Maker Pro
Maker Pro

I am new to this forum..


Jun 24, 2022
Jun 24, 2022
I am new to this forum..
I like Steve (the moderator)have a long-term interest in electronics ( 40 years +), but I am not formally employed(I Retired EARLY(to care give for mom(deceased);
Electronics Point.. Great Idea.
While mentoring others ONE Student pestered me with "How did you become SO VERSATILE" ...and successful?? You worked as Point of Sales Tech(Banking);
Field Service;
Bench Tech;
ran a Microelectronics (MIL-SPEC) lab;
awarded Fulltime Teaching Credential(1987 UCLA) Sr Engineering Tech(in Communications lab);
Consultant: R&D Oil Field Beam Pumps (Lab Manager) Consultant: R&D: 1st Voice Pattern automated Recognition System;
Quality Control Liaison (Spacelab Medical Systems Inc (Spinoff of NASA);
R&D KLCS/PBS TELEVISION.. Analog to Digital conversion + Over the Air wireless IP...transmitted from Mt Wilson antenna to Various Field antennas to a "cache engine" to be distributed on a campus-wide Cisco/Alcatel network..
Many Industry certifications A+;
MCPs; Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer;
Cisco CCNA and more ...I could go on but I'm sure, I seem egotistical....
"It not bragging if you can do it!"--Bruce Lee.
I owe a great debt to all the great Professors & Mentors who supported me...I felt respected and respectful when the professors would be questioned in my classes and they would tell the students to ask me..."he has a lot of experience" I'm almost 71 years old now. I think I need to share the fruits of my experience...
Maybe ELECTRONICS POINT is a good place for me to download I don't know maybe?
Ps:D don't think Jack of all trades, Master of none.
Every position I moved to was a step up in Pay; responsibility.

[Mod note: lots of editing for much better clarity and easier reading]
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Sep 5, 2009
Sep 5, 2009
<---- I have had cookies for years, come over to the dark side ;) ;)

@Benordst ... I have heavily edited your original post .... your short lines and everything running together without spaces
was difficult to read :)


Jun 24, 2022
Jun 24, 2022
Thanks Davenn,
Sorry for the difficulty. You should post your edit; I do tend to run on. I'm fearing I'll forget the concept/idea..... Electronics Point...such
a great space. I have a relative much older than I (musician turned Rocket Scientist; crazy huh!)
He's far more active at 82 than men 30 to 40 yrs younger.
Please let me know if I'm too much...for EP with my personal experiences. It all
to me appears to be related to my "Technical" career. I do appreciate and understand EP is about technology. For my experience of technology; it's always at its highest been tethered to people &
This is still me introducing myself...I'm starting to relax into my honest voice...

Hey Martaine2005...I'm developing a fear of cookies.. a grown man???
My conversation often appears unfocused though I'm very efficiency conscious.
For approx. 18 to 20 year I took "Quality Control" for granite because every place
I worked implemented...QC.. TQM.. Edward Deemings, so I thought everyone used QC.
I was confused when I first arrived at Los Angeles Unified School the time they were unaware of QC. SO even though I appear Unfocused I'm VERY conscious of being efficient.
It'll make sense later. A great man cleared my confusion;I have a picture of
us ...Yes...the "Wizard of Westwood.. he was approx
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Jun 24, 2022
Jun 24, 2022
Thanks Davenn,
Sorry for the difficulty. You should post your edit; I do tend to run on. I'm fearing I'll forget the concept/idea..... Electronics Point...such
a great space. I have a relative much older than I (musician turned Rocket Scientist; crazy huh!)
He's far more active at 82 than men 30 to 40 yrs younger.
Please let me know if I'm too much...for EP with my personal experiences. It all
to me appears to be related to my "Technical" career. I do appreciate and understand EP is about technology. For my experience of technology; it's always at its highest been tethered to people &
This is still me introducing myself...I'm starting to relax into my honest voice...

