Maker Pro
Maker Pro

4 out of 5 Burned Sony Data DVD's contains CRC error ?!?


Skybuck Flying

Jan 1, 1970
I did one last check:

1. I reboot the PC to make sure it's not some corruption in the file system

2. Re-run the compare files tool, same position pops up: 316.802.701

Unless other people have the same offset/position as damaged then it's
probably just a problem with one of my hd-disks...

Big shit though... this means I will have to stop using my "Dream PC" which
can now be rightfully called "Nightmare PC" until I get new harddisks...
this also means the Antec 1200 case could be risky... especially when
cleaning dustfilters while hd's are on... this could also mean placing tower
on table is bad because of bumps against table or so... which might kill
hd's ?! BIG SHIT... can't place PC on ground because of dust.

Only solution is to make a remote computer... in a far away location from
me... so it wouldn't be affected by dust... or bangs... then I would need
super long monitor cable... to be able to work with the damn thing...

This could be a bit dangerous such a long monitor cable... alternatively...

I could place pc on a seperate table which could take care of most bangs
probably... it would still be a bit risky... and bang sensitive if I bang
against other table...

It could also be a matter of high usage... maybe Microsofts ! flight
simulator x had a little bit to do with it.. it has a huge load of files and
places extra stress on the file system which is bad. I recently deleted it
to get rid of it and its load on file system... to late now... this kinda

I am also surprised the harddisk doesn't mark it as a bad sector... maybe
it's already way passed being able to divert to unused space... this could
be a bad sign...

Maybe it's not the hd that's bad... maybe it's just windows corrupted user
account but I doubt it somehow...

Smart thing to do would be to get new hd's copy the whole motherfucker... do
a file by file... byte by byte comparision to know if everything was copied
properly... this gonna take a bitching long time but ok...

As long as I don't delete and put anything new on the disk it should be ok.
I hope...

So far it seems C: drive is fucked... maybe D: drive still ok.

I guessed I made that data backup just in time ! I was about due... and the
user account corruption was also a bad sign... so I thought I better make
that backup just in case... and not a moment to late it seems !

Anyway this does prove that windows is good at detecting corruption even if
it's in weird ways... as long as the user "listens" to the system and pays
attention and is sensitive and googles around this will become apperent...

Windows update was failing which was the first sign of trouble. Somebody
mention user account corruption which was the second sign of trouble ?!? or
maybe primary cause... me not sure yet...

Ram trouble can probably be ruled out... since after fresh reboot... same
location would be unlikely...

Winrar bug can be ruled out... definetly not winrar bug.

Scary !

Now I run the risk of losing my whole system which took years to build and
gather ?! Shitty ?!

I don't want that to happen even if Windows is sometimes a piece of shit ;)
:) It mostly works ok. Just sometimes explorer.exe hangs... and shit like
that... 99% statisfcation... 1% annoyances... SHIT.

So much trouble with this pc it's fricking unbelievable... but then again
this is the first PC which I spent day and night behind it... so sooner or
later something gonna pop up... To bad it has to happen/end like this lol.

To all "good ?" things come an end I guess... I had 3 years of fun with

1. with at least two bad motherboard deaths...
2. one graphics card had to be removed/overheat...
3. gigaworks s750 death.
4. memory ram chip death.
5. pc case replacement was needed
6. cpu fan replacement was needed. original was too loudy..
7. paste shit needed/
8. new mouse needed.

Even motherboard started to wear and tear... at least three letters gone

Shit you may call me a heavy user... the mother/dad of all son of bitches :)

Sucks being me... LOL but only during these situations... otherwise it s
rocking the cradle.

I wonder what is next to die ?

My monitor ? pls not my monitor... if my 1000 euro bux monitor dies I am
going to jump of the building but not really ofcourse... everything dies
sometime... but it's painfull expensive to die ! ;)

Big fucking shit. Now I have to go back to my pentoum 3... me very glad I
still have it...

It has saved me three times before and now it will save me again... Holyshit

Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit I hate being on that thing it's so damn
slow... ****.

I can forget about youtube video's for a while... especially the hd's one :(

Oh well.

Skybuck signing off and facing another death scenerio for now.



