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Maker Pro

Weird burning plastic smell from the back of a LED TV?


Jan 7, 2020
Jan 7, 2020
I bought a Sony KD-55XF9005 BAEP 55 inch LED TV two months ago. A week ago I was moving the TV and I noticed that it has a smell of burning plastic coming from the back/edges. It's hard to pinpoint where exactly the smell is coming from, but it's definitely there.

I've read about this and some sources say it might be dust burning inside of the TV, but I have an old laptop which is full of dust, constantly overheating, but it doesn't have a smell (if it does, it's not nearly as bad).

The TV is still working just fine, does that mean it's not a short circuit, in other words - would a short circuit cause it to shut down? What could be any other potential reasons?

In general the longer the TV is on, the worse the smell is. Although the smell is still there even when the TV is turned off.

73's de Edd

Aug 21, 2015
Aug 21, 2015
Sir gfels . . . . .

Hey . . .hey . . . .You say . . .
I've read about this and some sources say it might be dust burning inside of the TV,
I say . . .
No wayyyyyyyyyy
This is a new set . . . . . those SPECIFIC " dust" odors I am well aware with , over all the years . . . . with the MOST distinctly specific ones being asssociated with OLD tube type radios.
Pick one that is on in the years and of the circa 30-40-50's when some units had a HIGH tube count. Leave them stored and collecting dust and floating linters from the air on top of and the sides of their glass / metal s tube envelopes. .
And IF the transcending storage areas were not being OPTIMAL , sprinkle in a bit of raton or meese peese . . . . . or cockly roached deteris.
Fire up that set with now - a - days 128 VAC on it vice . . . . the designed 110-120 VAC . . . . and expect a higher running temp of the tube envelopes.
THEN you will have that VERY distinctive type of odor emanating forthwith after about 10-25 minutes of cooking time..

Now you have a fresh new tee-wee, right out of the box and bristling with all of those fresh ne components and particularly the plastic based xxsupport infrastructure.

I think what you are experiencing is plastic " outgassing " from heated components , and considering your specific area . . . . the units strings of LED backlights and adjunct plastic infrastructure supports / mounts.

AND if your new unit is like the ones lately lauded on TV advertisements, where the whole basic screen depth may only be 1 in thick. Heated areas are somewhat cramped up.

And NOW the words straight from . . . . Mr SONY . . . . and this was ~ 2 yrs back in your sets development timeframe.


Article ID : 00128196 / Last Modified : 11/04/2018

New televisions may produce an unusual smell or odor when first turned on. Due to the manufacturing process of components, televisions and other electronic products can have parts with plastic coatings that may produce a smell after the product is first turned on and warms up. The smell will usually dissipate within days of use and does not return. This is normal and occurs with many electronic products.

NOTE: If the smell continues to linger even after the television has been turned off, ensure there is sufficient ventilation around the TV and in the room and the odor will dissipate.

Thaaaaaaaassit . . . . .

73's de Edd . . . . .

Meanwhile . . . . .
I just won $2.00 in the Mega Millions lottery !
Please kindly respect our privacy as our family decides just how to move forward in this extremely exciting and pivotal moment in time.
