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Macrovision hack?

  • Thread starter A Better Chungking_Cash
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Chaos Master

Jan 1, 1970
gothika posted in , in article
also have you forgotten about s-vhs? while it's not as good as the
original dvd it would still be perfectly fine for viewing on standard
tv sets.

Here in Brazil it is similar.
You can remove all protection from a DVD, but YOU CAN'T SELL the resulting data.

This is somewhat like our laws about .MP3 audio: you can download it, as long as
it's for personal use or transmission over the Internet _AS LONG AS_ you don't
"sell" music. If you burn a CD with downloaded music to play on your CD player
it's legal. But if you sell the CD it is illegal.

Chaos Master® - Porto Alegre, Brazil!
IRC #XLinuxNews or #POA of , nick Wizard_of_Yendor .
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CygWin, GnuWin32, and so on..


Jan 1, 1970
Making a backup of one's own property is not stealing,
regardless of what the entertainment industry wants you
to believe.

Sorry, but you don't need a backup. They do not degrade.

It is THEIR property. The one you bought is your copy. If it goes
defective, that's your fault. Properly used, they NEVER degrade.
Pay attention to what happens in the appeals process for
this current court case.

They will lose, and you are a loser. You want copies for your
little rug monkeys, make a VHS tape or a VCD. Get fucked for trying
to make a bit for bit copy.
Rick the dick

Yes, you are.


Jan 1, 1970
DarkMatter wrote on [Sat, 06 Mar 2004 12:14:27 -0800]:
DarkMatter wrote on [Sat, 06 Mar 2004 11:36:49 -0800]:
Any such attempt will only serve to drive the sale of Chinese made
players through the roof, as if they weren't killing american
manufacturers already.

Funny. I see absolutely ZERO chinese players on American store
shelves. Ever wonder why?

Sure you do.

Yes. Taiwan. Through legal manufacturer channels where the
manufacturer is industry compliant. One does not see the
non-complaint players he refers to on our shelves.

The web doesn't count.

The Cyberhome players can be hacked, hell, even some of the newer
Toshibas can be, with very simple remote keypresses.

That makes them illicit to market here, if it can be accessed by the
consumer. The fact that they ARE marketed here doesn't make them any
less sub-conformal to the standard. Are any of those marketers based
here? I doubt it.

I have a Daewoo dvd player that is region free. I've played dvd's from
2 other zones and they played just fine.
I notice you stated illicit not illegal. There is a legal distinction.
I bought mine over the net from a dealer in NY but have since seenthe
same player selling in local stores.
As for the governement outlawing what I do with whatever I buy for my
own personal use. They forget that They serve the people not the other
way around.
We have this thing called the constitution and no laws may be made
that will abridge or change it. Especially in regards to the laws
protecting unalienable rights. Those include freedom of expression,
speech and privacy.
What I do with my own property(that includes any recorded media I
purchase.) in the privacy of my own home for my own use.
By the owner of the intellectual/artisitic property(this being THE
material on the commercial dvd.) putting said property in the retail
sales market they come under he comes under guide lines and rules as
set forth by fair trade laws. i.e. they relenquish private view rights
to whomever purchases the material for their own personal viewing.
They have no rights to mandate how you view it.
The clearest example of this would be the LP's of past that all would
purchase and make cassette copies of for their own use.
ASCAP and the RIAA could'nt get the Supreme court to ban home
recording and the film and video industry won't have any better luck
getting the cititzenry to comply now.
No matter how many politicians they bribe or unlawfull regulations
they try to impose.
If I choose to make a copy of any DVD I purchase to vhs or whatever
for my own personal viewing it's no one's business but mine.
If I choose to purchase a descrambler to remove any signal that
degrades image quality that's my business as well. I'm buying the
images not the anti-theft crap they trash it with.
The government can't under constututional law mandate what we will or
won't purchase or own inregards to restrictive players.


Jan 1, 1970
Jan Panteltje said:
Justin wrote:
Colon Terminus wrote on [Sat, 06 Mar 2004 19:01:16 GMT]:

No, NOT illegal to copy a DVD.
Illegal to circumvent the encryption on a DVD.

Yes, illegal to copy a DVD. It is illegal to bypass a copy protection
mechanism. Therefore, by copying it you are bypassing it.

Not it's not illegal to bypass a copy protection mechanism. It's
illegal to defeat it.
Interesting, I thought of that some time ago.

It is a ludicrous semantic game you are playing. Bypass and defeat are the
Well said. Arguing about word play is a waste.
Better to discuss whether we should allow any government to have the
power to strip away our basic rights.


Jan 1, 1970
Justin said:
Cernovog wrote on [Sat, 6 Mar 2004 12:33:06 -0500]:
This is completely wrong. Any copying of a DVD to any form is illegal via
the DMCA. The ruling came down this week.

That's laughable. How do they expect this to be enforced? We don't have
enough to cops to handle the real crimes. I think the FBI has better things
to do than go house to house looking for copies of movies.

Yes, but just because something doesn't always get enforced it doesn't
mean it's legal.

Make enough laws and eventually everyone becomes a
criminal. It really is over in the U.S., we've become a
nation of brainwashed, fearful, pussy whipped corporate
prostitutes who wouldn't know freedom if it bit us on
the ass.

Thank you Rick. At last someone here with enough stones to speak up.


Jan 1, 1970
Sorry, you total retard, but stealing is NOT a freedom. It is a
criminal act. For you not to know this mean that you are an obvious
criminal. For you not to understand that premise is even worse.

Jack-offs like you are what threaten our freedoms more than

How can you steal something you legally purchased?
Sounds to me like you're the jack-off.
BTW how old are you? Can you even remember when citizens had to fight
to preserve the freedoms you seem so willing to throw away to whatever
crooked corporation or corrupt politician?
Or maybe you're one of the Jack-offs that stand to profit from illegal
regulation of the market?


