Maker Pro
Maker Pro

My future automated industrial system (gathering some ideas )


Mar 24, 2013
Mar 24, 2013
Hi everyone ,

As an itroduction to my topic i would love to just explain a little bit about automation in case someone want to feed his curiosity :
Automation is the use of machines, control systems and information technologies to optimize productivity in the production of goods and delivery of services.

The main advantages of automation are:

  • Increased throughput or productivity.
  • Improved quality or increased predictability of quality.
  • Improved robustness (consistency), of processes or product.
  • Reduces operation time and work handling time significantly.
  • Frees up workers to take on other roles.

So briefly automated systems are the future of the global production , humans are less incorporated in the process .
Here is a picture showing a nice example of an automated system :


So back to my topic :
As a student in automation systems designs and maintenance , this year was my first year , and next year i will have to make my own project for graduation .

Things we studied are :

  • Boolean algebra :
  • Low power electronics and electricity (Norton ,thevenin , OpAmps , 555 timer usage ..)
  • Electrical installations (trigonometrical RLC circuit calculations , signal analysis)
  • circuits and schematics ( making simple circuits in the lab )
  • OS usage ( windows )
  • Measurement Technics ( simple DMM usage )
  • Maths ( derivatives , integrals , differential equation , )
As for triphased system i didn't really fully understand it to be honest along with the operational amplificator

I don't know if this things are really sufficient to start a simple automated system design ?
But anyways i want from the people here who have already succeeded in making easy beginner projects to give some ideas on some simple designs , i will then be encouraged to choose the right one and think about how to make the right circuitry for the simulation and then make it real .


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Jan 21, 2010
Jan 21, 2010
Sorry, I thought you had posted this in the project log section where nobody can reply.

I was thankful for that because it saved me from asking you if you thought you should crawl before you can run the 100m sprint in world record time?

Anyway, the answer for most of these sorts of questions is "What are you actually interested in?", "Do you have an idea in mind?", and the general observation that biting off more than you can chew is almost universally associated with frustration.

Having said all of that, this is homework and I'll remove it to that section.


Mar 24, 2013
Mar 24, 2013
I thought electronics projects was the right section for it , but anyways am not planing to crawl or something , i just want some ideas about simple automated systems projects like this one for example .



Aug 16, 2013
Aug 16, 2013
Kits for learning

Hi everyone ,

As an itroduction to my topic i would love to just explain a little bit about automation in case someone want to feed his curiosity :
Automation is the use of machines, control systems and information technologies to optimize productivity in the production of goods and delivery of services.

The main advantages of automation are:

  • Increased throughput or productivity.
  • Improved quality or increased predictability of quality.
  • Improved robustness (consistency), of processes or product.
  • Reduces operation time and work handling time significantly.
  • Frees up workers to take on other roles.

So briefly automated systems are the future of the global production , humans are less incorporated in the process .
Here is a picture showing a nice example of an automated system :


So back to my topic :
As a student in automation systems designs and maintenance , this year was my first year , and next year i will have to make my own project for graduation .

Things we studied are :

  • Boolean algebra :
  • Low power electronics and electricity (Norton ,thevenin , OpAmps , 555 timer usage ..)
  • Electrical installations (trigonometrical RLC circuit calculations , signal analysis)
  • circuits and schematics ( making simple circuits in the lab )
  • OS usage ( windows )
  • Measurement Technics ( simple DMM usage )
  • Maths ( derivatives , integrals , differential equation , )
As for triphased system i didn't really fully understand it to be honest along with the operational amplificator

I don't know if this things are really sufficient to start a simple automated system design ?
But anyways i want from the people here who have already succeeded in making easy beginner projects to give some ideas on some simple designs , i will then be encouraged to choose the right one and think about how to make the right circuitry for the simulation and then make it real .

Try this site:
This is a good way to get hands on and to build something useful. Ed.


Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
May 8, 2012
May 8, 2012
Try this site:
This is a good way to get hands on and to build something useful. Ed.

Ed that's it!!!! I'm involved in another thread where the OP is desirous of motor speed control for a Mini-Mill. He posted a link to the Amazon PWM module he was thinking of buying. I told him that he'd be better off with a kit because he has additional control requirements. A kit would provide him with a schematic, PCB pictorial. etc. I knew I recently clicked a link to such a site but I couldn't remember what topic led me there. This is it!

Mucho Dunka! ... A bit of mix an match. ;)



Mar 24, 2013
Mar 24, 2013
Hey Cdrive i will post all the information of the future project i got in my mind ,

I browsed the website and i don't see any projects schematics, only pre-programmed controllers and kits , my goal is to build something with only basic materiel that i will program and control it my self ..


Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
May 8, 2012
May 8, 2012
Hey Cdrive i will post all the information of the future project i got in my mind ,

I browsed the website and i don't see any projects schematics, only pre-programmed controllers and kits , my goal is to build something with only basic materiel that i will program and control it my self ..

If they sell it as a kit you can bet it comes with a schematic. Besides, one of those PWM controllers might be just what you need for that mix master in your other thread.
