Maker Pro
Maker Pro

707 Roll.



Jan 1, 1970
In line.

OK so you want to throw my name into this thread. That's fine. I'm
feeling froggy.
How would you know that the flames lasted for years if you've just
recently started visiting here? It was a great flame fest. Shame you
missed it (or did you?).

I've only recently started posting. And I'm not sorry to say I missed most
of it. Google archives much of what's transpired here for the last few
years though.

I was calling everyone and their cousin down there long before Frank.
I've got news for you. For all of the yapping the Florida board does
they didn't do diddly dick when they actually had the chance. Robert
left himself wide open for a shot when he first got to Florida. He was
offering monitoring on his website and didn't have any disclaimers
regarding Florida residents. I grabbed the opportunity and called the
ECLB. They did NOTHING! NADA. The Hula Hoop. The Big O. They sat on
their asses and told me there was nothing they could do.

You expect them to investigate a complaint from someone outside of their

Anyway Robert covered himself when he adjusted his website.
6 years later he's still listening to who from the ECLB is going to do
what and how they will do it.

Yeah, I know. And he's a "walking dead man" too. Some of the guys here are
way over the top.

Are they threatening him because of my
call? Nope. The threats were triggered from a flame fest between Robert
and some folks from the Florida board. When they had him dead to rights
they did nothing because it wasn't important enough to them but the
second he called them morons they want to hang him. So at what point do
you start thinking that maybe the Florida board doesn't know it's ass
from a hole in the ground, or is more concerned with settling personal
beefs than with protecting the citizens of Florida?

I notice he no longer provides monitoring services.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh an innuendo. The famous Italian suppository

It gets a bit anal here at times.

That would be water under the bridge. I'd say it's case closed because
of what I explained earlier. There gets to be a point where the devil
you know is better than the hypocrites you don't know. We'll disagree
on most things involving business and politics but our opinions will
never be a mystery.

An asshole will always be an asshole. There are two ways to respond to one.
You can tolerate his antics and keep your opinions to yourself, or you can
tell him flat out that he's an asshole. Kissing up to one however, is
taking things just a bit too far.

Who the hell was going to pat him on the back? Be honest.

Robert knows
that anything he posts here will immediately be a target (at times
rightfully so), and that posting a reply regarding the food drive would
be viewed only as him clamoring for attention instead of him doing
something decent. Being we don't accept email from each other where did
you want him to respond? The intention of my post was to thank him

Not everything the asshole posts will become a target. Not everything he
posts is bullshit either, but the ratio of bullshit to meaningful
contribution is still about 8 or 9 to one.

Those 2 have been hammering away at each other so much they should just
tie the knot and get it over with already. Now before we do that
there's a little matter of the names going on the wedding license. One
would be Robert L. Bass. What is the other name? Frank ____________?

I don't see Frank "hammering away" at Bass these days. Unless you want to
call asking for proof "hammering".

Folks attacking him who stay anonymous burns his ass. It's funny
watching him search for info on you guys but by same token it's comical
watching grown men hiding from someone who they claim can't harm them.
It's like whistling in a graveyard. What are you hiding from if you
have nothing to fear?

Bass is an expert at manipulating facts and in the use of Italian
suppositories. Even though individuals he's attacked can prove what he's
said about them is utter fabrication, there will always be that element of
doubt. If some guy emailed me and told me one of my employees was using
"company resources" to perform illegal credit checks, it would be foolish of
me not to investigate. It would be just as foolish for me not to change the
passwords even if that investigation revealed the email to be an utter lie.
What a waste of time and "company resources".

I don't see how reporting genuine illegal activity is a waste of time or
even mean spirited. Bass left himself open to it, and even afterwards
skirted around the issue for years until only recently. I don't see how
informing a manufacturer about his copying software and offering it for
download on his website is anything like what he's done. Christ, Frank sent
me dozens of links that prove beyond a shadow of doubt the man's a liar and
an asshole.

You can continue to "make nice" to each other all day long. Just take it to
another forum if you can't bring yourselves to exchanging sloppy emails,
will ya please?

Frank Olson

Jan 1, 1970
Robert said:
The point is Olson always lies.

Really? And what proof have you offered other than your own feeble
lies, innuendo, and downright nastiness?

His tall tales of aerobatics are just icing on his maneur cake.

And your many installation fairy tales are both the whipped cream and
the sprinkles on your own "maneur" cake.

His entire story is a lie.

I'd say "prove it", but someone's already beat me to it.

not even an installer.

That statement applies to you more than me.

He never held a pilot's license in the US or Canada.

Ummm.... I'm holding both my pilot's licenses now.

He never worked as a tech anywhere in BC.

That statement applies to you more than me.

He's one of
the most accomplished jiminex-shooters I've ever known.

Now there you go again... Dragging poor Jim into more of your
fantasies. Do you figure Tom will "referee" a meeting between the two
of you at the next ISC show, or will Jim just lay you out cold before he
can even say "fight"??

That wouldn't really bother me at all though. I couldn't care less if a few moron techs believe his crap. He went RW on me, called
several of my suppliers trying to interfere with my business.

I called *one* of your "suppliers". Never mentioned my name (or yours),
but asked one simple question. "What do I need to purchase product from
you in Florida?" The guy that answered said: "A Florida License".

He pestered at least one and probably several manufacturers as well.

I only called *one* manufacturer. And you know why.

Most just laughed him off.

Hmmm... I don't recall hearing any laughter. I do recall seeing the
link to their illegally copied software deleted from your website within
minutes of my call.

ADI called and asked who the idiot from Canada is.

I never told the rep anything about me (or that I was from Canada).
Where the heck did you...??!! Never mind... I already know the answer.

DSC didn't even bother sending an email.

The tried
to hurt my business.

Awwwww! Really? That's a laugh.. That's like the guy that's selling
illegal copies of movies telling his customers "they hurt my business"
when the cops raid his house...

Mot necessarily. You might just be stupid enough to believe his nonsense. If you claim you've seen proof of his nonsensical
stories then yes, you're a liar -- possibly a sock puppet. I'm not entirely convinced yet whether you're a liar or just an idiot.

He's an idiot for responding to you. You're the "sock puppet" master.

Nope. Not even close. Tom and I had a major arguement a few years ago.

That's a "nice way" of putting it.

I don't like his business model and I said so.

You repeatedly accused him of running his business illegally. Up until
Groupie Muderator posted the link to his business, that is. And I'm
sure that more than a few AHJ's received phone calls from some idiot in
Sarasota checking up on him...

Presumably, he isn't fond of mine either.

At one point in time, Tom was a lot more "honest" about how he felt
about you. This whole thing goes in "cycles". Some brave soul comes
forward and says "enough is enough", things proceed civilly for about
two months, then you'll upset the applecart with some stupid lame-assed

I checked him out with the state and he believes that I filed a complaint but he's wrong.

I believe you Bass.

I never filed a formal complaint against him or anyone else.

That's another "whopper"... Anyone got any cheese or bacon to go with it?

