Maker Pro
Maker Pro

TO-220 Failures due to lead bending?


Roy L. Fuchs

Jan 1, 1970
I would bet the corona treaters I have designed boards for have a tad more
voltage than the toasters you tweak for a living (60kV 1020kV plus).

Sorry, CHUMP, but you did NOT make a 1020 kV supply.
noncontact printer HV modules we potted are less,

Been there.
but enough so that fr-4
had to have cutouts in it.

Not that your retarded ass knows enough about HV design to know why.
You STUFF boards... that's ALL you do. I have designed HV supplies
for the last ten years, and have been through quite a few
compatibility tests for encapsulants.
They potted very well in no clean processes.

You're an idiot.
You are just dreadfully out of date and just ignorant, too, Roy.

Actually, you are just dreadfully casual about physics. I'd bet
that you don't even pull a vacuum on the boards during the potting
fill cycle.

Roy L. Fuchs

Jan 1, 1970
And my sentence that got cut-off was that even some silicones have been
successfully used with no-clean, although we have not tried them here. We
have used Humiseal and other products with no coating related failures.

You wouldn't know what a failure mode was if it bit you in the ass.
Particularly at that level.

Roy L. Fuchs

Jan 1, 1970
And I would bet, if I wanted to know what coating NASA likes for HV, I could
find it just as easy as anyone on QPL-46058

Well? What is it, asswipe?


Jan 1, 1970

I would like to express my sympathy for you, not for being wrong all the
time, but for needing to act like a ten year old to try to prove your
manhood. I don't know what went wrong in your life, but I can tell it was

P.S. w/o typo is 120kV

Michael A. Terrell

Jan 1, 1970
Jim said:
"Nutless blunder"? Bwahahahaha! May I steal that phrase ?:)

Sure, why not. I've even had other veterans email me for permission
to clone my sigfile. :)

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Michael A. Terrell

Jan 1, 1970
Brian said:
I was actually snickering the other night about how long it would take those
two to actually follow an EASY trail of breadcrumbs. But you ruined it, now
we will never know!

I'll come clean...
I read the newgroups alot (and have posted over the years. Looking back at
some of those would have given a link, too). I read Roy's posts and they are
always the same. So I figured I would post back as DUMB as Roy does in TONS
of threads. It went right over his head!

So the reality is, I gave Roy a reflection of himself, and they found it to
be everything many of us already see in him. Funny, he thinks I was stupid
when I acted just like him in his usual SED fashion!

Larkin, I admit I have seen you contribute much, but you kind of got in the
crossfire. But dang, stop playing with people like Roy, it makes you

I couldn't resist the challenge. I go after the fraudsters trying to
do identity theft if poorly crafted e-mails and a lot of times I get
their websites shut down before the ones they are spoofing get the

Its very easy to track down a lot of information, if you know where
to start looking. ;-)

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Roy L. Fuchs

Jan 1, 1970

I would like to express my sympathy for you, not for being wrong all the
time, but for needing to act like a ten year old to try to prove your
manhood. I don't know what went wrong in your life, but I can tell it was

P.S. w/o typo is 120kV
The fact is, you cannot "tell" ANYTHING. Every accusation you have
made has been no more than an adolescent schoolboy jack jawed twit
chirping into the group, you little twerp.

That is aside from the FCAT that you don't know a goddamned thing
about the topic, or the current subthread.

Roy L. Fuchs

Jan 1, 1970
Device manufacturers explicitly say not to bend the lead at the body. I assume
it places a strain on the die.


Lead frames (leads) attached directly to the dies. High power
devices are attached wire wires, just like an IC chip has, except that
they gang a whole bunch of them up!

They ARE encapsulated in the epoxy of the package, however, and
bending at the package most certainly induces stressed into those
wires where they attach to the LEAD as the epoxy does NOT let them
slip. Tensile forces plus Aluminum wires equals broken wires...
especially when thermals are introduced into the scenario.

Roy L. Fuchs

Jan 1, 1970
I was actually snickering the other night about how long it would take those
two to actually follow an EASY trail of breadcrumbs. But you ruined it, now
we will never know!

I'll come clean...
I read the newgroups alot (and have posted over the years. Looking back at
some of those would have given a link, too). I read Roy's posts and they are
always the same. So I figured I would post back as DUMB as Roy does in TONS
of threads. It went right over his head!

So the reality is, I gave Roy a reflection of himself,

Find one thread where I used gay lames on someone, you retarded

You will not.

You, on the other hand...

You not only have ten year old mentality gay lames, you also are
looking for way to make illegal transmitters!

I should notify the FCC of your activities!
be everything many of us already see in him. Funny, he thinks I was stupid
when I acted just like him in his usual SED fashion!

You have NEVER "acted just like" me. You are BrianTard through and
Larkin, I admit I have seen you contribute much, but you kind of got in the

Nice backpedal... Too late, you retarded bastard.
But dang, stop playing with people like Roy, it makes you

See? Same old song and dance. **** off, dipshit. FOAD!


Jan 1, 1970
The fact is, you cannot "tell" ANYTHING. Every accusation you have
made has been no more than an adolescent schoolboy jack jawed twit
chirping into the group, you little twerp.

That is aside from the FCAT that you don't know a goddamned thing
about the topic, or the current subthread.

Wow, another stupid reply from Pinhead Roy? Wow, who'd have guessed it!


Jan 1, 1970
You not only have ten year old mentality gay lames, you also are
looking for way to make illegal transmitters!

I should notify the FCC of your activities!

Wow, give me some of what you are smoking (no, I don't mean that "organ" in
your mouth). Transmitters, huh? Well, give them my ID so they know where to
find me I guess.

Roy, when you turn 18, people are gonna start whupping your ass! If you ever
come out of your mom's basement (and face out of her....).

John Larkin

Jan 1, 1970
The fact is, you cannot "tell" ANYTHING. Every accusation you have

Wow, another stupid reply from Pinhead Roy? Wow, who'd have guessed it!

Wow, are you guys still going at it? I've got to admire your boredom


Pooh Bear

Jan 1, 1970
John said:
Wow, are you guys still going at it? I've got to admire your boredom

It's impressive in its own perverse way isn't it ?



Jan 1, 1970
Wow, are you guys still going at it? I've got to admire your boredom


Don't be too impressed. I blocked his posts yesterday. He is now probably
yelling insults to an empty room.


Jan 1, 1970
John said:
We do most of our assembly in-house. We have pneumatic solder
stencils, reflow oven, and a cleaner, but our bottleneck is the two
semi-auto p-n-p machines. Some boards, with as many as 1000 parts, can
take 4 hours or so to place. So when we get a big order, as sometimes
happens, it helps to be able to send out a kit of, say, 50 or 100
boards for assembly. It usually works OK, but since our stuff is
usually analog, we're very sensitive to contamination, and most
assemblers are using water-soluble fluxes these days. We occasionally
have other problems, but at least most of those are obvious, whereas
the killers are the time bombs, the things that may pass test but fail
in the field. I don't have a very good feeling about this tin whisker

I guess we're just an awkward size, sometimes too big for the in-house
p-n-p but too small to go automatic, and our batches aren't big enough
to get any assembler really excited about our business.


To paraphrase Amdahl's law, fix only the bottleneck. In your case only the
pick-n-place step.