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Norm Mugford

Jan 1, 1970
Doug, you know Mr. BAss has the copyright to copyright,
so please don't copywrite his copywrite.

Be prepared, he'll get pissed and filter you!

Norm Mugford

Doug L said:
I've decided to copyright the term "copyright"

Doug L

I choose Polesoft Lockspam to fight spam, and you?

Frank Olson

Jan 1, 1970
coord said:
Funny how you snipped the bit about your theft from the Sentrol document.

As stated previously...adequate case law exists...

Take no notice of his bluster Al...he's inflated with his own self importance...


Please stop reposting Robert's sig line, unless of course it is your
intention to aid him in his efforts at "better search engine
positioning". :)

Frank Olson

"Splash, splash, splash went the minnow." (Robert J. La Londe III)


Jan 1, 1970
Al said:
They are not from what I'm told. He might have a small case if he'd
have posted a copyright notice with his postings, but he didn't.


I'll simply offer this post from Bass's past:

From: [email protected] (Yin Lung Shih)
Subject: Can we un-hijack this newsgroup?
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Organization: Caltech Alumni Association
Newsgroups: rec.aviation.student

I'm sorry to bring this up, but one Robert L. Bass with the
original e-mail address of '[email protected]' has recently
taken actions out of spite with the apparent intent to destroy
this newsgroup or blackmail it into submission. These include:

- Deliberately changing his e-mail address to get through
newsgroup participants' kill filters. Aliases noted so far
include: [email protected], Harry Haffer, Wally Waller, RLB,
and others. He has used about a half dozen aliases in about
48 hours

- Pirating information compiled, edited, and mostly written by
Gene Whitt and claiming it as first belonging to no one and now
claiming that he has created a version which is owned by him

- Retracting a promise to withdraw that pirated material and
renewing his distribution attempts

- Offering "peace" with one hand and a thrusting knife with the
other to his detractors

- Bombing the newsgroup with posts of this information, hundreds
of KB at a time, despite prior warnings as to the consequences
to news-servers

- A threat to repeat this bombing periodically, and in fact an
explicit statement by him that he is doing so to push the
off-topic "flames" against him out of news-server buffers (so
he knows what he is doing)

- A threat to scan the AIM and FAR and post those in the future

He claims to be doing these things in response to flames against
him and because it is his "right". Further he would stop if people
stopped flaming him. However, as a recent participant in these
"flamewars", I perused past transactions and concluded that the
forced departure of all the people he complains of, Ahrens,
Laffer, and even myself (if 5 days, 3 in defense of Gene's rights,
constitutes sufficient transgression against group sensibilities)
would only lead to a new flurry of flames in short order with
new participants. He is some kind of wierd neurotic "moth" that
both attracts flames and is attracted to flames.

Since this is an unmoderated newsgroup there are a limited
number of options:

- Readers can object to his actions by copying his posts to
their ISP and his ISP and hope that some action is taken by
his ISP to kick him off or your ISP to reject posts from his
ISP. This means keeping up with e-mail address changes and
ISP changes as he hops around at first, as he is likely to do.

- Readers can ignore his actions, treat him as a pariah, and
hope he goes away. Note that his bombing the newsgroup and
changing his e-mail address means that it will be impossible
to ignore the consequences of his actions even if you ignore
him. And you won't be able to ignore him easily by kill-filing
him anymore. The newsgroup will function in a degraded fashion
so long as he keeps this up. (He knows this, which is why he
is doing it.) But perhaps enough patience will see him get
tired of this spite tantrum and the newsgroup can return to its
semi-debilitated state of waiting for another blow-up from him.

- Apply pressure to his detractors to shut up and leave him
alone. I think this is a forlorn hope as it will only
encourage him to be more outrageous and new detractors will
arise with a repetition of these events at a later time.

- This group can change to a moderated newsgroup. This has
limited success outlook as moderated groups tend to be sterile
and activity rates are low. It can also take several months
to get the change implemented.