He may have done the same or even gone farther. I forget what he said
about that. It's water over the dam.

You "forget" nothing.

Notwithstanding the prior unpleasantness, Tom has since done a few things that earned him my respect. First, he refused to join the
slime-balls who rejoiced when I got cancer.

So did I.

Second, he worked to help feed needy people during the holidays.

We each do our bit. Some of us even "advertise".

I doubt we'll ever be
pals but I believe in giving respect where it's due.

Olson has done nothing to earn anyone's respect.

Speaking for the Group again??

He's no different from Cracker, except he's a little slicker.

Check. Graham and I are both *licensed* alarm installers. As for being
"slicker", I drive a Lincoln Navigator. He drives a VW van. He'll
probably pass me at the gas station (that is until the State Troopers
see all the oil he's burning).

You're pretty much
the same as Olson -- assuming you aren't just a sock puppet.

Right. Me and Frank are buds. Have been for years. We both wear
socks, but I'm the one with the wooden head.

I wish. :^)

You hide behind an alias. So what was that about smallness???

Ok... We're all "small men".


Jan 1, 1970
Robert said:
What a laugh. You're too much of a coward even to post using your real name. There's not much chance you'd even have the nerve to
raise your hand to a wimp like Cracker. If you ever get up the nerve, please do come and give it a try, you cowardly punk.


Speaking of having a good laugh.

Really pisses you off that you can't use your "favorite" revenge .....

You're a weakling, chemo fried, pork chop, at this point and the worse
you could do to anyone, would be to faint, and land on someone.

Ya see, you ol unprincipaled dying prick you, eventually someone like
you runs into someone like me. Some one who doesn't give a shit what
the hell you think or what you do or what you are. Just the same way
you've treated people all your contemptuous life. I can **** with your
head all day long and there's not one damn thing you can do about it.
Ain't that a shame...... You pissed off so many people, that you
finnally whittled it down to a select few who wont stand for your
arrogant shit. Who aren't just going to go away and let you do what
ever the **** you feel like doing, without regard for others. Now
you've got me, to treat you the same way. Ain't that special? You can
cry and puff and huff and say what ever you want, but you're a nasty
****, you dead prick you. You're gonna go down in that fucking hole and
there will be hundreds of people who'll say, good riddence. In your
last moments, I hope you're thinking about that.

You deserve every fucking bad thing that happens to you, you piece of

Rant and rave all you want. Boo De Hoo Hoo Hoo!

And in the meantime, I'll laugh you all the way to your grave. And
although no one else will say it, when you're dead, it'll be the
biggest relief since the invention of Gasex.


Jan 1, 1970
Check. Graham and I are both *licensed* alarm installers. As for being
"slicker", I drive a Lincoln Navigator. He drives a VW van. He'll
probably pass me at the gas station (that is until the State Troopers
see all the oil he's burning).

You can't miss it, there's flowers painted all over it and a Grateful
Dead sticker on the bumper!

I brive a dus

Jan 1, 1970
In line.

I've only recently started posting. And I'm not sorry to say I missed most
of it. Google archives much of what's transpired here for the last few
years though. <

Well if you google it you'll understand why today's flamefest is
annoying at best compared to that flamefest masterpiece of years past.
There was always something new to fight about but you guys are
rehashing shit that's 6 years old.
You expect them to investigate a complaint from someone outside of their
jurisdiction? <

Yes. When it involves a company in their jurisdiction I certainly
expect it as should the taxpayers of that state.
Yeah, I know. And he's a "walking dead man" too. Some of the guys here are
way over the top. <

Which kills the quality of a good net brawl.
I notice he no longer provides monitoring services.<

And when he did nothing happened to him which makes it even sillier for
some to claim they can harm him now that he doesn't offer monitoring.

It gets a bit anal here at times.<

It's like Groundhog's Day. same shit over and over again.
An asshole will always be an asshole. There are two ways to respond to one.
You can tolerate his antics and keep your opinions to yourself, or you can
tell him flat out that he's an asshole. Kissing up to one however, is
taking things just a bit too far.<

Nobody is doing any kissing up. Robert has called me an asshole and I
have called him an asshole. How many more times should we exchange
those greetings before it becomes old? We've been at it for 8yrs and
exchanging insults has accomplished nothing.
Nothing has or will change. Does that mean I am fishing buddies with
him because we don't exchange insults? Which one of the fucksticks here
decided that for me?
Not everything the asshole posts will become a target. Not everything he
posts is bullshit either, but the ratio of bullshit to meaningful
contribution is still about 8 or 9 to one.<

See this is where you are wrong. His posts are always a target, and at
times rightfully so, but there are people who search for his posts just
to fight. Hell there are people, myself included, who tracked him to
other newsgroups. Now he's no saint by any means, and caused more than
his share of turmoil here, BUT is he really wrong on 100% of what he
says? Have you ever seen anyone agree with him that didn't have the
last name Campbell? Yes Robert Bass made his bed but how many here
check his sheets 10 times before they check their own?
I don't see Frank "hammering away" at Bass these days. Unless you want to
call asking for proof "hammering".<

Frank's been singing the same shit for years. So has Robert. It's like
I said, the material is OLD. The record is broken. How many times do we
need to read about 737's, BBB reports, credit checks, licensing board
hearings, and calls to suppliers?
Contrary to whatever they may post about their conquests I am certain
the cure for what ails both of them is a piece of tail (preferably not
each others but given their conversations one could mistaken them for
Bass is an expert at manipulating facts and in the use of Italian
suppositories. Even though individuals he's attacked can prove what he's
said about them is utter fabrication, there will always be that element of
doubt. <

Yes he's an expert at posting absurd accusations just like many of us
but it's easy to tell when he's posting bullshit and when he's posting
If some guy emailed me and told me one of my employees was using
"company resources" to perform illegal credit checks, it would be foolish of
me not to investigate. It would be just as foolish for me not to change the
passwords even if that investigation revealed the email to be an utter lie.
What a waste of time and "company resources". <

Now if the guy that emailed you was a guy who one of your employees was
annoying via the internet and late night drunk dials wouldn't you, as
the owner of the business, become concerned at how your company is
being viewed? Imagine finding out that one of your employees has a
psychological disorder and an issue with alcohol?
Don't bullshit me and tell me you'd retain them. You'd show him the
exit immediately.

I don't see how reporting genuine illegal activity is a waste of time or
even mean spirited. Bass left himself open to it, and even afterwards
skirted around the issue for years until only recently. I don't see how
informing a manufacturer about his copying software and offering it for
download on his website is anything like what he's done. Christ, Frank sent
me dozens of links that prove beyond a shadow of doubt the man's a liar and
an asshole. <

Did you see me say it was mean spirited or did you see me say that
those who are bitching missed the boat? They had a chance, they did
nothing but sit on their ass, and now should shut the **** up about it
because the opportunity is gone.
I agree that software shouldn't be distributed to Bill & Mary
Clodhopper but the manufacturers have been notified repeatedly and have
done nothing. I guess it's not as important to them as it is to us.
You can continue to "make nice" to each other all day long. Just take it to
another forum if you can't bring yourselves to exchanging sloppy emails,
will ya please? <

I'll make nice with whoever the **** I want whenever the **** I want
wherever the **** I want and if you or anyone else has an issue with
that they can kiss the rabbit between the ears. Does that clear things

I brive a dus

Jan 1, 1970
Frank said:
Really? And what proof have you offered other than your own feeble
lies, innuendo, and downright nastiness?

