Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Zenith projection tv with convergence problem



Jan 1, 1970
I have a 52 inch projection that I started having convergence problems
just about 2 months after the warranty went out. I live in a area
where the only repair is 40 to 50 miles away. We had a shop open up
and I took the tv there and he said the convergence board was out. He
kept the tv for about 4 months and never came across to get the board
or repair.
I have just curved lines on the screen now and see all the colors but
they won't go together. This tv says on the back mfg 1997. I got it
about 1999. It has been out for these 3 years or so.
Here is my question. I have a friend that had what appears to be the
same tv. His tv had a weak pix and the repair man came and turned up
something to get a bright pix but said that it was at it's max. Then a
year later this friends set went completely out.
If the tv is the same as mine can I try myself to take the convergence
board out and put his in. He says I can have it. Can some one tell me
where the board is or what I am looking for.
If you reply you might also send me an email to my email address
[email protected]


Jan 1, 1970
If the TV is the exact same model, you can safely swap the board. If there
are no faults with it, and no other faults in the set, it should work. You
will have to do the complete convergence setup on the board, since it was
set up to the other set.

If you call a technician who is experienced with Zenith sets, and has access
to Zenith parts, he should be able to properly service this for you. The
only obstical that the tech may run in to, is if there are any specialized
parts that have to come from Zenith only, and are no long available.

Sometimes the fault are some defective components that are generic, and they
can be purchased from most electronic parts suppliers.

There are very few excuses for not being able to properly service this for

Larry Oravetz

Jan 1, 1970
If its the same model number as yours...grab ALL of the boards... spares are