part;

long y, x[1025];


phase = phase + phase_increment;
phase = phase & PHASE_MASK;

int_part = phase >> FRAC_BITS;
frac_part = phase & FRAC_MASK;

y = x[int_part];
y = y + (((x[int_part+1]-y)*frac_part + ROUNDING_OFFSET)>>FRAC_BITS);

now if the lookup table is 1025 long with the last point a copy of the
first (that is x[1024] = x[0]), then you need not mask int_part+1.
x[int_part+1] always exists.

Also, why 10 bit
address for a 1024 element table?

uh, because 2^10 = 1024?

that came from your numbers: 8-bit address for a single quadrant and
there are 4 quadrants, 2 bits for the quadrant.

No, that didn't come from my numbers, well, not exactly. You took my
numbers and turned it into a full 360 degree table. I was asking where
you got 10 bits, not why a 1024 table needs 10 bits. Actually, in your
case it is a 1025 table needing 11 bits.

why wouldn't you use those extra bits in the linear interpolation if
they are part of the phase word? not doing so makes no sense to me at
all. if you have more bits of precision in the fractional part of the phase

Because that is extra logic and extra work. Not only that, it is beyond
the capabilities of the DAC I am using. As it is, the linear interp
will generate bits that extend below what is implied by the resolution
of the inputs. I may use them or I may lop them off.

not in software. i realize that in hardware and you're worried about
real estate, you might want only one quadrant in ROM, but in software
you would have an entire cycle of the waveform (plus one repeated point
at the end for the linear interpolation).

and if you *don't* have the size constraint in your hardware target and
you can implement a 1024 point LUT as easily as a 256 point LUT, then
why not? so you don't have to fiddle with reflecting the single quadrant
around a couple of different ways.

OK, thanks for the insight.

i read this over a couple times and cannot grok it quite. need to be
more explicit (mathematically, or with C or pseudocode) with what your
operations are.

It is simple, the LUT gives values for each point in the table, precise
to the resolution of the output. The sin function between these points
varies from close to linear to close to quadratic. If you just
interpolate between the "exact" points, you have an error that is
*always* negative anywhere except the end points of the segments. So it
is better to bias the end points to center the linear approximation
somewhere in the middle of the real curve. Of course, this has to be
tempered by the resolution of your LUT output.

If you really want to see my work it is all in a spreadsheet at the
moment. I can send it to you or I can copy some of the formulas here.
My "optimization" is not nearly optimal. But it is an improvement over
doing nothing I believe and is not so hard. I may drop it when I go to
VHDL as it is iterative and may be a PITA to code in a function.

not with defining the points of the table. you do that in MATLAB or in C
or something. your hardware gets its LUT spec from something you create
with a math program.

I don't think I'll do that. I'll most likely code it in VHDL. Why use
yet another tool to generate the FPGA code? BTW, VHDL can do pretty
much anything other tools can do. I simulated analog components in may
last design... which is what I am doing this for. My sig gen won't work
on the right range and so I'm making a sig gen out of a module I build.

BTW, to do the calculation you describe above, it has to take into
account that the end points have to be truncated to finite resolution.
Without that it is just minimizing noise to a certain level only to have
it randomly upset. It may turn out that converting from real to finite
resolution by rounding is not optimal for such a function.

i'm just thinking that if you were using LUT to generate a sinusoid that
is a *signal* (not some parameter that you use to calculate other
stuff), then i think you want to minimize the mean square error (which
is the power of the noise relative to the power of the sinusoid). so the
LUT values might not be exactly the same as the sine function evaluated
at those points.

I don't get your point really. The LUT values will deviate from the sin
function because of one thing, the resolution of the output. The sin
value calculated will deviate because of three things, input resolution,
output resolution and the accuracy of the sin generation.

I get what you are saying about the mean square error. How would that
impact the LUT values? Are you saying to bias them to minimize the
error over the entire signal? Yes, that is what I am talking about, but
I don't want to have to calculate the mean square error over the full
sine wave. Curently that's two million points. I've upped my design
parameters to a 512 entry table and and 10 bit interpolation.

what are "lines"? not quite following you.