And your many installation fairy tales are both the whipped cream and
the sprinkles on your own "maneur" cake.

I'd say "prove it", but someone's already beat me to it.

That statement applies to you more than me.

Ummm.... I'm holding both my pilot's licenses now.

That statement applies to you more than me.

Now there you go again... Dragging poor Jim into more of your
fantasies. Do you figure Tom will "referee" a meeting between the two
of you at the next ISC show, or will Jim just lay you out cold before he
can even say "fight"?? <

Why would I referee something I'd pay to see?
I called *one* of your "suppliers". Never mentioned my name (or yours),
but asked one simple question. "What do I need to purchase product from
you in Florida?" The guy that answered said: "A Florida License".

I only called *one* manufacturer. And you know why.

Hmmm... I don't recall hearing any laughter. I do recall seeing the
link to their illegally copied software deleted from your website within
minutes of my call.

I never told the rep anything about me (or that I was from Canada).
Where the heck did you...??!! Never mind... I already know the answer.

Awwwww! Really? That's a laugh.. That's like the guy that's selling
illegal copies of movies telling his customers "they hurt my business"
when the cops raid his house...

He's an idiot for responding to you. You're the "sock puppet" master.

That's a "nice way" of putting it.<

To quote Rodney (King not Brittain) Can't we all just get along?
You repeatedly accused him of running his business illegally. Up until
Groupie Muderator posted the link to his business, that is. And I'm
sure that more than a few AHJ's received phone calls from some idiot in
Sarasota checking up on him...<

And I accused him of the same. The links posted concerning my business
was done by someone trying to be a wiseass. Did you see Mike's name
attached to it? Why would you accuse Mike of trying to **** with me?
At one point in time, Tom was a lot more "honest" about how he felt
about you. This whole thing goes in "cycles". Some brave soul comes
forward and says "enough is enough", things proceed civilly for about
two months, then you'll upset the applecart with some stupid lame-assed
remark. <

Was I being honest when I said Philly cops questioned him for child
Don't throw my name into your spat and claim I am not being totally
honest just because I'm not jumping on the played out record bandwagon.
Honesty is when you accurately tell all sides of the story and not just
the side that benefits you the most.
You just tell me when you want me to start being brutally honest about
everything here.
I believe you Bass.

That's another "whopper"... Anyone got any cheese or bacon to go with it?

You "forget" nothing.<

I don't forget either but I do dismiss incidents.
So did I.

We each do our bit. Some of us even "advertise".<

Did Robert publically confirm that he contributed? Yes. Did you expect
him to email me after 8 years of hostility? Does ADT do the same shit?
Yes. Do you hold charitable events where they are billed as "Sponsored
by Frank's company"? Do others here do that too? Do I care? No. All I
cared about was making the contributions stretch as far as possible.
Do you think the kids he helped feed gave a shit about his post or do
you think they were more concerned with having a full belly? I bet they
didn't care who was pink as long as it wasn't the bird.

Sure... <

Respect doesn't mean admiration. The Yankees and Red Sox hate each
other but they do respect each other.

Can you please find some new material rather than using me as the
vehicle to rehash the ancient shit?

Frank Olson

Jan 1, 1970
I said:
Why would I referee something I'd pay to see?


To quote Rodney (King not Brittain) Can't we all just get along?

I've been advocating that for years.

And I accused him of the same. The links posted concerning my business
was done by someone trying to be a wiseass. Did you see Mike's name
attached to it? Why would you accuse Mike of trying to **** with me?

It was definitely "Mike". You know it, I know it, and so does everyone
else that's a regular participant. If what Bass says about the numerous
calls to his suppliers from "some guy named Olson", I wouldn't put it
past Mike to use my name to do exactly that. I've spoken to Robert
about this too. Ask him how he responded.

Was I being honest when I said Philly cops questioned him for child

Of course not. What has that got to do with what I said.

Don't throw my name into your spat and claim I am not being totally
honest just because I'm not jumping on the played out record bandwagon.

My apologies.

Honesty is when you accurately tell all sides of the story and not just
the side that benefits you the most.

I agree.

You just tell me when you want me to start being brutally honest about
everything here.

You can start now.

I don't forget either but I do dismiss incidents.

I tried that too. It doesn't work. Bass expects you're going to ignore
his lies, innuendo and outright attacks on others in this Group. To
stand idly by while he spins his malicious web of deceit. If that's the
"respect" you want from him, then by all means you're welcome to it. I
respect your decision not to get involved just as I respect Bob C.,
Stevens, La Londe, and others. The source of the flames is well known
to both of us and that fact has been demonstrated on many occasions when
he's been away from the Group for some time. It's within *his* power to
moderate the responses he gets here.

Did Robert publically confirm that he contributed? Yes. Did you expect
him to email me after 8 years of hostility?

He could have picked up the phone.

Does ADT do the same shit?

I don't agree with it.

Yes. Do you hold charitable events where they are billed as "Sponsored
by Frank's company"?

Nope. We contribute anonymously. I won't mention the charity but it's
responsible for feeding hundreds of the homeless and downtrodden every
day (and not just Christmas or Thanksgiving).

Do others here do that too?

Do I care? No. All I
cared about was making the contributions stretch as far as possible.
Do you think the kids he helped feed gave a shit about his post or do
you think they were more concerned with having a full belly?

Of course not. It's his behaviour in this Group that concerns me. Bass
can be a nasty piece of shit. A wolf in sheep's clothing is still a wolf.

I bet they
didn't care who was pink as long as it wasn't the bird.

Respect doesn't mean admiration. The Yankees and Red Sox hate each
other but they do respect each other.

I tell you what. I respect you. After all the shit Bass has pulled
over the years it's going to take a lot for me to be able to demonstrate
"respect" to him. I've made the first move two years ago and have
limited my responses to asking for proof for the things he says about me
and others. I've not personally attacked him in other Groups unless
he's thrown the first stone. Let's see if Bass is "man enough" to put
away the rocks. Let's see if he's "man enough" to admit he's lied.

Can you please find some new material rather than using me as the
vehicle to rehash the ancient shit?

"New material" would require my "inventing" something about him. That
would be dishonest and a lie. I've never lied in this Group.

I brive a dus

Jan 1, 1970
Frank said:
I've been advocating that for years.<

Do you smoke crack? If we all got along this place would be boring.
It was definitely "Mike". You know it, I know it, and so does everyone
else that's a regular participant. If what Bass says about the numerous
calls to his suppliers from "some guy named Olson", I wouldn't put it
past Mike to use my name to do exactly that. I've spoken to Robert
about this too. Ask him how he responded.<

Nah no way was it Mike. It was done by a cowardly pussy. A fag hiding
behind an alias trying to stir up trouble. Mike? No way.
Of course not. What has that got to do with what I said.<

Well you're saying I'm not as honest as I used to be so I was sharing
some past claims.
My apologies.

