Maker Pro
Maker Pro

source of flex cable


Michael Kennedy

Jan 1, 1970
I have a casio ex word dictionary that has a broken flex ribbon cable. Is
there anywhere that I could possibly source a replacement. The connection on
each end is the same, and I could live with something that will just work
rather than the original cable. I think there are 28 pins on the end but it
is rather difficult to count. The spacing is the same as if you lined 30
gauge wire side by side. I had tried to solder #30 wire to the connections
unsuccessfully. I thought I had it, the ohm meter said it was good, but I
think when I moved it to assemble everything the weak solder joints broke.

Michael Kennedy

Jan 1, 1970
Michael Kennedy said:
I have a casio ex word dictionary that has a broken flex ribbon cable. Is
there anywhere that I could possibly source a replacement. The connection
on each end is the same, and I could live with something that will just
work rather than the original cable. I think there are 28 pins on the end
but it is rather difficult to count. The spacing is the same as if you
lined 30 gauge wire side by side. I had tried to solder #30 wire to the
connections unsuccessfully. I thought I had it, the ohm meter said it was
good, but I think when I moved it to assemble everything the weak solder
joints broke.

I also forgot to mention that the way it is broken it makes using conductive
paint unfeasible.

Michael Kennedy

Jan 1, 1970
Michael Kennedy said:
I also forgot to mention that the way it is broken it makes using
conductive paint unfeasible.

I looked at this thing again and it has 27 pins with 2 pins per mm.


Jan 1, 1970
Michael said:
I have a casio ex word dictionary that has a broken flex ribbon cable. Is
there anywhere that I could possibly source a replacement. The connection on
each end is the same, and I could live with something that will just work
rather than the original cable. I think there are 28 pins on the end but it
is rather difficult to count. The spacing is the same as if you lined 30
gauge wire side by side. I had tried to solder #30 wire to the connections
unsuccessfully. I thought I had it, the ohm meter said it was good, but I
think when I moved it to assemble everything the weak solder joints broke.

I recently had to fix a portable dvd player which ahd intermittent
laser supply. traced to a duff flex cable between pickup and pcb.My
local parts supplier said NLA. So will have to try elsewhere. I
suppose I'm luckier as i may be able to source one from a scrap cd-
rom drive or similar. maybe you could look at this option....
good luck.


Jan 1, 1970
Michael said:
I have a casio ex word dictionary that has a broken flex ribbon cable. Is
there anywhere that I could possibly source a replacement. The connection on
each end is the same, and I could live with something that will just work
rather than the original cable. I think there are 28 pins on the end but it
is rather difficult to count. The spacing is the same as if you lined 30
gauge wire side by side.

That's not much help to non-americans. 'Gauge' i.e. AWG is a US only measure.
The rest of the world uses mm.

Can you measure the pitch properly ?



Jan 1, 1970
Michael said:
I looked at this thing again and it has 27 pins with 2 pins per mm.

That's no 'ribbon cable' I suspect. Do you mean a flexible pcb construction


Michael Kennedy

Jan 1, 1970
Eeyore said:
That's not much help to non-americans. 'Gauge' i.e. AWG is a US only
The rest of the world uses mm.

Can you measure the pitch properly ?


I later measuered it and it appears to have 2 pins per mm and 27 pins.

Michael Kennedy

Jan 1, 1970
Eeyore said:
That's no 'ribbon cable' I suspect. Do you mean a flexible pcb


Yes I meant flexible pcb.


Jan 1, 1970
Can you specify the model number of your Casio? That might spark a
light for someone that might have a non-working unit in their parts


Arfa Daily

Jan 1, 1970
Michael Kennedy said:
I later measuered it and it appears to have 2 pins per mm and 27 pins.

If it's one of the flexiprints where the tracks terminate as 'fingers' which
then insert into a connector, and it's gone near the end, just at one of the
reinforcing strips, you can often remake the end by removing the reinforcing
strip, and cutting the flexiprint back to just beyond the fracture, with a
sharp scalpel. The plastic coating over the tracks can then be fairly easily
removed using a blunt curved scalpel blade, to expose a new set of
'fingers'. This 'new' end can then be inserted into the connector, and the
reinforcing strip slipped back in behind it.

