Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Did some of us start this way? :)



Jan 1, 1970
(I don't even know what key I hit to do the send in middle of typing
command. I hate google groups. I'm going back to my other reader,
even if it doesn't include sci.physics)

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service. No binaries, so pron is out.
Back to what I was typing when I so rudely interrupted myself:

I hate it when that happens.
whole project came to a halt when I relaized that my design would need
a dry cell battery at every relay.

We built a relay logic tic-tac-toe machine when I was in high school.
Its logic was flawless; it never lost and would often win, even if it
had to cheat (erasing your 'X' to put in its 'O') to do it. ;-) We
couldn't figure out how to do the various mirror and rotation images,
so it got pretty big and needed LOTSA power.