I agree.

You can start now.<

Do we have enough bandwidth?
I tried that too. It doesn't work. Bass expects you're going to ignore
his lies, innuendo and outright attacks on others in this Group. To
stand idly by while he spins his malicious web of deceit. If that's the
"respect" you want from him, then by all means you're welcome to it.<

How do you know what he expects, and when was the last time I turned
the other cheek?
Robert and I are not pals but that doesn't mean I'm agreeing with all
the bullshit being tossed around.
respect your decision not to get involved just as I respect Bob C.,
Stevens, La Londe, and others. The source of the flames is well known
to both of us and that fact has been demonstrated on many occasions when
he's been away from the Group for some time. It's within *his* power to
moderate the responses he gets here.<

Involved in what, Frank? There's really nothing left to fight with him
on unless he comes out with another wild keypad story or you come out
with another floating ladder story.
Don't you understand that you two are so fucking lame right now people
are actually hoping Paul starts posting more often?
RHC, Bob LaLonde, and Jack spend their free time dry humping
motorcycles and fishing poles. You think they will give up any of that
time to participate in the same old shit?
He could have picked up the phone.<

He should have called me? LOL Now THAT would have been funny.
When you donate money do you call the organization when they send the
Thank You card and say "you're welcome"?

I don't agree with it.

Nope. We contribute anonymously. I won't mention the charity but it's
responsible for feeding hundreds of the homeless and downtrodden every
day (and not just Christmas or Thanksgiving). <

Well I publically invited assistance but the recipients had no clue
where it came from.
Not too often will you find a security dealer magazine, or business
journal at a shelter or church so the articles on our food drive were
pretty safe.

Of course not. It's his behaviour in this Group that concerns me. Bass
can be a nasty piece of shit. A wolf in sheep's clothing is still a wolf.<

If you don't like his behavior (no U) then hang out in the automation
group with the techie weenie geeks. He seems well behaved there (for
now- seems a brawl is on the horizon there too).
He's not changing. You're not changing. I'm not changing.
I tell you what. I respect you. After all the shit Bass has pulled
over the years it's going to take a lot for me to be able to demonstrate
"respect" to him. I've made the first move two years ago and have
limited my responses to asking for proof for the things he says about me
and others. I've not personally attacked him in other Groups unless
he's thrown the first stone. Let's see if Bass is "man enough" to put
away the rocks. Let's see if he's "man enough" to admit he's lied.<

You expect him to post proof, and he expects you to post your real
name. 2 things that won't happen but that won't stop you goofs from
trying to pry the info from each other.
"New material" would require my "inventing" something about him. That
would be dishonest and a lie. I've never lied in this Group. <

Anyone see my lightning rod?
OK making absurd claims about someone isn't lying when used during a
newsgroup battle. It's just a gentle relocation of facts with a twist
of assumptions.
New material Frank! Get some.
I'm no advocate for peace but there's only so many times I can watch
the same episode of a show without reaching for the remote to change
the channel.

Frank Olson

Jan 1, 1970
I said:
Do you smoke crack? If we all got along this place would be boring.

Be that as it may... It would become what Steve Ryckman envisioned all
along. That's not a bad thing and something I will continue to advocate

Nah no way was it Mike. It was done by a cowardly pussy. A fag hiding
behind an alias trying to stir up trouble. Mike? No way.

I could post the Google that proves it. The poster that claimed to be
"Mike" confessed to being "Mike" more than once (in unrelated threads).

Well you're saying I'm not as honest as I used to be so I was sharing
some past claims.

Which is something Bass will never do.

Do we have enough bandwidth?

Apparently. People post binaries, html, catalogue sheets, and other
useless garbage into here all the time.

How do you know what he expects,

That's pretty obvious.

and when was the last time I turned
the other cheek?

I don't recall. What you did here (to restore "balance" between you and
Bass) didn't involve a "turning of the cheek". How long this will last
is very much up to Bass as well.

Robert and I are not pals but that doesn't mean I'm agreeing with all
the bullshit being tossed around.

Involved in what, Frank? There's really nothing left to fight with him
on unless he comes out with another wild keypad story or you come out
with another floating ladder story.

There are two distinct differences between the examples you've decided
to concentrate on. The "wild keypad story" is definitely a lie. The
"floating ladder story" has been "elevated" by Robert's rather futile
attempts to discredit me. You can't believe everything he posts
particularly when it involves anything to do with his time in the trade,
the things he's seen (or done), the professionals that post here (that
don't happen to agree with his antics), professional monitoring and
installation, etc. If you do, then I have this really unique business
opportunity you might be interested in. It involves a bridge over the
Fraser River and a toll booth.

Don't you understand that you two are so fucking lame right now people
are actually hoping Paul starts posting more often?

If you call asking for proof "lame", then so be it.

RHC, Bob LaLonde, and Jack spend their free time dry humping
motorcycles and fishing poles. You think they will give up any of that
time to participate in the same old shit?

Nope. And they never have "participated". I respect that.

He should have called me? LOL Now THAT would have been funny.
When you donate money do you call the organization when they send the
Thank You card and say "you're welcome"?

Why did Robert feel the need to "publicly confirm that he contributed"?
The answer is as obvious as the nose on your son's face. How is the
little guy by the way?

Well I publically invited assistance but the recipients had no clue
where it came from.

And if I wasn't so involved in providing the same service to the
"recipients" here, you would have received an anonymous money order with
a "Vancouver" postmark. We should each of us do what we can to help
those less fortunate than ourselves. The need in BC is every bit as
important. The Provincial Government (in their infinite stupidity) shut
down two major long term mental care facilities and hundreds of people
were left in the lurch. With no one to supervise the dispensing of
their required medication, many have gravitated to the streets and all
the things that entails. The situation is becoming untenable and the
stresses imposed on our emergency medical services as a consequence is
becoming critical. You can't talk to anyone "in Government". They're
all focused on the 2010 Olympic Games and spending billions of taxpayer
dollars to make things "look nice" for the world.

Not too often will you find a security dealer magazine, or business
journal at a shelter or church so the articles on our food drive were
pretty safe.

If you don't like his behavior (no U) then hang out in the automation
group with the techie weenie geeks. He seems well behaved there (for
now- seems a brawl is on the horizon there too).

Yep. That's what I've been dreading as well. It seems he has "issues"
with one particular poster there that I have a great deal of respect
for. It seems he's become Bass' latest "target".

He's not changing. You're not changing. I'm not changing.

Aux contraire, mon ami. Things would "change" rapidly if he backed off
and comes clean. I realize that's not going to happen. It would give
too much "ammo" to his major detractors particularly as he can't keep
his yap shut for long (as has often been demonstrated in the past).

