Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Zenith HDR-230 Questions

  • Thread starter David Carlstrom
  • Start date

David Carlstrom

Jan 1, 1970
I have a new Zenith HDR-230. I have a few issues with it and wonder if
anyone else has a similar experience and has learned what had to be done to
resolve the situation. Beyond these I am delighted with the tuner and
recorder. The picture quality is very good and the controls are well
thought out and useful. 1. The auto clock is about three minutes fast.
Manual set works okay. 2. Just after turn on, pressing the Program List
button on the remote, the display says 'Initializing Timeshift'. When that
completes sometimes some or all saved programs are gone. Wait a while
before pressing Program List and all is well. 3. One incident of all
saved programs being missing at turn on, even though I waited long enough
not to get into that initializing mode. Anyone else seen these or other
issues and got them resolved?