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Education & Jobs in Electronics

Delta Prime

Jul 29, 2020
Jul 29, 2020
Probably most people even electronics workers don't realize they are basically working with those same forces as those who construct nuclear weapons
Well yes you see there's a distinction between electronic circuit theory you don't have to dive into the rabbit hole "physics"
only the underlying principles.
Cuz you're not paid to do that. My previous employer was a practicing theoretical physicist.
I was given a set of instructions to follow "schematics"for prototypes or to alter existing technology because the experiments that he would conduct, the test equipment did not exist. . At that level,( my level ) Ohm's law is good enough. As far as constructing nuclear weapons the scientists themselves could not be certain of the outcome when the first nuclear bomb exploded.You see it was uncharted Territory, never done yet. Electronics can be quite fun and rewarding you should try it, get yourself a electronic kit, the kits come with all the components that you would need PCB as well. All you have to do is learn how to solder look for something that you use almost on a daily basis "there's a kit for it".
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Jul 15, 2023
Jul 15, 2023
Well yes you see there's a distinction between electronic circuit theory you don't have to dive into the rabbit hole "physics"
only the underlying principles.
Cuz you're not paid to do that. My previous employer was a practicing theoretical physicist.
I was given a set of instructions to follow "schematics"for prototypes or to alter existing technology because the experiments that he would conduct, the test equipment did not exist. . At that level,( my level ) Ohm's law is good enough. As far as constructing nuclear weapons the scientists themselves could not be certain of the outcome when the first nuclear bomb exploded.You see it was uncharted Territory, never done yet. Electronics can be quite fun and rewarding you should try it, get yourself a electronic kit, the kits come with all the components that you would need PCB as well. All you have to do is learn how to solder look for something that you use almost on a daily basis "there's a kit for it".
"As far as constructing nuclear weapons the scientists themselves could not be certain of the outcome when the first nuclear bomb exploded.You see it was uncharted Territory, never done yet.
Electronics can be quite fun and rewarding you should try it, get yourself a electronic kit, the kits come with all the components that you would need PCB as well"

What if by accident, I crash some electrons into an unstable nucleus and set off a chain reaction that will obliterate my neighborhood and cause human mutations in DNA?


Jul 15, 2023
Jul 15, 2023
By accident, H E double hockey sticks...Do it, on purpose!

I don't know what you are saying there?

I was just reiterating what I said about the intimate nature of the electron and charge, as described in that one video, and the intimate
proximity of the electron to the same nucleus of the atoms which give nuclear weapons their tremendous power and also radiation.
It's sort of like people who work in a large fireworks factory, assembling and shipping, are in danger of the intimate proximity of all the explosives before them and all around them, only this is worse. That is, working with electrons and charge which is the nature of electricity and I guess electronics also messing with forces (electron charge) so close to the nucleus of atoms. I don't see why working with atomic particles (electrons) is isolated from the very atoms that they are part of?

About the Large Hadron Collider, I read news reports that they are dealing with such unimaginable forces that it just might create a black hole that could be fatal for our planet. Also, they are using a lot of magnets which are directly associated with electricity and electronics, so my questions in the above paragraph seem to make some sense, even though I am no electrician or electronics wizard.
The article you posted even says, "Electric fields and radiofrequency cavities" are used. Aren't thos directly a part of eectronics devices?
So it seems my concerns are not that far-fetched.

FYI, I'm just trying to comphrehend the nature of electricty, its offshoot electronics and maybe ignite some interesting ideas rather than
just build some kits with LEDs flashing or those kinds of typical projects. It's like, "What exactly are we dealing with here?"
Maybe veterans of electricity already know, but I suspect that even experienced technicians don't really understand these things, or
as you said, "go down the rabbit hole" I like rabbit holes myself. It makes whatever I do more interesting.
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Delta Prime

Jul 29, 2020
Jul 29, 2020
I don't know what you are saying there?

H E double hockey sticks. HE"LL" the L's resemble hockey sticks.
What if by accident, I crash some electrons
That was a segway... you say by accident,the hadron particle accelerator, collider does it on purpose. That's me being funny.
I was just reiterating what I said about the intimate nature of the electron and charge, as described in that one video
Those videos are highly recommended but I've never watched any of them. But I understand exactly what you're saying.
About the Large Hadron Collider, I read news reports that they are dealing with such unimaginable forces that it just might create a black hole that could be fatal for our planet
They have created black holes in a laboratory, it was a byproduct of an entirely different experiment, I cannot wait for the Einstein Rosen bridge "wormhole."
You know what and I have noticed? The modern-day scientific method, end results, are only 50 years behind the comic books! "go figure"?
Again from the beginning it takes imagination you can imagine anything imagination is needed for comprehension.
The article you posted even says, "Electric fields and radiofrequency cavities" are used. Aren't thos directly a part of eectronics devices?
So it seems my concerns are not that far-fetched.
No they're not farfetched concerns but they are unwarranted. I myself tune cavity filters using a tracking generator. For mountain top repeater sites, public safety,police fire department, two-way radio "walkie talkies" . P25 interoperability so different municipalities may be able to communicate with one another it's supposed to be open architecture from Motorola but that's a pipe dream when a disaster strikes like an earthquake here in California no first responders are going to be able to communicate with municipalities or anybody. Its bureaucracy.
Maybe veterans of electricity already know, but I suspect that even experienced technicians don't really understand these things, or
as you said, "go down the rabbit hole" I like rabbit holes myself. It makes whatever I do more interesting
You sound just like an electrical engineer, you're on your way kiddo.
Whatever you decide to do I believe you will do it well.
"Now get out of here kid you're giving me a rash!"


Jul 15, 2023
Jul 15, 2023
To Anyone With Electronics Job Experience.

Regarding Electronics Technician Jobs:

What would be the minimum expected knowledge and skills to apply for an entry level ET Job with no experience?


Jun 25, 2010
Jun 25, 2010
What would be the minimum expected knowledge and skills to apply for an entry level ET Job with no experience?
If you can find one, a company that would take you on after an oral examination of your 'supposed' understanding of the subject matter they wanted employers for. In other words, if you try at a company that does bench repairs on audio equipment you would have to demonstrate knowledge of such circuitry and the methods of repair.

It's not possible to be any more specific unless we knew precisely WHAT ET job you were considering.

What knowledge do you currently possess?


Jul 15, 2023
Jul 15, 2023
If you can find one, a company that would take you on after an oral examination of your 'supposed' understanding of the subject matter they wanted employers for. In other words, if you try at a company that does bench repairs on audio equipment you would have to demonstrate knowledge of such circuitry and the methods of repair.

It's not possible to be any more specific unless we knew precisely WHAT ET job you were considering.

What knowledge do you currently possess?
What I mean is, in the most entry level type job, for example, (see here as I understand through some research) how much DC, AC
test equipment (what else is there?) would even a small company expect you to know? The minimum according to the current 2023
expected knowledge level today. What is the general knowledge of beginners in entry level electronics today? For absurd example,
electronics knowledge of the public in general has for sure gone beyond Marconis discoveries or other pioneers into
electricity understanding.
I don't know how else to ask this question except to ask, what is the common expected basic understanding of
electricity-electronics needed to realistically get a job in even a small company? What is the general level of technical knowledge
in electricity and electronics? (not assembly) Should I be proficient in DC, AC or whatever else is considered "common knowledge"
in 2023 to get a job, most likely with some company training provided? What do they want from a beginner in an entry level job?
Obviously, the company would be making or fixing simple equipment and not extreme complicated devices. Would power supplies
be "simple" as compared to radio equipment?

Hope that makes sense.
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Delta Prime

Jul 29, 2020
Jul 29, 2020
What would be the minimum expected knowledge and skills to apply for an entry level ET Job with no experience?
When I look through applicants that apply for an entry level position electronic technician out of 100 resumes that sit before me I look for a 4.0 GPA and instructors or professors letter of recommendation and personal references. Your references could be your neighbor a friend, family members. Also your residential geographical location with respect to the distance you must travel. Because you are in essence ball of clay that will be molded to the position you have applied for.It is a "given" that there will be on the job training and there will be leniency as to comprehension of your assigned duties and more than likely you'll be cross trained in other scientific disciplines .
I look for individuals who are very inquisitive once they are employed asking questions,even though you may think in your own mind it is repetitive to ask the same question it is not.
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Jul 15, 2023
Jul 15, 2023
When I look through applicants that apply for an entry level position electronic technician out of 100 resumes that sit before me I look for a 4.0 GPA and instructors or professors letter of recommendation and personal references. Your references could be your neighbor a friend, family members. Also your residential geographical location with respect to the distance you must travel. Because you are in essence ball of clay that will be molded to the position you have applied for.It is a "given" that there will be on the job training and there will be leniency as to comprehension of your assigned duties and more than likely you'll be cross trained in other scientific disciplines .
I look for individuals who are very inquisitive once they are employed asking questions,even though you may think in your own mind it is repetitive to ask the same question it is not.
What about actual, real electricity-electronics knowledge, theory and hands on (if any)?

Delta Prime

Jul 29, 2020
Jul 29, 2020
Obviously, the company would be making or fixing simple equipment and not extreme complicated devices. Would power supplies
be "simple" as compared to radio equipment
No no and no!
to fix anything you'd have to access the fault or the defect where that equipment failed therefore you have to use your senses smell it does it smell burnt touch it even taste it ( just kidding)
You got to relax take that information you have acquired it is not a scary as you think it is but it is a business there are no feelings involved it's about profit and that's not a bad word.

Delta Prime

Jul 29, 2020
Jul 29, 2020
What about actual, real electricity-electronics knowledge, theory and hands on (if any)?
You want real world? Okay right here right now is real and I do not understand your question could you please clarify. And I'm not making a joke I truly don't understand so take your time and you see it is necessary to say I do not understand no one will think any less of you. But if you don't tell people you do not understand what they are saying then they won't even bother with you...


Jul 15, 2023
Jul 15, 2023
You want real world? Okay right here right now is real and I do not understand your question could you please clarify. And I'm not making a joke I truly don't understand so take your time and you see it is necessary to say I do not understand no one will think any less of you. But if you don't tell people you do not understand what they are saying then they won't even bother with you...
"Electronics-Electricity" How much do you need to know about those subjects to get an entry level job in an electricity-electronics type company job? How else can I write that question to make it more clear?

Delta Prime

Jul 29, 2020
Jul 29, 2020
You need to know as much as what it takes to earn an associates of science degree in electrical engineering


Jul 15, 2023
Jul 15, 2023
No no and no!
to fix anything you'd have to access the fault or the defect where that equipment failed therefore you have to use your senses smell it does it smell burnt touch it even taste it ( just kidding)
You got to relax take that information you have acquired it is not a scary as you think it is but it is a business there are no feelings involved it's about profit and that's not a bad word.
If the whole thing is about "Profit" then I might as well become a Real Estate Agent or Stock Market speculator or any other multitudes
of occupations that are directly concerned with "Profit". Having to learn all the "Physics" and "Math" and "electrical theory, equipment
and physical science that goes with "electronics-electricity" related technical knowledge (the Sciences) seems like a poor, inadequate
and futile occupational path, IF IT IS, "about Profit". Physical science is supposed to be a different calling, rather than "Profit".

The "good" medical doctor gets into that occupation as a "calling" as does the "good" law enforcement officer or the "good" social worker
or the "good" physicist. when Einstein died, he was living in a very humble simple house. He wasn't a physicist for "Profit". It was
a "calling". To me, the very "science" of electricity and electronics would seem to be a "calling". It's "physical Science" after all.

If I was looking for an occupation that had "Profit" as the driving force, it sure would not be some technical position in electronics.
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Delta Prime

Jul 29, 2020
Jul 29, 2020
That's it! you got to vent! let it all out! But you must remember I am offering my opinion and everybody has an opinion just like everyone has a belly button. But then again that could be further broken down into, do you have an inny or an outty? (Rhetorical question)
Good luck to you and remember luck favors the prepared.


Jul 15, 2023
Jul 15, 2023
That's it! you got to vent! let it all out! But you must remember I am offering my opinion and everybody has an opinion just like everyone has a belly button. But then again that could be further broken down into, do you have an inny or an outty? (Rhetorical question)
Good luck to you and remember luck favors the prepared.
I was just stating the obvious. Nothing personal.

"Hey let's get into the physical science of electronics learn the math and physics of it to make a good profit"

Seems kind of vulgar to me. Electronics is a pure science, not a profit making scheme.

Delta Prime

Jul 29, 2020
Jul 29, 2020
I got news for you buddy technically Electronics is not a science. Wrap your head around that one.


Sep 5, 2009
Sep 5, 2009
"Electronics-Electricity" How much do you need to know about those subjects to get an entry level job in an electricity-electronics type company job?

to put it simply, i wont employ an entry level ( or any level) person that has no practical experience.
Over the last month we have had 2 people that spend a week or so in my workshop, both claimed
they had electronics experience. Both had Bachelor degrees in electronics engineering
BUT neither of them knew how to use a screwdriver, a spanner or a soldering iron -
their academic qualifications were useless

Needless to say, they were not employed with us. Because what they told us they could do and what they actually knew and could do
didnt match.

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