You expect him to post proof, and he expects you to post your real

Nope. I don't expect anything of the sort. He can't "post proof"
because he has none. He LIES. He's good with Italian suppositories.
And he's expert at deceiving people. And I don't think he "expects" me
to post my real name, either.

Anyone see my lightning rod?
OK making absurd claims about someone isn't lying when used during a
newsgroup battle. It's just a gentle relocation of facts with a twist
of assumptions.

It's dishonest. Deceitful. A lie. I won't go there. I'll leave that
to "Mike" and his ilk.

New material Frank! Get some.

I'm no advocate for peace but there's only so many times I can watch
the same episode of a show without reaching for the remote to change
the channel.

Then change the channel. Unless Bass has stolen the batteries for your
remote... Gasp!! I think I just came up with some "new material"... :)


Jan 1, 1970
In line (again).

Well if you google it you'll understand why today's flamefest is
annoying at best compared to that flamefest masterpiece of years past.
There was always something new to fight about but you guys are
rehashing shit that's 6 years old.

"Flames" usually involve lies, innuendo and other nasty shit.

Yes. When it involves a company in their jurisdiction I certainly
expect it as should the taxpayers of that state.

I think Frank found out "different" too. They don't give a shit.

Which kills the quality of a good net brawl.

Some of us would rather not go there.

And when he did nothing happened to him which makes it even sillier for
some to claim they can harm him now that he doesn't offer monitoring.

I haven't seen anyone here claim "they harmed his business", except Bass.

Nobody is doing any kissing up.

And if he's got lipstick on his ass and it happens to be your shade, you're
going to deny that too, right? :)
Robert has called me an asshole and I
have called him an asshole. How many more times should we exchange
those greetings before it becomes old? We've been at it for 8yrs and
exchanging insults has accomplished nothing.

Ummmm... I wouldn't say that. For every "newbie" that posts into the
group, it would be nice for someone to point out the people to avoid. Bass
posts here for one reason. Should he be given "special treatment" because
he happens to advocate for DIY in a forum of security professionals? I
think (in a large part) he gets what he deserves. As you sow, so shall ye

Nothing has or will change. Does that mean I am fishing buddies with
him because we don't exchange insults? Which one of the fucksticks here
decided that for me?

Oh please. The "kissy-kissy-make-nice-to-Bass-show" will continue after
these messages...

See this is where you are wrong. His posts are always a target, and at
times rightfully so,

Really? Well, I do agree. His posts usually have a "target", but
"rightfully so"? I don't think so.
but there are people who search for his posts just
to fight.

I agree. And there are people who question his veracity as well. Bass
seems to think asking for proof is a "personal attack" or a prelude to "a
fight". Do you think so too?
Hell there are people, myself included, who tracked him to
other newsgroups. Now he's no saint by any means, and caused more than
his share of turmoil here, BUT is he really wrong on 100% of what he

Like I said the ratio's about 8 or 9 to one.
Have you ever seen anyone agree with him that didn't have the
last name Campbell?

Yes, I have. Frank's agreed with him.
Yes Robert Bass made his bed but how many here
check his sheets 10 times before they check their own?

I wouldn't go near Bass' bed for a million dollars.

Frank's been singing the same shit for years. So has Robert. It's like
I said, the material is OLD. The record is broken. How many times do we
need to read about 737's, BBB reports, credit checks, licensing board
hearings, and calls to suppliers?

How about as many times as Bass brings it up? Check all the posts in the
last few months. You should be directing this statement at Bass, not me or
Frank (Olson).

Contrary to whatever they may post about their conquests I am certain
the cure for what ails both of them is a piece of tail (preferably not
each others but given their conversations one could mistaken them for

I know for a fact that Frank doesn't swing that way.

Yes he's an expert at posting absurd accusations just like many of us
but it's easy to tell when he's posting bullshit and when he's posting

Not to many newbies (like myself). Frank actually suggested I have a look
at the group. I did for several months but didn't post any responses. And
like Frank, I thought Bass was getting a raw deal at first. Frank sent me
some links and I spent some time Googling.

Now if the guy that emailed you was a guy who one of your employees was
annoying via the internet and late night drunk dials wouldn't you, as
the owner of the business, become concerned at how your company is
being viewed?

This is a Newsgroup. Now if that employee was posting such nonsense on _my
time_, I certainly would. If he also referenced the company I would also be
a tad concerned, but not overly much. I would think the people we hire have
some common sense and won't use their real names or post company
Imagine finding out that one of your employees has a
psychological disorder and an issue with alcohol?

From whom? Some asshole in Usenet?? C'mon, Tom.

Don't bullshit me and tell me you'd retain them. You'd show him the
exit immediately.

Not without something called "due process". To dismiss someone here, you
pretty well have to have some solid reasoning or Labour Standards will be
down your throat before you can say "Bass is an Ass".

Did you see me say it was mean spirited or did you see me say that
those who are bitching missed the boat? They had a chance, they did
nothing but sit on their ass, and now should shut the **** up about it
because the opportunity is gone.

Like I said, you're filing a complaint on someone that isn't even in your
state. I'm pretty sure that there's two piles for complaints. One's for
people _in_ the state, and the other's got a big "G" on the side and is
"bin" shaped.

I agree that software shouldn't be distributed to Bill & Mary
Clodhopper but the manufacturers have been notified repeatedly and have
done nothing. I guess it's not as important to them as it is to us.

Well I sure would care if someone untrained got the downloading software for
a Mircom FX-2000 or and Edwards EST-3. TG that will never happen (at least
in Canada).

I'll make nice with whoever the **** I want whenever the **** I want
wherever the **** I want and if you or anyone else has an issue with
that they can kiss the rabbit between the ears. Does that clear things

Read what I said again. I simply suggested you take it elsewhere. The
whole thing makes some of us kinda "queasy".

I brive a dus

Jan 1, 1970
In line (again).

"Flames" usually involve lies, innuendo and other nasty shit. <

Just like the Sopranos but it's a ratings giant
I think Frank found out "different" too. They don't give a shit. <

Which makes them bigger hypocrites when they post here acting as if
they just discovered the information
Some of us would rather not go there.<

What good is Usenet without a fight?
I haven't seen anyone here claim "they harmed his business", except Bass.<

Oh please. Spend 5 minutes doing a Google and you'll see at least 3
wackjobs from here claiming they hurt him.
And if he's got lipstick on his ass and it happens to be your shade, you're
going to deny that too, right? :)<

We've established years ago that I am a whore but he doesn't have
enough money.
Ummmm... I wouldn't say that. For every "newbie" that posts into the
group, it would be nice for someone to point out the people to avoid. Bass
posts here for one reason. Should he be given "special treatment" because
he happens to advocate for DIY in a forum of security professionals? I
think (in a large part) he gets what he deserves. As you sow, so shall ye

If the object is to dissuade people from buying his goods then the
current gameplan isn't working. To a newbie, who only stops in for a
few days, Robert looks like a saint and the people attacking him look
like loonies.
Oh please. The "kissy-kissy-make-nice-to-Bass-show" will continue after
these messages...<

LOL Yeah I am Mr. Make Nice. Where the hell is Bob Campbell when I need
him? Hey Bob, someone accused me of being nice!
Really? Well, I do agree. His posts usually have a "target", but
"rightfully so"? I don't think so.<

No there are times when he pokes the beehive and gets stung. Then there
are times when he joins a thread and his entire post is put in a petri
dish and sent to a lab for tests.
I agree. And there are people who question his veracity as well. Bass
seems to think asking for proof is a "personal attack" or a prelude to "a
fight". Do you think so too?<

If ANYONE had proof of the outrageous claims you can bet your ass it
would have been posted here.
Like I said the ratio's about 8 or 9 to one.

