Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Exercise arm bike punt: design circuit for applying power to resistance brake


Nov 22, 2023
Nov 22, 2023
Here's the sister post to my power board repair for my Scifit Pro 1000 upper body exercise bike. Although I'd like to be able to successfully repair the power board, IF I can't do that, I'd still like to salvage the exercise bike. I don't particularly care if the display board is working or not, I just need to be able to control the resistance and I can do that just as easily as turning a know or two.
Seems to me all I need is to be able to apply a controllable power source to the electronic brake.

I've been told it's likely DC, but I have no idea of what voltage or amperage I would need. Maybe just buy a cheapo DC power source, hook it up and see what happens?

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