Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Multiple magnets, one zone, EOL resistor. Never works!


Total nerd

Jan 1, 1970
On the expander module, three wires are used for two zones. The first
is the common for both and the next two are for each zone. When the
two used for each zone were shorted, it though the zone was not working.


Jan 1, 1970
Total nerd said:
Hah! You got me.
Anyway, there were TWO problems I finally figured out:
First, I stuck a resistor at the panel and it still read open. So,
since it's a little expander module, I removed the unit from the wall
and put it under heavy lights and looked very closely at the contacts.
There was a piece of something (wire possibly?) jammed between the
contacts! I removed that and it worked so far. But, the long 50' span
of window switches still read open all the time. So, I shorted each
one at a time and determined that the second one was bad. I cut it
out, replaced it, and re-soldered each connection and now it's fine.
Goddam incredible. I bet guys that do this every day must find all
sorts of crap shorting out the panel... dog hair, mice, roaches,
joints, whatever.

This is a shining example of why we should ALWAYS home-run all door and
window contacts.
One thing I did also notice is two of the window magnets slipping off
the metal part of the Andersen windows. I guess that tape doesn't
stick very well. I tried a dab of silicone DAP but that didn't work
well either. I suppose I'm just going to Super Glue the darn things.
What do you guys use to make sure they never fall off?



Jan 1, 1970
Total said:
Give me a break. You guys are completely incapable of having a
sensible discussion. You're so good at dishing it out but you can't
take it at all. Yes, I'm a homeowner and no I'm not a professional,
and yes I mistakingly used the word Magnet instead of Switch, and yes I
also know how it works and what the magnet does. You guys are so full
of yourselves that you need to pick on someone like me simply because I
used the wrong word, not realizing that the mere fact so many DIY can
handle a small home alarm installation proves that being an alarm
professional doesn't require too much more knowledge,

Experience comes in handy though. Most of us wouldn't wire the circuit
the way you are because you are limiting what you can do in the future
(with a new panel with more zones), making it harder to troubleshoot and
ensuring that one bad switch will make ALL of those windows dead and you
can simply take one out of the loop at the panel.
Remember, you are dealing with eletronic gear and things do go bad.
(if you are using recessed switches I hope you included a service loop)

and as the years
progress this stuff will only become easier for the average person to
install, not harder, and your attitude will fade. The truth is, the
question, regardless of the improper terminology, is valid and you all
knew what I meant.

Yes we did.

I presume, without being too bold, that if
"alarman" said something like "... so I hooked up the magnet to zone
1..." no one would beat him up for it because we all know what he means
and we're all above that petty crap.

We would likely give him a lot more crap about it.
Crash made a ligth hearted comment and you were a bit sensitive about it.

Nevertheless, continuing this


Jan 1, 1970
Hummmm could be...anyone here want to tackle a new space program this week


Jan 1, 1970
yes it would create a bad state to the panel cause it was waiting for a 2k
resistor not a short..

but I am sure it was not shorting the input directly but it was just
connecting one side of the loop to a positive supply witch would in fact put
the voltage level at the sensing circuit high enough to make it look like an

Allan Waghalter

Jan 1, 1970
I agree 100% with using GOOP! It will hold a loose shoe sole in place!


Jan 1, 1970
Hah! You got me.
Anyway, there were TWO problems I finally figured out:
First, I stuck a resistor at the panel and it still read open. So,
since it's a little expander module, I removed the unit from the wall
and put it under heavy lights and looked very closely at the contacts.
There was a piece of something (wire possibly?) jammed between the
contacts! I removed that and it worked so far. But, the long 50' span
of window switches still read open all the time. So, I shorted each
one at a time and determined that the second one was bad. I cut it
out, replaced it, and re-soldered each connection and now it's fine...

Good job! It is difficult enough to find just one problem, but when there
are two problems at the same time, it can make troubleshooting quite
difficult to say the least...


Jan 1, 1970
It's classified...but I've been secretly working with wireless Pauly to
launch a satellite from Belgium that will disable all wireless devices in
our secret plan to rule the world...
We do need a rocket though...

Crash Gordon

Jan 1, 1970

| It's classified...but I've been secretly working with wireless Pauly to
| launch a satellite from Belgium that will disable all wireless devices in
| our secret plan to rule the world...
| We do need a rocket though...
| | > Hummmm could be...anyone here want to tackle a new space program this
| > end?
| >
| >
| > "Crash Gordon" <[email protected]> a écrit dans le message
| de
| > [email protected]...
| > > judging from some of the questions herein...maybe it is rocket science
| and
| > > we just dont know it.
| > >
| > >
| > > | > > | come on its not rocket science
| > > |
| > > | every one know that the metal part of the magnet will become a good
| > > switch
| > > | if placed in the good environment.. ;-)
| > > |
| > > |
| > > | "Crash Gordon" <[email protected]> a écrit dans le
| message
| > > de
| > > | [email protected]...
| > > | >I would still like to know how to: "...make a magnet act like a
| switch
| > > in
| > > a
| > > | > series circuit..." but if I push the issue I guess I'd be being
| picky.
| > > | >
| > > | >
| > > | >
| > > | > | > > | > | "Look, this stuff isn't rocket science, I
| > > | > | > know how to make a magnet act like a switch in a series
| I
| > > | > just
| > > | > | > don't think I fully understand what the panel is looking for
| when
| > > it
| > > | > | > expects an EOL resistor in a series circuit."
| > > | > |
| > > | > | Hmmmmmmmmmm, who's asking who about alarms??? You're right, it
| isn't
| > > | > rocket
| > > | > | science, you can figure it out on your own.....................
| > > | > |
| > > | > |
| > > | > | | > > | > | > Don't be silly. The magnet switch has two leads. I cut the
| > > yellow
| > > | > | > wire and join one cut end with one lead and the other cut end
| with
| > > the
| > > | > | > other lead. That makes the magnet complete the circuit or
| > > it
| > > | > | > open, acting like a switch. Look, this stuff isn't rocket
| > > science,
| > > I
| > > | > | > know how to make a magnet act like a switch in a series
| I
| > > | > just
| > > | > | > don't think I fully understand what the panel is looking for
| when
| > > it
| > > | > | > expects an EOL resistor in a series circuit. I show 2.2K ohms
| on
| > > the
| > > | > | > meter when all switches are closed, but the panel thinks it's
| > > open
| > > | > | > zone?
| > > | > | >
| > > | > |
| > > | > |
| > > | >
| > > | >
| > > |
| > > |
| > > |
| > >
| > >
| >
| >