Hey Martaine2005...I'm developing a fear of cookies.. a grown man???
My conversation often appears unfocused though I'm very efficiency conscious.
For approx. 18 to 20 year I took "Quality Control" for granite because every place
I worked implemented...QC.. TQM.. Edward Deemings, so I thought everyone used QC.
I was confused when I first arrived at Los Angeles Unified School the time they were unaware of QC. SO even though I appear Unfocused I'm VERY conscious of being efficient.
It'll make sense later. A great man cleared my confusion;I have a picture of
us ...Yes...the "Wizard of Westwood.. he was approx
96 or 97 at the time. John Wooden he passed at 99...
(I Posted an addendum ??)
it transitions well more hardware/ technology.
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Jun 24, 2022
Jun 24, 2022
Maybe? A moderator can help me find my post in which I discussed the "interaction" and "circumstance" of John
Wooden's and my discussion on "Quality Control".
I don't want to be redundant/inefficient and therefore anti-QC right?
But he made very,very important point..probably one of the most important points!! on QC...Which is needed today
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May 12, 2015
May 12, 2015
You should be able to view your posts under your account. I tried checking from my phone but couldn’t do it. You’ll need a computer to check I think.



Jun 24, 2022
Jun 24, 2022
Hello Martine2005,
Maybe "I'm" doing something addition there could be an issue going from smartph to desktop also.
Additionally..I tried the "This page" link for readying to post an Avitar as requested...the link response was
"404 error-page not found".
The gentleman who had problem with a tape cassette...I should have not attempted shotgun troubleshooting he had stated the
model# in an earlier part of thread I missed..
I did see later portions of the thread..and from his description I still think poor ventilation causing thermal issues needs to be eliminated(I tried to relocate the thread so I could address him by name...was unsuccessful the 3rd time). Sorry it took so long to respond
Being older & maintaining a home
with a pool and an relatively expensive Pentair intelliflo
Variable Speed flow pump can be challenging.
When I say relatively Expensive...
When 1st purchased 1200.00 to get another one 2000.00 dollars.
I know most people say don't you have a pool guy.
I go to one of the most knowledgeable pool "Engineers" in LA southern calif. area and says He and most pool service companies don't service them because it's too time consuming.
But these pumps are "Workhorses of durability"..
Do you want to replace a good pump with ANOTHER $2200.00 pump due to configuration/setup issues?
I say have to tame it with Professional troubleshooting skill
OR a power glitch will scramble "the NEW ONE also! PLUS there is GREAT satisfaction in taming the BEAST.
My pump purrs like a kitten NOW!
THE service company or Manufacturer don't mind selling you
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May 12, 2015
May 12, 2015
@Harald Kapp @davenn @bertus
Hopefully a moderator can help you with finding ‘your’ posts on your account. I know I can do it on a computer but not sure how on my phone.
Regarding the error, 404 is normally an unavailable page. But an error will also be shown if a picture is uploaded that is too large in size. 300kB is guaranteed to work.



Jun 24, 2022
Jun 24, 2022
Good morning Martin,
I actually had not selected an image. I just actuated the link to view
the interface... when I received "404-page not found error" It's a fairly
common error on an IP network, the client browser cannot connect to a link endpoint for
what ever reason,
a.) addressing,
b.)target data or image removed with no replacement. I'm not 100% sure but I do remember reading that this affects the credibility and/or ranking of a website.
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Sep 5, 2009
Sep 5, 2009
Maybe? A moderator can help me find my post in which I discussed the "interaction" and "circumstance" of John
Wooden's and my discussion on "Quality Control".

I did a search of the forum and the only places I can see you mentioning John or quality control are in this thread



May 12, 2015
May 12, 2015
I think the outer fabric is more important than the polyester fibre internals. Plush toys are renowned for this. What is your real reason for asking?
If used as a pillow, it will lose its shape and comfort rather quickly.
That’s why duck feather and other kinds of fillings are used. ie: polystyrene balls in bean bags.
