Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need help with a failed controller for a treadmill.


May 12, 2020
May 12, 2020
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, Bluejets, but I had to put the treadmill repairs on the back burner for other urgent house repairs. I have resumed and I found an open circuited resistor and faulty capacitor which I replaced and still no difference. After reading through a lot of posts I found out that the unit LV dc control voltage had to be 15vdc (min.) & 7vdc (min.) to operate the PWM control circuit from the control console. When I tested the voltage readings I measured was 11.98vdc and 4.98 vdc. I noted that there are 3 capacitors on the LV circuit marked C01, L1 & C02. C01 being a 25v, 470uf cap, L1 being a cap marked 47uH and C02 being a 25v 470uf cap. I tested the 3 caps and the results are in the uploads. I cannot find out the size of the L1 cap marked 47uH.


  • Page 1_ Board and Capacitors.jpg
    Page 1_ Board and Capacitors.jpg
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  • Page 2_Capacitor Digital Meter.jpg
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  • Page 3_Transistor test unit.jpg
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  • Page 4_Capacitor test results.png
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May 12, 2020
May 12, 2020
I have attached a report on what has happened and some photos of the controller. I am still unable to find the problem that will not fire the PWM. I have checked the controller and display panel and cannot locate any damaged parts. Still need help.


  • Showing caps & inductor replaced (2).jpg
    Showing caps & inductor replaced (2).jpg
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  • Showing plug bases & PWM diode.jpg
    Showing plug bases & PWM diode.jpg
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  • Page 1 of report.pdf
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  • Page 2 of report.jpg
    Page 2 of report.jpg
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May 12, 2020
May 12, 2020
I have attached another report in pdf format re further tests conducted. Also attached is a pic showing wave form on PWM circuit the new multimeters I purchased. Still need help.


  • Mustool Graphical MM..jpg
    Mustool Graphical MM..jpg
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  • Protech QM1551 MM.jpg
    Protech QM1551 MM.jpg
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  • 01_Oscilloscope of PWM from console.jpg
    01_Oscilloscope of PWM from console.jpg
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  • Treadmill info 2.pdf
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May 12, 2020
May 12, 2020
Thanks, I will do that and get back to you if I find anything, regards gears47
I posted new info on the 19 Dec 2020, 20 Jan 2021 and today 3 Feb 2021. I don't know if you have had a chance to read them yet as I am still at a loss of where to go next. Regards Gears47