Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Toy 12V motor replacement source???

I got a really good deal (FREE) on a Mattel ride on Caterpillar dump
truck for my son at a garage sale. It had no markings or battery, so I
popped in a 12V motorcycle battery. When I switched it on, I heard two
pops from the back of the vehicle. I think that I burned out both
motors. So now I'm looking for replacements.

Since my quest began, I've learned that this toy takes a 6V battery to
drive both motors. I guess this explains the "pop" sound and confirms
my theory of the motors being blown.

The local repair shop wants $20 each and $100 to install them, which
is way more than the toy is worth--new. Does anyone know how I can buy
these myself? The shop wouldn't tell me anything.

Thanks for all the help.


Dave Plowman (News)

Jan 1, 1970
Since my quest began, I've learned that this toy takes a 6V battery to
drive both motors. I guess this explains the "pop" sound and confirms
my theory of the motors being blown.
The local repair shop wants $20 each and $100 to install them, which
is way more than the toy is worth--new. Does anyone know how I can buy
these myself? The shop wouldn't tell me anything.

It's not uncommon for major parts such as these to cost more than the
total. And even if you could find the maker - if not the toy one - they
too might charge as much unless you order several thousand...

It's possible they have thermal fuses mounted internally on the windings.
May be possible to change these. But it's a long shot.

Michael Kennedy

Jan 1, 1970
Dave Plowman (News) said:
It's not uncommon for major parts such as these to cost more than the
total. And even if you could find the maker - if not the toy one - they
too might charge as much unless you order several thousand...

It's possible they have thermal fuses mounted internally on the windings.
May be possible to change these. But it's a long shot.

*A journey of a thousand sites begins with a single click *

Dave Plowman [email protected] London SW
To e-mail, change noise into sound.

Those things usually run on 12 volts.. Did you try taking the motors out and
powering them directly from the battery to be sure something else isn't


James Sweet

Jan 1, 1970
I got a really good deal (FREE) on a Mattel ride on Caterpillar dump
truck for my son at a garage sale. It had no markings or battery, so I
popped in a 12V motorcycle battery. When I switched it on, I heard two
pops from the back of the vehicle. I think that I burned out both
motors. So now I'm looking for replacements.

Since my quest began, I've learned that this toy takes a 6V battery to
drive both motors. I guess this explains the "pop" sound and confirms
my theory of the motors being blown.

The local repair shop wants $20 each and $100 to install them, which
is way more than the toy is worth--new. Does anyone know how I can buy
these myself? The shop wouldn't tell me anything.

Thanks for all the help.


Usually a DC motor will run just fine on 2X the rated voltage for at least a
while, are there any fuses? I suggest checking for voltage at the motors and
working backwards. If they are in fact bad, remove one and look at the size,
you should be able to find a surplus motor that can be made to fit. Electric
motors from micro miniature to massive multi-hundred horsepower industrial
motors tend to come in standard frame sizes and mounting configurations so
it's usually not too hard to sub one.

Jumpster Jiver

Jan 1, 1970
I got a really good deal (FREE) on a Mattel ride on Caterpillar dump
truck for my son at a garage sale. It had no markings or battery, so I
popped in a 12V motorcycle battery. When I switched it on, I heard two
pops from the back of the vehicle. I think that I burned out both
motors. So now I'm looking for replacements.

Since my quest began, I've learned that this toy takes a 6V battery to
drive both motors. I guess this explains the "pop" sound and confirms
my theory of the motors being blown.

The local repair shop wants $20 each and $100 to install them, which
is way more than the toy is worth--new. Does anyone know how I can buy
these myself? The shop wouldn't tell me anything.

Thanks for all the help.

Look on the local curbs on garbage day. These "power wheels" type toys
are usually thrown away when the battery will no longer hold a charge or
the children grow too large for them.
They probably all use similar motors, drivetrains, and everything else.

Steve Wolfe

Jan 1, 1970
Those things usually run on 12 volts.. Did you try taking the motors out
and powering them directly from the battery to be sure something else
isn't dead?

There are a good number that run on 6V, especially the smaller ones.

I took the 6V, 4.5 AH battery out of my son's, and put in a 12AH battery.
Not only do I get longer run time, the extra weight over the rear axle gives
better traction. :)


Steve Wolfe

Jan 1, 1970
I got a really good deal (FREE) on a Mattel ride on Caterpillar dump
truck for my son at a garage sale. It had no markings or battery, so I
popped in a 12V motorcycle battery. When I switched it on, I heard two
pops from the back of the vehicle. I think that I burned out both
motors. So now I'm looking for replacements.

Since my quest began, I've learned that this toy takes a 6V battery to
drive both motors. I guess this explains the "pop" sound and confirms
my theory of the motors being blown.

Check the fuse. There's always a *small* chance that it popped before the
motor did!


Michael Kennedy

Jan 1, 1970
Steve Wolfe said:
There are a good number that run on 6V, especially the smaller ones.

I took the 6V, 4.5 AH battery out of my son's, and put in a 12AH battery.
Not only do I get longer run time, the extra weight over the rear axle
gives better traction. :)


Well either way it shouldn't have killed the motors instantly.

Chris Jones

Jan 1, 1970
I got a really good deal (FREE) on a Mattel ride on Caterpillar dump
truck for my son at a garage sale. It had no markings or battery, so I
popped in a 12V motorcycle battery. When I switched it on, I heard two
pops from the back of the vehicle. I think that I burned out both
motors. So now I'm looking for replacements.

Since my quest began, I've learned that this toy takes a 6V battery to
drive both motors. I guess this explains the "pop" sound and confirms
my theory of the motors being blown.

The local repair shop wants $20 each and $100 to install them, which
is way more than the toy is worth--new. Does anyone know how I can buy
these myself? The shop wouldn't tell me anything.

Thanks for all the help.


The motors are probably still OK, more likely it's some of the control
electronics that is fried. As one of the other posters suggested, try
testing the motors directly on the battery, with the control electronics


Mark Witczak

Jan 1, 1970
It's a really simple setup (no electronics beyond switches) in this toy,
I don't see any fuses in the wiring. Also, I tried to connect the motor
directly to the 12V battery with no result.

I've searched the web for DC motors and it's been really difficult
finding any supplier that understands the product. Either I get a hobby
shop that doesn't know what it's selling or they're manufacturers of
industrial stepper motors with no desire to talk to me.

So once again, can anyone point me to a retailer of DC motors for 6-12V
applications. Or a vendor that is not afraid to tell me what
model/manufacturer is used for the replacement motors.


James Sweet

Jan 1, 1970
Mark Witczak said:
It's a really simple setup (no electronics beyond switches) in this toy, I
don't see any fuses in the wiring. Also, I tried to connect the motor
directly to the 12V battery with no result.

I've searched the web for DC motors and it's been really difficult finding
any supplier that understands the product. Either I get a hobby shop that
doesn't know what it's selling or they're manufacturers of industrial
stepper motors with no desire to talk to me.

So once again, can anyone point me to a retailer of DC motors for 6-12V
applications. Or a vendor that is not afraid to tell me what
model/manufacturer is used for the replacement motors.

You need to provide us with the frame size, they tend to be fairly standard.
Measure the diameter of the motor, and if you can, the diameter and length
of the shaft. We've already posted links to various places that sell motors,
but without more specific info, you won't get much specific help. Most of
these sort of motors used to be made by Mabuchi, I suspect most are Chinese
now though.