- Those members of this group who are fed up can move to an
e-mail reflector list. This requires someone to set up and
maintain a list, which is not very hard to do - I run one
for a club and know how. It is less efficient than a newsgroup
since every post is replicated in a mailbox rather than on a
new-server, also archiving is not so straightforward as through
Dejanews. On the other hand, I know of a ham-radio reflector
which probably has over 1000 satisfied subscribers with no
interest in "upgrading" to a newsgroup and the Mooney reflector
probably has 100-150 subscribers. A reflector is probably
better than a moderated group as it doesn't require post by
post approval, which is what slows moderated groups down, and
can operate at e-mail speeds. Of course, the only point of
the list is to exclude RLB or anyone else who behaves in a
continuously outrageous manner. The list maintainer would
have that power, and only he or his designees could do so.
If the list maintainers abused that power then the list would
eventually become sterile or worthless. I don't see why that
should be, but it is important to be up front about the

- Quit the newsgroup, as many others have already done, in

I can think of no other choices.

Yin Shih, N9YS/6, PP-ASEL-IA, M20K
[email protected]

Bob Worthy

Jan 1, 1970
Al Colombo said:

You have a point here. If he considers his comments protected by
copyright, then why is he reproducing mine and other poster's comments
in his posts. If his comments are protected in that fashion, so are
ours. I'm posting a copyright notice on my comments from here out so
he can't quote them back at me. What do you think?


I have always been under the impression that, "If you care whether or not
your statement is going to be repeated, don't say it." Why would RLB care
since he is convinced he is always right about everything. He is putting his
bASSisms out for the whole world to see every time he posts here. I think,
in your case with his recent half assed threats, that before he starts
barking, he should at least remember where he left his teeth.
No need to Copyright(c)2006 my reply. Simply my opinion, which I am
entitled to, and I support Freedom of Speech.


Jan 1, 1970
Good point...I will now of course delete any link in any post immediately...which of course
applies to everyone.... ;-)

"Frank Olson" < wrote in message news:GA0Lf.61656$H%4.15414@pd7tw2no...

Frank Olson

Jan 1, 1970
Bob said:
I have always been under the impression that, "If you care whether or not
your statement is going to be repeated, don't say it." Why would RLB care
since he is convinced he is always right about everything. He is putting his
bASSisms out for the whole world to see every time he posts here. I think,
in your case with his recent half assed threats, that before he starts
barking, he should at least remember where he left his teeth.

Don'tcha just love watching bass splash about?? He's creating a
veritable "Tsunami" of bullshit, and when he's called on any of it the
coward doesn't even have the balls to respond with anything but more
flames and innuendo. In the words of Bugs Bunny: "What a maroon!" (c) MGM

Frank Olson

"Splash, splash, splash went the minnow." (Robert J. La Londe III)

Bob Worthy

Jan 1, 1970
Frank Olson said:
Don'tcha just love watching bass splash about??

Kicks and Giggles!!!

He's creating a
veritable "Tsunami" of bullshit, and when he's called on any of it the
coward doesn't even have the balls to respond

Thats because he has us all filtered. He doesn't see any of our

with anything but more
flames and innuendo.


In the words of Bugs Bunny: "What a maroon!" (c) MGM

Fwanky, I didn't know you were a fan of that pesky Wabbit? If you put a pair
of glasses on old Elmer, would he resemble Dick Cheney in the field?

Frank Olson

Jan 1, 1970
Bob Worthy wrote:

Fwanky, I didn't know you were a fan of that pesky Wabbit? If you put a pair
of glasses on old Elmer, would he resemble Dick Cheney in the field?

No, but if you put a pair of glasses on me, I'd look a lot like Granny
(without the bun) on steroids... ;-)

Frank Olson

Jan 1, 1970
Norm said:
Doug, you know Mr. BAss has the copyright to copyright,
so please don't copywrite his copywrite.

Be prepared, he'll get pissed and filter you!

Norm Mugford

The only "filter" Robert uses is the one on his hotel room's coffee
machine and that's dispensed from conveniently located rolls in the
bathroom next to the toilet. :)

Nick Markowitz

Jan 1, 1970
RB Would you like a little bit of salt with the crow you about to eat.

I just talked to Al said he is going to quote in his next article.


Jan 1, 1970
Robert L Bass said:
Try it and watch what happens.

Don't you mean "Make my day!" hahahahahahahaha
Everybody's shaking in their boots, Bob, tell us another story.