Segments. I picture the linear approximations between end points as
lines. When you improve one line segment by moving one end point you
also impact the adjacent line segment. I have graphed these line
segments in the spread sheet and looked at a lot of them. I think the
"optimizations" make some improvement, but I'm not sure it is terribly
significant. It turns out once you have a 512 entry table, the sin
function between the end points is pretty close to linear or the
deviation from linear is in the "noise" for an 18 bit output. For
example, between LUT(511) and LUT(512) is just a step of 1. How
quadratic can that be?

if you want to define your LUT to minimize the mean square error,
assuming linear interpolation between LUT entries, that can be a little
complicated, but i don't think harder than what i remember doing in grad
school. want me to show you? you get a big system of linear equations to
get the points. if you want to minimize the maximum error (again
assuming linear interpolation), then it's that fitting a straight line
to that little snippet of quadratic curve bit that i mentioned.

God! Thanks but no thanks. Is this really practical to solve for the
entire curve? Remember that all points affect other points, possibly
more than just the adjacent points. If point A changes point A+1, then
it may also affect point A+2, etc. What would be more useful would be
to have an idea of just how much *more* improvement can be found.

sin(t) = t + ... small terms when t is small

cos(t) = 1 - (t^2)/2 + ... small terms when t is small

but they beat you by a few hundred years.

Blame my parents!

Robert Baer

Jan 1, 1970
glen said:
(snip, I wrote)

I just tried it, copy and paste from the above link, and it worked.

You might be sure to use Adobe reader if that matters.

Also, it is page 273 in the document, page 282 in the PDF.

I had used my "standard" 4.0 Acrobat; fails in that manner very reliably.
ver 7.0 works 100 percent; thanks.

Robert Baer

Jan 1, 1970
glen said:
(snip, I wrote)

I just tried it, copy and paste from the above link, and it worked.

You might be sure to use Adobe reader if that matters.

Also, it is page 273 in the document, page 282 in the PDF.

One of many reasons i hate Adobe Reader 7.0: along near the top is a
number of cons, one is the so-called hand tool and it defaults as
"selected" - BUT you see the "hand" only while moving the cursor and
when you stop that changes to the "select tool" so that it is IMPOSSIBLE
to move the page around.
When moving the hand, the mouse will highlight text if push left
button; CANNOT grab!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That always works in 4.0 ..
Newer versions are worse.

Robert Baer

Jan 1, 1970
glen said:
(snip, I wrote)

I just tried it, copy and paste from the above link, and it worked.

You might be sure to use Adobe reader if that matters.

Also, it is page 273 in the document, page 282 in the PDF.

The basic approach given there is very good; use of puny 4 or 5 digit
tables is a major weakness: sqrt(2)/2 as 0.7071 is junk; CRC in the
squares, cubes and roots section gives sqrt(2) as 1.414214 (6 digits)
and sqrt(50) as 7.07168 (also 6 digits).
And if one needs more, use the Taylor series (for reasonably small
angles) as it converges fast (Nth odd power and Nth odd factorial).
--or, use the FPU in the computer to get SIN and COS at the same time!

Reduction from 360 degrees helps:
"Split" 180 degrees: sin(-x)=-sin(x)
"Split" 90 degrees: sin(180-x)=sin(x)
"Split" 45 degrees: sin(90-x)=cos(x)
"Split" 22.5 degrees: (sqrt(0.5)*(cos(x)-sin(x))
Small angles requires less iterations for a given accuracy.


Jan 1, 1970
Robert said:
The basic approach given there is very good; use of puny 4 or 5 digit
tables is a major weakness: sqrt(2)/2 as 0.7071 is junk; CRC in the
squares, cubes and roots section gives sqrt(2) as 1.414214 (6 digits)
and sqrt(50) as 7.07168 (also 6 digits).
And if one needs more, use the Taylor series (for reasonably small
angles) as it converges fast (Nth odd power and Nth odd factorial).
--or, use the FPU in the computer to get SIN and COS at the same time!

Reduction from 360 degrees helps:
"Split" 180 degrees: sin(-x)=-sin(x)
"Split" 90 degrees: sin(180-x)=sin(x)
"Split" 45 degrees: sin(90-x)=cos(x)
"Split" 22.5 degrees: (sqrt(0.5)*(cos(x)-sin(x))
Small angles requires less iterations for a given accuracy.

But, but, but, but,.... we work in radians!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Except maybe a carpenter!


