Maker Pro
Maker Pro

96” x 1”ish led, laser, or lcd screen?


Dec 16, 2021
Dec 16, 2021

I am looking to make a 96” long layout device that will connect to a number keypad, computer(Maybe arduino uno?), and light up at each mark point.

We do a lot of hand measuring and laying out marker lines on straight thin “1in x 3/8in” pieces of metal.

Each piece is a different custom size and needs to be split into even increments and marked for weld points.

The idea is: You punch a number on a keypad. The computer takes that number and divides it into preset increments, and then engages light or marks at each point. Then I mark the point on the metal where the lights are. And thats it.

The mark needs to be pretty accurate within
1/8”, so if it was led, it would have to be small lights and very closely spaced I am thinking. A 96” lcd screen with just a line on it (instead of light) would work fine too. Laser maybe, but I don’t know of one that could do this.

Any help or direction would be much appreciated.