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Maker Pro

A question - splitting items when selling them


Tony de Groot

Jan 1, 1970
Hi All,

I occassionaly do eBay shopping for Test and Measurement equipment.

One thing I have noticed recently (last month - I stopped for a while
so do not know how long it has been happening ..) is that one seller
(should I name them?? they are a commercial organisation) sells
T&M equipment but sells the manuals separately.

I do not know if they sourced them separately, but the original gear
(in my experience) usually comes bundled with their operating and
service manuals (HP gear).

I do not deny that it is their right to do this - after all, it is
their gear, and they can squeeze the market for whatever they can
get, but I am strongly inclined not to do business with them because
of this practice ... any one else have any comments?




Jan 1, 1970
Tony de Groot said:
Hi All,

I occassionaly do eBay shopping for Test and Measurement equipment.

One thing I have noticed recently (last month - I stopped for a while
so do not know how long it has been happening ..) is that one seller
(should I name them?? they are a commercial organisation) sells
T&M equipment but sells the manuals separately.

I do not know if they sourced them separately, but the original gear
(in my experience) usually comes bundled with their operating and
service manuals (HP gear).

I do not deny that it is their right to do this - after all, it is
their gear, and they can squeeze the market for whatever they can
get, but I am strongly inclined not to do business with them because
of this practice ... any one else have any comments?



H Tony,
As you say it's their right to split and sell however they want, however I
tend to agree with you. It's a bit like buying a used car, then forking out
for the jack & spare tyre. If I could find what I wanted elsewhere, I'd buy
it there.


John Crighton

Jan 1, 1970
H Tony,
As you say it's their right to split and sell however they want, however I
tend to agree with you. It's a bit like buying a used car, then forking out
for the jack & spare tyre. If I could find what I wanted elsewhere, I'd buy
it there.

Hello Gents,
I bought an old HP frequency counter off the Macservice(sp)
company in Victoria. I saw the picture of the thing switched
on and lit up. It was delivered without the power cord.
I honestly really did expect to get the power cord. E-mailed
them. Nope, power cords are not supplied. If it was a modern
type of power lead as used on computers I would not have
minded but it was an old fashioned American type with three
small round pins with centre pin out of line ( O o O )

I wasted a lot time trying to find a suitable connector, no luck,
rare as rocking horse poop, so I just temporarily soldered in a
power lead. Your analogy with the missing jack and spare
wheel fits this deal of mine. Weird. heh heh heh......

I asked them why the manuals are sold separately from the
main item. No reply from Macservice on that one. Must be
a touchy subject. Heh heh heh.....
I do not like that policy of theirs. Seems a bit ruthless to me.

John Crighton

Franc Zabkar

Jan 1, 1970
Hi All,

I occassionaly do eBay shopping for Test and Measurement equipment.

One thing I have noticed recently (last month - I stopped for a while
so do not know how long it has been happening ..) is that one seller
(should I name them?? they are a commercial organisation) sells
T&M equipment but sells the manuals separately.

I do not know if they sourced them separately, but the original gear
(in my experience) usually comes bundled with their operating and
service manuals (HP gear).

I do not deny that it is their right to do this - after all, it is
their gear, and they can squeeze the market for whatever they can
get, but I am strongly inclined not to do business with them because
of this practice ... any one else have any comments?



If at all possible, take your business elsewhere. Greedy traders don't
deserve your money.

-- Franc Zabkar

Please remove one 's' from my address when replying by email.

Tony de Groot

Jan 1, 1970
Hi All,

Thanks for the replies.

Seems like the opinions vary. The car analogy works for me .. not
for others though .. I liken it to buying a piece of equipment
eg TV, hifi, VCR etc and not getting an owners/users manual.

Try setting the thing to record on the timer without one.

I also queried them about their policy .. silence was the stern reply.
Not impressed.

I am looking at the possibility of buying from the US .. pricing
seems varied but may be worth the exercise if I can find a way
to get a good price on shipping. Nothing urgent at the moment so
can spend the time looking.

Thanks again,