Yes, I have. Frank's agreed with him.<

Frank's just a swell fella and pillar of society.
I wouldn't go near Bass' bed for a million dollars.<

But you do have a price. Denial isn't a river in Egypt
How about as many times as Bass brings it up? Check all the posts in the
last few months. You should be directing this statement at Bass, not me or
Frank (Olson).<

YOU are the one who invited me into the thread. Robert didn't. What
would you like me to tell him? You assume I have any sort of control or
rapport that I can sway his thinking.

I know for a fact that Frank doesn't swing that way.<

Frank's favorite song is It's Raining Men.
Not to many newbies (like myself). Frank actually suggested I have a look
at the group. I did for several months but didn't post any responses. And
like Frank, I thought Bass was getting a raw deal at first. Frank sent me
some links and I spent some time Googling.<

My point exactly. To a newbie he looks like a victim. Why is that?
This is a Newsgroup. Now if that employee was posting such nonsense on _my
time_, I certainly would. If he also referenced the company I would also be
a tad concerned, but not overly much. I would think the people we hire have
some common sense and won't use their real names or post company

What about the dingbats that do post their real names and discuss the
company during drunk dial phone calls?
From whom? Some asshole in Usenet?? C'mon, Tom.<

I wouldn't care if a birdy whispered it to me I'd check it out and if I
confirmed it the nut would be job shopping
Not without something called "due process". To dismiss someone here, you
pretty well have to have some solid reasoning or Labour Standards will be
down your throat before you can say "Bass is an Ass".<

Due process doesn't exist here. It's called AT WILL employment.
I don't need to give a reason for shit canning someone.
Like I said, you're filing a complaint on someone that isn't even in your
state. I'm pretty sure that there's two piles for complaints. One's for
people _in_ the state, and the other's got a big "G" on the side and is
"bin" shaped.<

Yet those same people start visiting here and suddenly have a problem
with Robert not because of his practices but because of his attitude.
They're hypocrites
Well I sure would care if someone untrained got the downloading software for
a Mircom FX-2000 or and Edwards EST-3. TG that will never happen (at least
in Canada).<

Mircom? What the hell do you know about that canuck fire company? The
greatest employee I ever had who is now a great friend got his start
there. He's a ball buster like all of you snow monkeys. He's also the
most hen-pecked son of a bitch I ever met.
Read what I said again. I simply suggested you take it elsewhere. The
whole thing makes some of us kinda "queasy". <

Take this elsewhere and check it for leaks

Robert L Bass

Jan 1, 1970
eventually someone like you runs
into someone like me...

That's why you've hidden behind an alias for so many years.

I brive a dus

Jan 1, 1970
Frank said:
Be that as it may... It would become what Steve Ryckman envisioned all
along. That's not a bad thing and something I will continue to advocate

Frank, I've read some of Steve Ryckman's posts. While he seems like a
very intelligent man he's about as entertaining as slugs fucking. His
newsgroup dream has been realized over in that automation group. Those
geeks love to talk about jellywatts, jigawatts, megawatts, resistors,
remote control dildos, and all other kinds of techie nerdy crap.
I could post the Google that proves it. The poster that claimed to be
"Mike" confessed to being "Mike" more than once (in unrelated threads).<

So then post the PROOF that it was Mike.
Which is something Bass will never do.<

And if he did what would that accomplish?
Apparently. People post binaries, html, catalogue sheets, and other
useless garbage into here all the time.<

What's useless to you is entertaining to others.
I personally enjoyed Jack's posting of the Youtube burglar vids.
That's pretty obvious.<

Is it?
I don't recall. What you did here (to restore "balance" between you and
Bass) didn't involve a "turning of the cheek". How long this will last
is very much up to Bass as well.<

Ummm Frank, last time I was the one who broke the peace. I believe it
was somewhere around 2001 or 2002. We had another decent flame fest
that lasted about 3 years and then it started getting old again.
There are two distinct differences between the examples you've decided
to concentrate on. The "wild keypad story" is definitely a lie. The
"floating ladder story" has been "elevated" by Robert's rather futile
attempts to discredit me. You can't believe everything he posts
particularly when it involves anything to do with his time in the trade,
the things he's seen (or done), the professionals that post here (that
don't happen to agree with his antics), professional monitoring and
installation, etc. If you do, then I have this really unique business
opportunity you might be interested in. It involves a bridge over the
Fraser River and a toll booth.<

The years in the business thing is better than lotto but Frank that
ladder story was a whopper. Shame the devil and tell the truth
If you call asking for proof "lame", then so be it.<

Bigtime lame. It's like kids saying "oh yeah" Yeah "oh yeah" Yeah
Nope. And they never have "participated". I respect that.<

Campbell's too fucking old to put up a decent fight.
Bob LaLonde doesn't discuss anything that doesn't involve gills or a
kickstand, and Jack is looking tired from reading the same shit being
posted with nobody backing up their nonsense.
Why did Robert feel the need to "publicly confirm that he contributed"?
The answer is as obvious as the nose on your son's face. How is the
little guy by the way?<

He's doing great. He has about 58,000 teeth, and that nose needs a
tissue every few minutes. How's the grandson? Have you helped the
parents out yet or are you being a dick and enjoying watching them
suffer sleepless nights?
Now why did Robert feel the need to publically confirm that he
contributed? I don't know. Why don't you ask him?
And if I wasn't so involved in providing the same service to the
"recipients" here, you would have received an anonymous money order with
a "Vancouver" postmark. We should each of us do what we can to help
those less fortunate than ourselves. The need in BC is every bit as
important. The Provincial Government (in their infinite stupidity) shut
down two major long term mental care facilities and hundreds of people
were left in the lurch. With no one to supervise the dispensing of
their required medication, many have gravitated to the streets and all
the things that entails. The situation is becoming untenable and the
stresses imposed on our emergency medical services as a consequence is
becoming critical. You can't talk to anyone "in Government". They're
all focused on the 2010 Olympic Games and spending billions of taxpayer
dollars to make things "look nice" for the world.<

Frank I have no doubt whatsoever that you are heavily involved in
charitable works.
I was going to email you BUT you never answer your emails (hrmmm sounds
I was going to suggest you save the wire scraps from all jobs this year
and use the cash from junking them to fund an event up north.