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Doug L

Jan 1, 1970
Yeh right, I'll be on double secret filtration

Doug L

(some parts copyright National Lampoons Animal House others copyright Oxford
English Dictionary)



Jan 1, 1970
Who was wrong on this story oObert?

Battery Diode Harness StoryFrom: [email protected] (Group Moderator)
Subject: REPOST: Battery Diode Story - GOOFY BASS WRONG AGAIN
Lines: 89
X-Admin: [email protected]
Date: 22 May 2002 07:13:17 GMT
Organization: AOL
Message-ID: <[email protected]>

This is the guy ROBERT L. (Lunatic) Goofy Bass that his Clones think he is
knowledgeable about alarms.

Battery Diode Story

Bass Was Totally Wrong - This was taken right from
Subject: Re: Connecting more batteries
Date: 2002-04-08 07:38:27 PST

> > > >

I think you've got this one wrong, friend. Napco provided a Battery Diode >
Harness for use on their MA-3000 panels for years. I've used them to wire
when > > > > I installed their add-on power supply. In fact, it's still
on the > > > > ADI server as a valid part, although AFAIK Napco has stopped
producing them. > > > > > > > > If you make current flow in the wrong
on a battery charging > > > > circuit you'll have a lot more than a dead
battery to worry about. To test > > > > your theory take a discharged
and connect its terminals to another, > > > > fully charged battery with the
terminals reversed (so you can get current to > > > > "flow back into the
battery"). All kidding aside, don't really try > > > > this. The results can
include fire and explosion, depending on the type of > > > > battery and its
condition. > > > > > > > > BTW, the charging circuits on many alarms are
actually 13.8VDC -- not 12 > > > > Volts. > > > > > > > > Regards, > > > >
Robert L Bass > > > > > > > > =============================> > > > > Bass
Electronics > > > > The Online DIY Alarm Store > > > >
http://www.Bass-Home.comSales & Tech Support > > > > 941-925-9747 Fax > > > >
[email protected] >
This is the CORRECT answer
Again taken from

> > > Sorry, Robert,
but it looks like you have this one wrong on two counts > > > and Nomen
is right on the money. Like you, I have also done > > > countless
multiple-battery MA3000 commercial fire and burg installs > > > over the
years.optional PS3000 power supply, but do need to supervise for AC > > >
This module connects the PS3000 jack to the AUX relay, which > > > is
upon brownout. > > > > > > Secondly, the Dual Battery Harness, to which I
believe you were > > > referring in your post, does not have a diode in it
all, it simply > > > parallels the battery leads to allow the connection of
or more > > > batteries to the MA3000, or any other panel. > > > > > > I do
think UL would require a diode in the battery harness that > > > would waste
valuable 0.7 VDC in a low battery condition just to > > > protect against
installer reversing the battery leads > > > accidentally. There is already a
thermal circuit breaker on the board > > > for this type of protection. > >two directions, you will soon have a very dead battery. > > > > > > Best
Regards, Oleg


Nomen Nescio wrote: > > > > > > > > > > Better not use a diode to isolate
two batteries. Remember, current has > > > > > to flow both directions on a
battery lead: into the battery when it's > > > > > charging, and out of the
battery when it's discharging. So if you orient > > > > > the anode towards
charging terminal and the cathode towards the > > > > > battery, the battery
will charge but will not be able to deliver power to > > > > > the system
the AC is off. If you orient the diode the other > > > > > direction, the
battery will not charge. > > > > > > > > > > Diodes also have a 0.6 volt
across them, so if you charge a battery > > > > > through a diode, you are
getting the full charging voltage. > > > > > > > > > > Use a fuse or circuit
breaker instead, preferably the harness provided by > > > > > the panel

SO those who want to take Goofy Bass's advise because you think he knows


Jan 1, 1970
Al Colombo said:

Hey there! Perhaps this is his way of initiating me back into the
fold? :) It sounds like all of you have had a taste of his harassment
at one time or another?


Sounds like we need Group Moderator Mike back here. He was the one who gave
Bass what he deserved. Bass new better than to screw with him especially
aqfter he had Bass thrown out of a central station with just one phone call,
Where ya at? Group Moiderator.