Maker Pro
Maker Pro

TV/Projector ... the next generation?


Dec 22, 2015
Dec 22, 2015
Evenin y'all!

I'm thinking about getting a new TV/Projector to watch stuff on from my phone, but I'm not familiar with what's what and what's a good deal during the upcoming season. I haven't had a TV in close to 10 years because I didn't have a need for one. Now that I'm waiting to move to set up a workshop and I have spine issues and will be getting a recliner soon... I'm figurin LoL.

I won't be moving for probably a couple more years so I'm trying to make my time here comfy as possible. I'm greedy honestly and what I mean is I want lots of inches but I want good inches that's worth it but doesn't break the bank. I was thinking of possibly a Projector but once again I don't know what I'm looking for.

The refresh rates and LED, OLED, I know what the letters stand for but as far as quality I don't know what's a better bang for the money. During the holidays I was hoping to find a 75"+ on sale for $500ish or a Projector for bigger screen for about the same $500 or a little more. Maybe I'm being cheap and if so...then show me the better bang for the buck.

I want something that will last but I feel that most electronics I seen today are not made to last long so that's why I don't want to put a lot of $$$ into a tv/projector that's going to go out or be obsolete in 2-5 years.

I'm not sure of what all the terms mean for these new fangled Tv/Projectors and that's ok, just let me know type and above what numbers I need to have a great viewing experience as possible.

If wifi is needed then it will be from my phone as well.

Thanks In Advance, Have A Good'n!


May 7, 2021
May 7, 2021
You need a darker room for a projector, of course, then for a flat-panel display which can be readily viewed with moderate room light.

Depending upon the size you want, you are likely to find more bang-for-the-buck with a name-brand (Samsung, LG, Sony, etc.) 4k LED flat-panel.
Even an older and/or cheaper model should be fine.
I would avoid the off-brands, such as Walmart sells.
I don't think you will find a 4k projector for the price of the flat-panels.

OLED likely gives a little better picture, but the price is much higher.

Refresh rate is not likely an issue unless you are into high-end gaming.


Dec 22, 2015
Dec 22, 2015
You need a darker room for a projector, of course, then for a flat-panel display which can be readily viewed with moderate room light.

Depending upon the size you want, you are likely to find more bang-for-the-buck with a name-brand (Samsung, LG, Sony, etc.) 4k LED flat-panel.
Even an older and/or cheaper model should be fine.
I would avoid the off-brands, such as Walmart sells.
I don't think you will find a 4k projector for the price of the flat-panels.

OLED likely gives a little better picture, but the price is much higher.

Refresh rate is not likely an issue unless you are into high-end gaming.

Thanks! I'm not into gaming yet but will see when I start the process of getting comfy with a TV again. I kinda figured a dark room or at least a dimly lit room would be needed for the projector. Maybe I'll find what I'm looking... if not then there's always next year...