Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Safe storage of gadgets?


Feb 23, 2023
Feb 23, 2023
Hi there electronics hounds… I have a storage safety question for you.

I’m faced with having to keep some musical gear in my garage - leads, electronic effects, mixers and so on. The garage is free standing with a cement floor.

The gear would all be on heavy duty wire shelving to help circulation, hopefully at least a couple of feet from the floor.

It’s been extremely wet here lately and the garage has had water migrating though the cement, with a fair amount of crystallised salts appearing, called efflorescence apparently in cement circles!

I can use a dehumidifier to bring the humidity down to 60% or so. But even if I reduce the overall moisture levels, do the salts from the cement pose another problem in themselves, for musical gear? I’m looking at storing speakers, cables, electronic stuff if I have to like pedals and mixers. Naturally I don’t want to subject them to some sort of toxic miasma. The guitars aren’t going in though!

Apparently the salts include calcium sulphate, sodium sulphate, potassium sulphate, calcium carbonate, sodium carbonate, potassium carbonate, vanadyl sulphate, and manganese oxide.

Does anyone have experience with this happening and are the cement salts a deal breaker for storage? Many thanks if anyone can help!


Jun 25, 2010
Jun 25, 2010
The key would be humidity - which in and of itself will carry any corrosive salts to your equipment and deposit them appropriately.

You could keep a dehumidifier running (preset for a minimum level?) but they don't run cheaply these days. Bagging the expensive stuff with silica-gel packs (dehumidifying salts) would also work.