I am out of my mind typing this long message... but maybe it not so bad...
it will be my last one from this PC for a while ! :(((((

Skybuck ! ;) =D

Archimedes' Lever

Jan 1, 1970
Same here, 100%, but I use Verbatim only.
I even get a 100% on printing the layouts on the printables,
before and after burning those.
In Linux, using gimp to make the layouts.
Because in the past printing sometimes failed,
I now print them first and then burn them.
Making nice layouts, so your disks look good, makes all the difference.

Not when you go through them like I do.

I burn many Linux release disks each month as they come out.

There are also beta developments.

Nothing more than a few words done with a marker is all that is needed.

Now, your pirated DVD collection might be a different story.

I also DL software and try them out. Those disks go away within 24Hrs.

Archimedes' Lever

Jan 1, 1970
There are special pens to write on CDs and DVDs, the ink is not supposed to
damage the disk.

That is just as bad as "free credit report dot com"

There is a sucker born every minute.

The vehicle in a sharpie evaporates in mere seconds, and does NOT harm
optical discs, unless you bought them at Harbor Freight or the like.
Likely not even then.

Archimedes' Lever

Jan 1, 1970
I cannot believe some of the horseshit responses this has garnered.

Ever stop to think that he may have a dog slow box, and has his burn
software cache setting so WRONG that he causes the problem? He even said
he was on the internet once. That would not matter on MY box, but on a
SkyTard convolution, it very well may.

It is commonly referred to in the optical disc recording realm as
"buffer underrun" or "buffer overrun".

If his RAM had a problem, Windows would catch it, because Windows does
a RAM exercise as it comes up. Overclocked wrong? It fails to boot. Bit
error... it FAILS TO BOOT!

Got it?

What he should do is start SMALL. Take ONE RAR file and do a burn
session. If that fails, his burn software is set up wrong. Likely
because the dope fucked with the settings when he failed the first

He has zero diagnostic capacity because that requires knowledge of the
hardware, and he falls severely short of that mark.

So, HE should NOT be doing ANY of this. ESPECIALLY if his "fix session"
began with making a bunch of software setting changes, instead of making

I would also bet that he NEVER did a "practice burn" where all the data
streams move around to test the burn function, but no burn wastes a disc.

He needs several forms of "help" in his life, not the least of which is
his parents hand across his ass for being such an inconsiderate,
cross-posting, Usenet abusing little bastard.

Top posted because nothing you said makes a ****.

The hard drive remark is total bullshit too. An old hard drive form
the 80s might have slop in the bearings, but modern hard drives are MADE
to take motion in ALL axis DURING OPERATION.

You're an idiot to think that they are not.

Archimedes' Lever

Jan 1, 1970
So it seems there is bad memory in the system... seems like 2 bits
bad ? So just two bad bits can cause a hell lot of a mess ! ) :)

Now the big question for me is:

1. Why did one of the memory chips go bad ? Is it still a reminensence
of my "plastic experiment" where plastic tape fell on it... <- it's

A: Have you overclocked the damned thing? As little as you know about
them, you need to keep them at stock operating levels. Overclocking a
machine will DEFINITELY result in fouled operation, ESPECIALLY if one
does not know what one is doing, and you do not.

Next: Have you tried re-seating the stick(s)?

Did you buy them used, or were they packaged by their manufacturer?

And finally, find out where your help is coming from, and TRIM your
group list so that you can keep it where it belongs. You do not need to
continue your blatant, inconsiderate cross-posting after you have found
assistance. You can keep it down to the group that the dope that tried
to help you is "from".

I think it is pretty damned funny that only YOU have all these problems
through how many machines?

That is indicative of the fact that you are DICKING AROUND with your
hardware, while at the same time having no clue about how to protect it,
much less successfully dick with it.

In what... twenty five years, I have never had such an issue, and we
had loose memory chips that were MORE prone to failure.

The number of failure you SPEW about in these groups in the last year
and a half are so high that there is no doubt whatsoever that you are
doing things to your hardware that you should NOT be doing.
You most likely zap the piss out of everything, and then wonder why it
fails a month later.

You think what you got was help?

Archimedes' Lever

Jan 1, 1970
Fortunately Corsair was nice and smart enough to sent me two new
memory chips when another one was bad not so long ago.

I'd be willing to bet that you are an ESD nightmare.

