Maker Pro
Maker Pro

PIC Development Tools



Jan 1, 1970
Michael A. Terrell said:
I've seen a few sites with very pale yellow on a white background.
You can barely tell that there is any text there, let alone read any of
it. I had to use the mouse to highlight the text so I could read it. I
though about emailing the webmasters, but decided that that was the
least of the problems on those sites.

BTW, have you ever had a look at: ?

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Oh yes! The yellow-on-white. Forgot that one (it's better forgotten). What
idiot would make a page ........ uh ....... now that I think about a sec., I
guess an idiot is *required* for that.

Michael A. Terrell

Jan 1, 1970
Pooh said:
I have now. ;-)

Its a good place to go when you need a few good laughs. To think
that people spent time creating these messes, and think that they did a
good job.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Michael A. Terrell

Jan 1, 1970
JeffM said:
Tim Seifert makes no pretence at being nice
to these kinds of idiots:
I have his page bookmarked as
"Message To Clueless Website Authors (Stop Doing Stupid Things)"

I've seen that page before, when someone asked what people thought of
they web design skills. ;-)

Mine are basic, but I can build a working website that doesn't look
too bad. is one of them. I
don't want or need mouseovers, flash, animated graphics and other BS.
The only thing that moves on the site is the main page, and its at the
bottom. Its for something I believe in, so it goes on every website I
build for myself. I use simple style sheets and a couple very basic
javascripts to make everything load faster as you browse the pages.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Richard The Dreaded Libertarian

Jan 1, 1970
Red on black makes my brain seize up ;-)

Better replace the bathroom mirror, then. <badump-bump!>

Rich Grise

Jan 1, 1970
However blue on pale yellow can look really nice - in the 70's we used to
get drawings from our US sister company that were in pale blue - seemed
more pleasant to look at somehow and their staff always had yellow note
pads too. Somehow they were just easier on the eye.


That's how they come out of a Diazo machine - they used to be called
"blueprints". :)