They are made by Multicomp or Pro Power

and over here, Farnell keep them. You can cut down ones that are too wide
with a sharp scalpel, so I guess you could use a 35 way. You could try and have a look at their US site. Part number for a 35
way 0.5mm pitch here, is 1455407



Jan 1, 1970
Michael said:
Yes I meant flexible pcb.

Right !

That's VERY different. I'd think seriously about whether you need to do this.
These flexible PCBs are custom made in every case. Your only option AFAICS is to
replace it entirely with many very fine wires. Hey, or even just patch the
problem conductors.


Michael Kennedy

Jan 1, 1970
Arfa Daily said:
If it's one of the flexiprints where the tracks terminate as 'fingers'
which then insert into a connector, and it's gone near the end, just at
one of the reinforcing strips, you can often remake the end by removing
the reinforcing strip, and cutting the flexiprint back to just beyond the
fracture, with a sharp scalpel. The plastic coating over the tracks can
then be fairly easily removed using a blunt curved scalpel blade, to
expose a new set of 'fingers'. This 'new' end can then be inserted into
the connector, and the reinforcing strip slipped back in behind it.

They are made by Multicomp or Pro Power

and over here, Farnell keep them. You can cut down ones that are too wide
with a sharp scalpel, so I guess you could use a 35 way. You could try and have a look at their US site. Part number for a 35
way 0.5mm pitch here, is 1455407


You are a lifesaver Arfa! You always help me when I've got a problem. What
happened is it is partially broken in the middle where it flexes. One of the
hinges is broken and thats why the flex broke. Is flexprint the correct name
for this type of cable? I wonder if mouser or digi-key stocks these.


Michael Kennedy

Jan 1, 1970
lmcclaf said:
Can you specify the model number of your Casio? That might spark a
light for someone that might have a non-working unit in their parts


This belongs to my friend from Japan. She bought it in Japan years ago. I
couldn't find the model number until now... It is a XD-R8100.

James Sweet

Jan 1, 1970
That's not much help to non-americans. 'Gauge' i.e. AWG is a US only
The rest of the world uses mm.

Can you measure the pitch properly ?


Conversion charts are readily available, it should be easy to work with
either system.


Jan 1, 1970
James said:
Conversion charts are readily available, it should be easy to work with
either system.

AWG is a pain in the ass. Metric sizes can be directly used in calculations
without the use of any 'tables'.



Jan 1, 1970
Can't you salvage a cable from an old flatbed scanner or printer and cut
it down?
No idea if the pins match but as suggested by another poster, if it's
very small try an old dvd or cd drive for a cable and trim to suit.
I found it's possible to shorten a cable and scrape the plastic off to
expose the contacts again, expose a bit longer and then trim to size.


James Sweet

Jan 1, 1970
Eeyore said:
AWG is a pain in the ass. Metric sizes can be directly used in
without the use of any 'tables'.

Why's it a pain in the ass? A given AWG has a direct metric equivalent, I
have no problem with either system. I prefer metric for everything, but I
guess I just don't see the difficulty. All it takes is memorizing a handful
of numbers, it's easier than the resistor color code.


Jan 1, 1970
James said:
Why's it a pain in the ass? A given AWG has a direct metric equivalent,

An inaccurate equivalent.

I have no problem with either system. I prefer metric for everything, but I
guess I just don't see the difficulty. All it takes is memorizing a handful
of numbers, it's easier than the resistor color code.

There is no NEED for ANY code when using metric measures. Would you like to have
to look up values for voltage, current, resitance, inductance and capacitance in
tables or charts too ?


Arfa Daily

Jan 1, 1970
Eeyore said:
Right !

That's VERY different. I'd think seriously about whether you need to do
These flexible PCBs are custom made in every case. Your only option AFAICS
is to
replace it entirely with many very fine wires. Hey, or even just patch the
problem conductors.


Nope. Readily available in our neck of the woods from Farnell, Graham.


Sam Goldwasser

Jan 1, 1970
lmcclaf said:
Can you specify the model number of your Casio? That might spark a
light for someone that might have a non-working unit in their parts

I'd suggest revisiting the 30 gauge wirewrap wire solution. That's
got to be easier than soldering 50 connections that are less than
1 mm apart!

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