Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Smd resistor unbelievable

73's de Edd

Aug 21, 2015
Aug 21, 2015
Sir bushtech . . . . .

Oh yes . . . . those are being the common as dirt military and aerospace designs workhouses . . .SM versions of 2N2222A and an occassional 2N2907A thrown in as its PNP counterpart / twin.
Of those resistor codes you gave, the 01A . . .100 ohm . . . is the only "burnable" unit at this units primary circuitry operating voltages.
Can you track down the foil paths connected to the visible 01A unit that end up at transistors and component connecttions.
Then you compare the section with its burnt units traces going to ITS set of foil connections and ITS related parts , ( ( but with other assigned part numbers.)

Then if you look at the schematic you can see that you have two identical circuits on top and bottom.

If you then compare, the burnt parts identity might fall into place by comparing the two different circuits.

As it stands I'm heavily suspicioning the burnt part as being the comparative same part on the other good / undamaged circuit.

Its going to require some ohmmeter work to research.

As it is, I am unable to visually make out, what with having two subtle shades of green differentiations between the board proper and its foil paths.
The blocking by the additional white silk screened on markings further complicates also.

73's de Edd


Sep 13, 2016
Sep 13, 2016
Yes, very difficult, even looking at the board. So very few of these connections is a100% certainty

I hope you were talking about Q4 being the complimentary transistor. I have made a drawing in Kicad showing how I see the connections. It's extremely difficult as I get multiple connectivity all over the place.

Screenshot from 2017-10-09 13-22-14.png

What I don't get is the seeming connection to both sides of diode D6. o_O
Still trying to ID Q19 which looks as if it says W26 with a 21 printed sideways

I hope something makes sense here - above my pay grade:)