Maker Pro
Maker Pro

EPICPlus programmer and PIC 18F452 problem


Marty Vezina

Jan 1, 1970
This is the first time I have tried to program a set of three PIC 18F452

I recently purchased and I can not get a simple LED flasher to work.

The PIC BASIC Pro code works fine with a PIC 16F628.

The code downloads and is verfied ok on the 452 using the latest version

of EPICWin with the EPIC Plus programmer.

I believe my problem has to do with the settings within the EPIC
programming software. I found a reference to the need to erase the 452
before programming, but I am not sure of any other settings.

The clock source is a 20Mhz crystal.

I am hoping that someone could tell me what the minimum settings would
be... actually any help would be great!

Thanks - Marty