God damn Canadian pay attention! I was saying that the trade mags
covered my food drive but since the only people reading it are in the
industry it couldn't be viewed as advertising.
Yep. That's what I've been dreading as well. It seems he has "issues"
with one particular poster there that I have a great deal of respect
for. It seems he's become Bass' latest "target".<

There's a cranky old son of a bitch who posts in there that looks to be
the next in line for the flame fest. He was a pain in the ass when he
posted here years back and judging from his latest exchanges he's still
an egomaniacal dickwad.
It should be an interesting hoopdeedoo when people start choosing
sides. They won't be able to blame ASA for their turmoil.
Aux contraire, mon ami. Things would "change" rapidly if he backed off
and comes clean. I realize that's not going to happen. It would give
too much "ammo" to his major detractors particularly as he can't keep
his yap shut for long (as has often been demonstrated in the past).<

Nothing will ever change.
Nope. I don't expect anything of the sort. He can't "post proof"
because he has none. He LIES. He's good with Italian suppositories.
And he's expert at deceiving people. And I don't think he "expects" me
to post my real name, either.<

What's the big deal with the anonymous antics anyway Frank?
Aside from it burning his ass that you are Johnny Mystery what's the
It's dishonest. Deceitful. A lie. I won't go there. I'll leave that
to "Mike" and his ilk.<

Again you're taking a swipe at Mike for no reason. From what I've read
in the group Mike isn't in the best of health. It seems he had a stroke
sometime back and has limited use of one of his arms. I also read about
it on a website where family members request prayers for ailing
relatives. Rather than attack the poor guy why not just say a prayer
for him?

Sy Sperling
Then change the channel. Unless Bass has stolen the batteries for your
remote... Gasp!! I think I just came up with some "new material"... :) <

I am too stupid to use a remote. I still use that bulb on/off switch
attached to the cord.


Jan 1, 1970

I brive a dus said:
Frank, I've read some of Steve Ryckman's posts. While he seems like a
very intelligent man he's about as entertaining as slugs fucking. His
newsgroup dream has been realized over in that automation group. Those
geeks love to talk about jellywatts, jigawatts, megawatts, resistors,
remote control dildos, and all other kinds of techie nerdy crap.

So then post the PROOF that it was Mike.

And if he did what would that accomplish?

What's useless to you is entertaining to others.
I personally enjoyed Jack's posting of the Youtube burglar vids.

Is it?

Ummm Frank, last time I was the one who broke the peace. I believe it
was somewhere around 2001 or 2002. We had another decent flame fest
that lasted about 3 years and then it started getting old again.

The years in the business thing is better than lotto but Frank that
ladder story was a whopper. Shame the devil and tell the truth

Bigtime lame. It's like kids saying "oh yeah" Yeah "oh yeah" Yeah

Campbell's too fucking old to put up a decent fight.
Bob LaLonde doesn't discuss anything that doesn't involve gills or a
kickstand, and Jack is looking tired from reading the same shit being
posted with nobody backing up their nonsense.

He's doing great. He has about 58,000 teeth, and that nose needs a
tissue every few minutes. How's the grandson? Have you helped the
parents out yet or are you being a dick and enjoying watching them
suffer sleepless nights?
Now why did Robert feel the need to publically confirm that he
contributed? I don't know. Why don't you ask him?

Frank I have no doubt whatsoever that you are heavily involved in
charitable works.
I was going to email you BUT you never answer your emails (hrmmm sounds
I was going to suggest you save the wire scraps from all jobs this year
and use the cash from junking them to fund an event up north.

God damn Canadian pay attention! I was saying that the trade mags
covered my food drive but since the only people reading it are in the
industry it couldn't be viewed as advertising.

There's a cranky old son of a bitch who posts in there that looks to be
the next in line for the flame fest. He was a pain in the ass when he
posted here years back and judging from his latest exchanges he's still
an egomaniacal dickwad.
It should be an interesting hoopdeedoo when people start choosing
sides. They won't be able to blame ASA for their turmoil.

Nothing will ever change.

What's the big deal with the anonymous antics anyway Frank?
Aside from it burning his ass that you are Johnny Mystery what's the

Again you're taking a swipe at Mike for no reason. From what I've read
in the group Mike isn't in the best of health. It seems he had a stroke
sometime back and has limited use of one of his arms. I also read about
it on a website where family members request prayers for ailing
relatives. Rather than attack the poor guy why not just say a prayer
for him?

Sy Sperling

I am too stupid to use a remote. I still use that bulb on/off switch
attached to the cord.

Frank Olson

Jan 1, 1970
I said:
Frank, I've read some of Steve Ryckman's posts. While he seems like a
very intelligent man he's about as entertaining as slugs fucking. His
newsgroup dream has been realized over in that automation group. Those
geeks love to talk about jellywatts, jigawatts, megawatts, resistors,
remote control dildos, and all other kinds of techie nerdy crap.

So then post the PROOF that it was Mike.

I'll do that when I have some time.

And if he did what would that accomplish?

A giant leap for slugdom.

What's useless to you is entertaining to others.
I personally enjoyed Jack's posting of the Youtube burglar vids.

That's completely different. Did you enjoy the mega-bytes of useless
html coding and catalogue sheets Bass posted?

Yep. What's his "usual response" to people offering to make peace with
him? He tells them they have to "make nice" while he continues to abuse

Ummm Frank, last time I was the one who broke the peace.

Nope. That's not what I saw. Bass broke the peace. You were one of
the first to hoist the flame flag.

I believe it
was somewhere around 2001 or 2002. We had another decent flame fest
that lasted about 3 years and then it started getting old again.

Is that what this is all about? The "calm" before the next flame fest.
I sincerely hope not.

The years in the business thing is better than lotto but Frank that
ladder story was a whopper. Shame the devil and tell the truth

I've never lied. I honestly don't know what happened. I was climbing
the sucker, the top slipped sideways down a support web and contacted
some 600 volt wires coming out of a large connector box mounted on the
ceiling. There was a big "flash" above me and the next thing I knew I
was flat on my back looking up at my partner. It happened over ten
years ago and those particular memory cells have probably succumbed (to
a nice single malt).

Bigtime lame. It's like kids saying "oh yeah" Yeah "oh yeah" Yeah

Well, "yeah".

Campbell's too fucking old to put up a decent fight.
Bob LaLonde doesn't discuss anything that doesn't involve gills or a
kickstand, and Jack is looking tired from reading the same shit being
posted with nobody backing up their nonsense.

And I'm gettin' too old for this too.

He's doing great. He has about 58,000 teeth, and that nose needs a
tissue every few minutes. How's the grandson? Have you helped the
parents out yet or are you being a dick and enjoying watching them
suffer sleepless nights?

They had a break from the guy last weekend. His Grandma and I decided
to put them up in the honeymoon suite at the Pan Pacific. Only thing is
they came out looking even more tired then when they went in... But I
do recall they both wore stupid grins... And who knows... In about
nine months we might just have a grand-daughter (like the other Frank).
The old rocker we saved from when both our kids were his age got a
work out and I forgot how comfortable it is to fall asleep in. :)

Now why did Robert feel the need to publically confirm that he
contributed? I don't know. Why don't you ask him?

