Maker Pro
Maker Pro

help with IR2110 chips


Jul 12, 2023
Jul 12, 2023
Mouted the coils again, didn't get chance to run it up or make new measurements though, thanks


Jul 12, 2023
Jul 12, 2023
so I took some reading of the two mounted coils
coil 1: voltage open ended 13.43volts and then with resistor 20 ohm power resistor the amps with the clamp = 0.15amps did not measure the votage across the resistor
coil 2: voltage open ended 18.19volts withe the 20ohm resistor amps with clamp meter = 0.18amps again didn't measure the voltage across the resistor will do that soon
what is strange is that it seems like ohms law isn't working
also I measured the amps strait off of the coils coil 1 is 2.48amps and coil 2 is 3.22amps


Jul 7, 2015
Jul 7, 2015
what is strange is that it seems like ohms law isn't working
Not strange. Inductors don't obey Ohm's Law.
also I measured the amps strait off of the coils
Does that mean with the coil short-circuited?

Your new readings indicate that the coil inductance when using the 20 Ohm load is less than it was when using the 100 Ohm load. This is likely because the higher test current is causing partial magnetic saturation of the steel core.
Saturation of the core would result in the waveform being distorted, no longer sinusoidal, hence your current readings being unreliable.
Last edited:


Jul 12, 2023
Jul 12, 2023
Does that mean with the coil short-circuited?
yes going to try a few different ideas now, I'll get back to you over the next week! thanks also taking off the pennys I think they are disrupting the manetic flux to be fair

Delta Prime

Jul 29, 2020
Jul 29, 2020
yes going to try a few different ideas now, I'll get back to you over the next week! thanks also taking off the pennys I think they are disrupting the manetic flux to be fair
You are not listening..,
Putting pennies in the gap will introduce eddy-current losses
I have seen this before and I am witnessing it now you are picking and choosing information
That conforms to your thought process.
I find this intriguing because you find it difficult to test alternative hypothesis in parallel.
You are focusing on one possibility and ignoring alternatives.
I have mentored individuals who make systematic errors in scientific research based on inductive reasoning ,which is the gradual accumulation of supporting evidence.
Excluding myself well educated and well informed individuals are trying to help you and you are ignoring them... Time becomes more precious when there's less of it . You are wasting their time.


Jul 12, 2023
Jul 12, 2023
the machine fell to bits in the end so going to get started on making a more sturdy one!! and the pennies do not introduce eddie currents because they are stuck to the magnets and not being passed by the magnets, that is when eddies are created and made its down to the magent moving past the ferous material that makes a change in the magnetic flux which induces current which induces a magnetic flux to change giving rise to a magnetic field in the opposite direction making for inefficientcy but the pennies are stuck to the magnets and are the magnets are not PASSING the coins BECAUSE they are ATTACHED to the magnets


Jul 12, 2023
Jul 12, 2023
In fact, if anything, the pennies might slightly distort the magnetic field close to the surface where they are placed due to their own magnetic properties, but this effect would likely be negligible and localized.


Jul 12, 2023
Jul 12, 2023
Placing a penny to lessen the air gap between a magnet and the core of a coil can indeed have an effect on the magnetic flux and thus potentially influence the performance of the coil.

In electromagnetic systems like this, reducing the air gap can enhance the magnetic coupling between the magnet and the coil's core, thereby increasing the magnetic flux passing through the coil. This increase in magnetic flux can result in higher induced electromotive force (EMF) in the coil, which is desirable in many applications like transformers, motors, and generators.

However, the effect of a 2mm penny might be quite small depending on the strength of the magnet and the dimensions of the coil. Additionally, the material and magnetic properties of the penny itself could also influence the interaction between the magnet and the coil.

In engineering applications where precise control over magnetic fields is necessary, other methods such as adjusting the geometry of the core or using stronger magnets may be more effective. Nonetheless, reducing the air gap is generally a valid strategy to increase magnetic flux and improve the performance of electromagnetic devices.


Jul 12, 2023
Jul 12, 2023
Adding a penny or any other ferrous material to lessen the air gap between a magnet and the core of a coil can indeed have an effect on the magnetic flux and the performance of the coil. This is because ferrous materials can act as magnetic conductors, effectively channeling and concentrating the magnetic field lines.

