Maker Pro
Maker Pro

WattStopper Lighting Control interference on video projection.


Dec 2, 2009
Dec 2, 2009
I am in charge of our projection system and lighting system at our church. I am an electrician with some electronics background - 8 1/2 years communications repair in the Marine Corps. I designed the projection system and computer layout and have had no problems I couldn't handle, until recently.
I installed a Watt Stopper lighting control system for our general lighting in the sanctuary. I have 12 - 600watt dimmers and 4 - 2000watt dimmers in use. They are remote controlled from a keypad in the video room so that I can dim the lights as needed. When the 2000watt dimmers are ON there is a 3' wide low frequency noise bar that scrolls through my projection, and a hum on the audio line. When the 2000watt dimmers are OFF there isn't any problem. Also, when the 2000watt dimmers are ON there is an audible hum in the video room.
The power for the lights is totally separate from the power for the video room. They do, however, come from the same electrical panel.
Any suggestions on how to fix this problem? An engineer, that attends our church, was going to take a short VGA cable and wrap it around a toroid several times to see if that would work. He's been busy and hasn't had time to do it yet.


Jul 31, 2009
Jul 31, 2009
Noise & interference problems are never easy to solve, especially if one can't see the setup oneself.
Is the noise bar solid or consisting of fine lines or dots?
If it's solid then I don't think a few turns on a ferrite core is going to make any difference.
All I can say is to look for ground loops, and to try isolation transformers for the low-power equipment.


Oct 21, 2006
Oct 21, 2006
LIGHTS COMES AS NEONS SOMETIMES IF THAT IS THE CASE DIMMERS WILL NOT WORK WELL. a hum is like low frequencyy or exessive loading.. If that is not the case then the dimmers are causing either RF modulationinterfering with firing causing the scr or triacs to run as different firing of phase. but it could be something else all too.