Can't. He doesn't "speak" to me. And when he does, it usually starts
out with "bullfrank".

Frank I have no doubt whatsoever that you are heavily involved in
charitable works.

I'm a prince among men. The diamond in the "maneur" of ASA. The
shining light you see just before the locomotive nails your ass...

I was going to email you BUT you never answer your emails (hrmmm sounds

Yep... Another one of your "stories"... :)

I was going to suggest you save the wire scraps from all jobs this year
and use the cash from junking them to fund an event up north.

It's all I can do to "fund" the gas for my Navigator.

God damn Canadian pay attention! I was saying that the trade mags
covered my food drive but since the only people reading it are in the
industry it couldn't be viewed as advertising.

Sorry... I had to swab out my eyes out with a roll of tissue on the end
of a broom handle dipped in a nice single malt.

There's a cranky old son of a bitch who posts in there that looks to be
the next in line for the flame fest. He was a pain in the ass when he
posted here years back and judging from his latest exchanges he's still
an egomaniacal dickwad.

The only difference is we all really luv the guy.

It should be an interesting hoopdeedoo when people start choosing
sides. They won't be able to blame ASA for their turmoil.

No one blames "ASA" for the turmoil. Most just blame "you know who".

Nothing will ever change.

What's the big deal with the anonymous antics anyway Frank?
Aside from it burning his ass that you are Johnny Mystery what's the

No one really needs to know my name or the company I own. I don't sell
anything in here. I'm here for the "kicks and giggles" and if I can
help out someone, then so much the better.

Again you're taking a swipe at Mike for no reason.

I've got plenty of reason. And I don't forget.

From what I've read
in the group Mike isn't in the best of health. It seems he had a stroke
sometime back and has limited use of one of his arms.

I guess that means he's down to wearing just one of his Colts.

I also read about
it on a website where family members request prayers for ailing
relatives. Rather than attack the poor guy why not just say a prayer
for him?

That's a pretty tall order. I've never wished the man ill (or his
family). The fact that he continues to promote ridiculing people with
mental handicaps and is still actively involved in his other "pursuits"
doesn't make me feel in the least "charitable" towards him. Kissing the
rabbit is a lot more "do-able" at the moment.

I am too stupid to use a remote. I still use that bulb on/off switch
attached to the cord.

I always figured you to be the "clapper" sort of guy.

I brive a dus

Jan 1, 1970
Frank said:
I'll do that when I have some time.<

You have more free time than a retiree
A giant leap for slugdom.

That's completely different. Did you enjoy the mega-bytes of useless
html coding and catalogue sheets Bass posted?<

Are you talking about that HTML tantrum he threw? It was easy to
Yep. What's his "usual response" to people offering to make peace with
him? He tells them they have to "make nice" while he continues to abuse

Last time I was abused it involved candles and a confessional. Nah just
joking it really involved 3 nuns and a hula hoop
Nope. That's not what I saw. Bass broke the peace. You were one of
the first to hoist the flame flag.<

Nope I broke it.
Is that what this is all about? The "calm" before the next flame fest.
I sincerely hope not.<

I don't have time for flame fests but I do like reading them when the
material is fresh.
I've never lied. I honestly don't know what happened. I was climbing
the sucker, the top slipped sideways down a support web and contacted
some 600 volt wires coming out of a large connector box mounted on the
ceiling. There was a big "flash" above me and the next thing I knew I
was flat on my back looking up at my partner. It happened over ten
years ago and those particular memory cells have probably succumbed (to
a nice single malt).<

I was jolted bigtime by a telco line. I was outside on the ladder with
no shirt on (there's a visual). It was in August 2003 in that heatwave
after the blackout. Anyway I was drenched in sweat and I let go of the
telco wires. Needless to say the wires found a home on my soaked body
and I swear there had to be an inbound call because my ass was frying.
I wish I could say that was the worst thing that happened that day but
it wasn't. It was a service call for Monkey where some new service
nitwit tried telling me replacing a system should take no longer than
an hour, the battery in the van croaked, and when I got home I tried to
treat the heat rash and used the WAY WRONG ointment. I was hopping like
a kangaroo and spent the night sitting with ice packs in my pants.
Well, "yeah".<

I triple dog dare ya
And I'm gettin' too old for this too.<

Yeah you're pushing 60 by now aint ya?
They had a break from the guy last weekend. His Grandma and I decided
to put them up in the honeymoon suite at the Pan Pacific. Only thing is
they came out looking even more tired then when they went in... But I
do recall they both wore stupid grins... And who knows... In about
nine months we might just have a grand-daughter (like the other Frank).
The old rocker we saved from when both our kids were his age got a
work out and I forgot how comfortable it is to fall asleep in. :)<

Frank if I could get a night with junior staying at grammy's the last
thing on my mind would be the horizontal huckle buckle.
Can't. He doesn't "speak" to me. And when he does, it usually starts
out with "bullfrank".<

He's playing hard to get with you
I'm a prince among men. The diamond in the "maneur" of ASA. The
shining light you see just before the locomotive nails your ass...<

nah I'd bet you donate quite a bit.
Yep... Another one of your "stories"... :)<

Check your email dummy. You must have me directed to the spam box.
It's all I can do to "fund" the gas for my Navigator.<

Which is why when people tell me to get rid of my rusty Toyota Camry I
say **** THAT.
I save a bundle at the pump. My friend is brow beating me to buy a H2
SUT but he can pound sand. That shit gets lousy mileage, tires are
impossible to get (all being shipped to Iraq), parking's a bitch, and I
don't need to feed my ego when I could feed my son's bank account
Sorry... I had to swab out my eyes out with a roll of tissue on the end
of a broom handle dipped in a nice single malt.<

And you had the balls to post ???? in response to what I said. Speak
American ya moose fucker.
The only difference is we all really luv the guy.<

That old dude is a nuisance.
No one blames "ASA" for the turmoil. Most just blame "you know who".<

No Frank most blame cross posts from ASA. When Petem went bananas a few
months ago and was flooding the geek group with the html tantrum posts
they were blaming ASA.
No one really needs to know my name or the company I own. I don't sell
anything in here. I'm here for the "kicks and giggles" and if I can
help out someone, then so much the better.<

Well when you crawl out of your shell and head to ISC next year wear a
Mickey Mouse hat so I can pick you out of the crowd and we can get a
drink (if my wife gives me permission). You'd be surprised to know what
business contacts we share.
I've got plenty of reason. And I don't forget.<

Forget what?
I guess that means he's down to wearing just one of his Colts.<

Oh he's an Indianapolis fan? He must be happy tonight
That's a pretty tall order. I've never wished the man ill (or his
family). The fact that he continues to promote ridiculing people with
mental handicaps and is still actively involved in his other "pursuits"
doesn't make me feel in the least "charitable" towards him. Kissing the
rabbit is a lot more "do-able" at the moment.<

LOL Why did I know you would be the only one to get the kiss the rabbit
I always figured you to be the "clapper" sort of guy. <

Not since I switched to American women.