By reducing the air gap, you're providing a more direct path for the magnetic flux to flow from the magnet to the core of the coil. This can increase the magnetic flux density in the core, which in turn can increase the induced voltage in the coil according to Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction.

However, the effect will depend on various factors such as the strength of the magnet, the properties of the core material, the dimensions of the air gap, and the characteristics of the penny itself. Additionally, the alignment and orientation of the magnet, coil, and penny will also play a role in determining the overall effect on the magnetic flux and the coil's performance.

It's worth noting that while adding the penny may reduce the air gap and increase the magnetic flux, there might be practical limitations or trade-offs to consider, such as the added weight or mechanical stability of the setup. Additionally, careful experimentation or simulation may be necessary to fully understand the impact of adding the penny in my specific scenario.


Jul 12, 2023
Jul 12, 2023
go on then why don't you have a suggestion or idea apart from "you are wasting your time" at least Mr Alec_t is trying to help you're not helpful and you always put me down, when you can.
You are not listening..,

I have seen this before and I am witnessing it now you are picking and choosing information
That conforms to your thought process.
I find this intriguing because you find it difficult to test alternative hypothesis in parallel.
You are focusing on one possibility and ignoring alternatives.
I have mentored individuals who make systematic errors in scientific research based on inductive reasoning ,which is the gradual accumulation of supporting evidence.
Excluding myself well educated and well informed individuals are trying to help you and you are ignoring them... Time becomes more precious when there's less of it . You are wasting their time.


Jul 12, 2023
Jul 12, 2023
Not strange. Inductors don't obey Ohm's Law.

Does that mean with the coil short-circuited?

Your new readings indicate that the coil inductance when using the 20 Ohm load is less than it was when using the 100 Ohm load. This is likely because the higher test current is causing partial magnetic saturation of the steel core.
Saturation of the core would result in the waveform being distorted, no longer sinusoidal, hence your current readings being unreliable.
there is also the fact that the coils were remounted from the time before so I expected a different result anyway. I'm going to build from the bottom up with some modifications to consider to make it better and more stable I'll get back to you when I make some progress and reach the same point that I was at with space for more coils and tighter tolerances new drive train and hopefully get to a point where I can get to use the inverter that I built with the IR2110's which this thread started from and again thanks for your help and I hope you don't see this as waisting your time! I'm learning a lot, thanks

Delta Prime

Jul 29, 2020
Jul 29, 2020
go on then why don't you have a suggestion or idea apart from "you are wasting your time" at least Mr Alec_t is trying to help you're not helpful and you always put me down, when you can.
All magnetic fields are created by electrical charge meaning even a static magnetic field a in a permanent magnet . The charges are moving because the electrons are orbiting the nuclei .
That last sentence is a popular example that mostly everyone is familiar with and is outdated.
A more accurate description would be discreet energy levels within an atomic system, putting a penny close to a permanent magnet creates the system and because the penny contains copper which is highly conductive it allows the formation of Eddy Currents which is the wave like nature of subatomic particles.You have just entered the realm of quantum mechanics.
Schrodinger's & Dirac equations best describe the wave like nature of particles.
" Never stop learning! "

Delta Prime

Jul 29, 2020
Jul 29, 2020
Adding a penny or any other ferrous material to lessen the air gap between a magnet and the core of a coil can indeed have an effect on the magnetic flux and the performance of the coil. This is because ferrous materials can act as magnetic conductors, effectively channeling and concentrating the magnetic field lines
A modern United States minted penny is made of copper plated zinc. Both copper and zinc alloys are non-ferrous materials...
That blows the rest of your argument out of the water.
That includes me putting you down...
That is what you think,there's nothing I can do about that.. but apologize it was not my intention.
I am sorry and I will leave you alone now.


Jul 12, 2023
Jul 12, 2023
this fact is what I'm basing my theory on and I thought thats how it worked before I found evidence that I wasn't too far off in my idea
By reducing the air gap, you're providing a more direct path for the magnetic flux to flow from the magnet to the core of the coil. This can increase the magnetic flux density in the core, which in turn can increase the induced voltage in the coil according to Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction.