Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Solar charged battery with AC outlet


Jul 8, 2017
Jul 8, 2017
This is my first post on this site, so please forgive me if I mess something up or don't give enough information. I'm planning on building a battery that will be powered by solar and will be able to have an American standardized AC outlet for running whatever I can plug in. I don't plan on running any big appliances, just more of a first time build for getting some experience with solar power. I'm relatively new to electronics, so I don't know or understand a lot about the use of resistors and diodes in generic circuits. I've got a basic understanding of things and have a bit of basic electronics experience. I know that I have to run the solar panels into a small battery bank that I'll wire up in parallel, and then run through an inverter before wiring it to a standard outlet. What I really need is some guidance as to how to draw up a circuit to follow in order to build this. Thanks in advance


Mar 5, 2017
Mar 5, 2017
We'd need specifics, what solar panels, charger circuit, batteries, inverter, load, etc. The specs for all of that.

It's all money, but also all math, and a preliminary requirement is usually getting the solar panels in place then determining the average output vs worst case scenario and your worst case (highest) need, and go from there.

It seems you are trying to climb a mountain and need to ask more specific questions about trouble along the way.


Jun 25, 2010
Jun 25, 2010
Start with a block diagram that shows the individual elements of the overall system that you want.

Solar panels - rectifier - power converter/controller - inverter etc

Then add the parameters that feel are necessary to do what you want it to do - starting at the 'end' and determining the maximum load you want to drive.

100W load - 100W (minimum) power converter/controller - rectifier of 'x' amps/volts - panels of 'x' output (over time) etc etc.

Each block in your diagram will be an individual system in its own right and have its associated 'efficiencies' (i.e the amount you get OUT of a block won't be the same as you put IN to it) so you need to calculate the various losses through the circuit.

You'll eventually work backwards to the power required at the input to get the power you want at the output and thus figure out ALL the items you need.

It's then a case of putting all the blocks into practise - purchase them according to your needs and availability. Some blocks may have to be purchased in larger power sizes than you need as this is all that's available - larger is better than smaller!