Jan 1, 1970
DarkMatter said:
Sorry, but you don't need a backup. They do not degrade.

It is THEIR property. The one you bought is your copy. If it goes
defective, that's your fault. Properly used, they NEVER degrade.

If you seriously believe that, you're delusional.
They will lose, and you are a loser.

And you're a freaking sociopath as well.



Jan 1, 1970
luminos said:
I read your other lengthy response, that was the ultimate in dumb. Just as
with music, the instructor needs to present excerpts adjacent and
immediately next to each other to make the point. Having a bunch of discs
(or a boatload of them like a boatload of books) makes no sense at all.

The DMCA has failed more legal challenges than it's passed
over the last five years, and that is just one reason. Read
many others here:



Jan 1, 1970
I read your other lengthy response, that was the ultimate in dumb. Just as
with music, the instructor needs to present excerpts adjacent and
immediately next to each other to make the point. Having a bunch of discs
(or a boatload of them like a boatload of books) makes no sense at all.

Tell us, oh dipshit, how did they do it before the advent of video?

That's right. It was costly as ****. Just because a new form
factor is available doesn't mean that it is free to all.

Sure, they are allowed to use excerpts from films legally, but they
still have to buy a copy to legally extract the excerpts. So it isn't
about their right to it, it is about their methods, and practices.
They never had a blanket copy go ahead from anybody, yet seem to think
they do have such a right.

You should relax. $20 for a disc is not a big outlay for a modern
school. Doh! Any idiot teacher that wants to use video in his course
should have enough brains to know how to do so.


Jan 1, 1970
As for the governement outlawing what I do with whatever I buy for my
own personal use. They forget that They serve the people not the other
way around.

Sorry chump, but those freedoms come at a price. One cannot claim
such freedoms, and then step on others rights to profit from your
desires to have their product.

Your argument is as fucked as your mentality.


Jan 1, 1970
Jan Panteltje wrote on [Sat, 06 Mar 2004 22:52:07 GMT]:
But if you could copy it, then for sure it was not copy protected ;-)

Not true at all. If an effort has been made to make it uncopyable, then
it it copy protected. The effectiveness of the copy protection method
doesn't matter.

A fence is still a fence, even if you cut it down with wire cutters.


Jan 1, 1970
They have no rights to mandate how you view it.

You are incorrect. If you utilize hardware that defeats their
protection schemas, you are violating their rights, and federal laws.


Jan 1, 1970
Well said. Arguing about word play is a waste.
Better to discuss whether we should allow any government to have the
power to strip away our basic rights.

You're a retarded twit.


Jan 1, 1970
Rick wrote on [Sat, 6 Mar 2004 17:58:45 -0800]:
Making a backup of one's own property is not stealing,
regardless of what the entertainment industry wants you
to believe.

Well, that's really up for debate though. You do not own the content of
the disc, you only have a license to use it.


Jan 1, 1970
How can you steal something you legally purchased?

Retard. I didn't say anything about a legally purchased disc. My
reference was to stealing. You do know what that word means, right?

That would be any DLd stream off the net, or any ripped image of any
disc that the copy twit doesn't OWN. Get a clue, jackass.
Sounds to me like you're the jack-off.

No. That would be twits like you, and Rick the retarded dick.
BTW how old are you?

Older than you, most likely.
Can you even remember when citizens had to fight
to preserve the freedoms you seem so willing to throw away to whatever
crooked corporation or corrupt politician?

Your rambling is meaningless. Nobody is taking anything from me,
Or maybe you're one of the Jack-offs that stand to profit from illegal
regulation of the market?

You're an idiot. $20 for a DVD is a bargain. Most are even less
than that. Get a CLUE.


Jan 1, 1970
This is completely wrong. Any copying of a DVD to any form is illegal via
the DMCA. The ruling came down this week.

Wrong Wrong Wrong you Buttmunch.

The decision ONLY pertains to the Cracking of the Encryption Code.
if what you say is true then i couldnt make a copy of my own DVD's
That i create myself.
321 studios will keep on publishing its software, only the software
cant Decrypt anymore.....but of course there are ways around that too.


Jan 1, 1970
DarkMatter said:
Like that which your lame ass is sooo good at? Yeah... right. ****
off, retard boy.

I rest my case.


Jan 1, 1970
DarkMatter said:
Such folks get access, and legal access to such streams, and they get
said access with hardware unavailable to consumers.

For the school scenario... too fucking bad. Buy the disk. They are
fully indexed. Move to desired scene. Where's the problem, you
retarded dipshits? School books cost over $50 each so a mere $20 for
a fucking DVD is nothing.

In years past, a school had to lease a 16 print of a film at very
high rates, back when dollars had considerably more value.

You are a goddamned retard to think that a school that wanted to
show a segment of a film for educational purpose could do it cheaper
with an extraction and copy session than by buying the fucking disc to
begin with and merely moving to the desired location.

My time is worth way too much to sit around in a retarded edit
session, compiling fucking snippets. BUY the fucking disc, and the
fucking job is done. It's called chapter search. All players have
the feature. Get a fucking clue, retard boy.

Keep pushing him, hopefully he'll have a stroke.


Jan 1, 1970
DarkMatter said:
Tell us, oh dipshit, how did they do it before the advent of video?

That's right. It was costly as ****. Just because a new form
factor is available doesn't mean that it is free to all.

Sure, they are allowed to use excerpts from films legally, but they
still have to buy a copy to legally extract the excerpts.

I never said otherwise. I presume ownership of the source. You can't read.