Eric Jacobsen

Jan 1, 1970
Yes, of course. I should have thought of that. I don't go to his site
often, but his stuff is always excellent. I may have even downloaded
this paper before. I took a look at the CORDIC once a few years ago and
didn't get too far. I'm happy with my current approach for the moment,
but I will dig into this more another time.

I appreciate the link. Thanks Jerry.

If you just type "CORDIC FPGA" in Google it's the third link that
comes up.

Eric Jacobsen
Anchor Hill Communications

glen herrmannsfeldt

Jan 1, 1970
I had used my "standard" 4.0 Acrobat; fails in that manner very
reliably. ver 7.0 works 100 percent; thanks.

For a long time (years) I was using 5.0 because it had some features
that later ones didn't. I had 8.0 for the cases where that failed, but
you can't run both at once. If you run another one, it just passes
the file to the first one.

Some time ago, I wrote a program to generate LZW compressed PDF
from scanned bitmaps as PDF 1.0 files. (Among other things, only
the usual 7 bit ASCII is allowed.)

Later, I wrote on for JBIG2 compression, which I believe is 1.2
(That is, Acrobat 3.0.)

But yes, many files require newer versions.

-- glen

glen herrmannsfeldt

Jan 1, 1970
The basic approach given there is very good; use of puny 4 or 5 digit
tables is a major weakness: sqrt(2)/2 as 0.7071 is junk; CRC in the
squares, cubes and roots section gives sqrt(2) as 1.414214 (6 digits)
and sqrt(50) as 7.07168 (also 6 digits).
And if one needs more, use the Taylor series (for reasonably small
angles) as it converges fast (Nth odd power and Nth odd factorial).
--or, use the FPU in the computer to get SIN and COS at the same time!

But not so bad for 43 years ago!

That was close to the beginning of MOS mask ROMs. It requires a 12V
power supply, though the outputs are still TTL compatible, using
both -12V and +5V power supplies.
Reduction from 360 degrees helps:
"Split" 180 degrees: sin(-x)=-sin(x)
"Split" 90 degrees: sin(180-x)=sin(x)
"Split" 45 degrees: sin(90-x)=cos(x)
"Split" 22.5 degrees: (sqrt(0.5)*(cos(x)-sin(x))
Small angles requires less iterations for a given accuracy.

-- glen

robert bristow-johnson

Jan 1, 1970
On 3/19/13 12:05 AM, glen herrmannsfeldt wrote:
It requires a 12V
power supply, though the outputs are still TTL compatible, using
both -12V and +5V power supplies.

my goodness we're old, glen.

Jasen Betts

Jan 1, 1970
He indicated that his target is an FPGA that has no multiplies. This
is the exact environment where the CORDIC excels. LUTs can be
expensive in FPGAs depending on the vendor and the device.

yeah, you're right, I looked at the code on the wikipedia page and it
was full of multiplies, but looking closer reveals they are all shifts
and sign changes.

glen herrmannsfeldt

Jan 1, 1970
(snip, I wrote)
what was that EPROM? a 2716 or 2708 or something like that?

As I remember it, the 2708 requires +12, +5, and -5V.
Also, the programmer has to put pulses of just the right
current/voltage and timing into the data pins when writing.

The Intel 2716 is 5V only, and for writing the data pins
are at TTL levels. Only one pin needs to have an appropriate
timed pulse.

But the TI 2716 is more like the 2708.

-- glen


Jan 1, 1970
One of many reasons i hate Adobe Reader 7.0: along near the top is a
number of cons, one is the so-called hand tool and it defaults as
"selected" - BUT you see the "hand" only while moving the cursor and
when you stop that changes to the "select tool" so that it is IMPOSSIBLE
to move the page around.
When moving the hand, the mouse will highlight text if push left button;
CANNOT grab!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That always works in 4.0 ..
Newer versions are worse.

I have always felt that in terms of the UI, Acrobat was one of the
*worst* commercial software packages I have ever seen and every new
version just gets worse. On top of that, they seem to produce much more
buggy code than most. I used it in one job as part of our "ISO" process
for document sign off. This part of the tool was so bad that it
actually impacted out productivity and not in a positive way. Yet, big
companies continue to buy the tool because it is the one with the most
professional image. Its not like companies actually test this stuff...