Despite you thinking that you are protecting your equipment, it is
pretty blatantly obvious that you are not.

Archimedes' Lever

Jan 1, 1970
Nope, no overclocking... unless asus motherboard does that but I don't
think so ;)

The default BIOS setting DOES.

You have to manually set it to "manual" and then NO overclocking.

Archimedes' Lever

Jan 1, 1970
Yeah but then again... some of these drives end op in jet
fighters ! ;)
His hard drive remarks were baseless and pretty stupid.

In fact, it was the military that originally contracted that hard
drives be built and that is why they were practically rugged this whole
time. They are not "rugged", but they are mil spec, mechanically

The original drives could not handle as much because they were 5.25"
form factor and had much larger masses being motored around on older
technology bearings. Those drives had way more problems.

Modern drives claim to be able to handle certain shocks *while under
operation*. They can certainly handle multi-axial transitions.


Jan 1, 1970

This night I was trying to backup my source code, emails, websites and
information to a DVD.

This time I wanted to make 100% sure that every bit was verified and tested.

Out of 5 DVD's WinRar reported 4 DVD's as bad/corrupted/crc32 errors !

Only one DVD came through 100% perfect as far as I can tell... another DVD
came very close 99.999999% perfect... but still an unexplained and
undetected bit error somewhere... only the DVD copieing program detected
it... I want to be 100% sure so this second one doesn't count.

That's a failure rate of 80% !

I tried the following:

1. Burning at 4 MByte/Sec.
2. Burning at 12 MByte/Sec.
3. Burning at 16 MByte/Sec.
4. Blowing the drive clean a little bit.
5. Lowering the fans on the PC case... this seemed to help a little bit or
maybe it was a fluck of luck... this DVD was 100% ok ?!?
6. Listening on the table to see if under neighbours or cars/trucks driving
by where making noise.

I noticed the IBM/Hitachi Harddisk do make quite some noise/vibrations on
the wooden table.
7. Disconnected internet.

Maybe harddisk/filesystem a little bit fragmented... by the buffers seemed
to remain full... the read buffer in nero remained above 90% full...

The dvd burner (benq) did seem to drop to 23% at occasions.

One dvd had a little bit of crease and had the most errors. (Wrote with
waterpen on it before burning the rest after).

All other dvd's came clean out of the sony cakebox.

I feel lucky and blessed that I at least got one good DVD out of this
experiment and necessary backup.

Let this posting be a warning message to those programmers and other people
out there thinking about using DVD's as backup mediums !

Always verify the DVD... but that's not enough !

One DVD still came through "verified" by the DVD writing program... however
WinRar still reported corruption.

Another explanation could be that some of my RAM chips might be
corrupted/defect... however shouldn't I have noticed that by now ?!?

I also tried extracting the originals on the harddisk... and no bit errors
or crc's error happen there which more or less proves that it's probably not
a memory error... since it would probably use the same ammount of memory and

I am just hoping that one copy remains good fingers crossed... I also had
another copy... at least the rar's where good.. but maybe some of the
software like executables for extraction might be nuked.

(I also have dual layer verbatims on my closest shelfes... didn't try those
yet... since backup data was about 2.7 GB... so saving those for some other
time ;)... these were 4 GB Sony DVD's which I used...)

What's your experience with burning DVD's... anybody out there experiencing
high failure rates ?!?

Maybe with sony dvd's or benq dvd drives ?

(This is 2006 technology ;) :))


Google did a study on RAM issues. It turns out that the memory on
consumer grade (and even enterprise grade) gear suffers numerous errors.
They traced it down to the memory controllers and not the memory modules

In other words, crappy motherboard design.


Jan 1, 1970
In other words, crappy motherboard design.
More like pussies that will not spring for the ECC RAM. If you all
had, we would have cheaply priced ECC RAM right now, which is currently
not the case.

It is, however, what I use.


Jan 1, 1970
More like pussies that will not spring for the ECC RAM. If you all
had, we would have cheaply priced ECC RAM right now, which is currently
not the case.

It is, however, what I use.

It's not working, AlwaysWrong.

Skybuck Flying

Jan 1, 1970
Yeah it was memory corruption ;) :)

See my reply to you in another thread ;)

At least 2 dvd's were burned correctly without memory errors it seems ;)
