Maker Pro
Maker Pro



Al Colombo

Jan 1, 1970
Now, that is funny! Who did the annimations for you? Did you do those
yourself? If so, I'm very impressed.


Bob Worthy

Jan 1, 1970
Sorta like his BBB report.
Is that all?? Well crank the sucker up!! Make it 10,410,007. Looks a
lot more impressive that way!!

Frank Olson

Jan 1, 1970
Al said:
Now, that is funny! Who did the annimations for you? Did you do those
yourself? If so, I'm very impressed.

All the "animations" are stolen. If you visit any of the "free GIF"
sites, you'll notice that they all say they're not to be used for
"commercial purposes". Commercial use invariably comes at a stiff
premium (where you have to pay for renting the copyright). He's also
using a picture of Walt Disney's "Goofy" and I know for a fact that the
people at Disney would never condone such use or allow anyone the
"rights" (I know because I investigated using one of the songs from
"Alladin" on a client's website and was told flat out they wouldn't
allow it). At one point in time Sabodish displayed a Jewish menorah
alongside the Nazi flag. That wound up getting him booted by his
hosting service *and* his registrar. The site (and all of his other
ones) were "down" for months. Bass crowed that he was responsible for
shutting it down, but I don't think he was the only one that filed
complaints about it. You'll notice that he's now using an anonymous
hosting provider and registering agency.

You'll also notice that anyone that's ever "disagreed" with the
webmaster (or held "his bud", Mike up for ridicule) is also "featured".
I'm actually flattered that I've been "singled out". It's a fairly
accurate measure of how much I've managed to piss him off over the
years. Since I switched to "Mozilla", I don't see the Microsoft "Help
Wizard" flitting across my screen (that's probably the single most
irritating thing on the site because he appears every time you return to
the menu page if you're using IE). If Sabodish knew anything at all
about using "cookies", he'd engage the one Robert uses to control the
pop-up/pop-under advertising at to make sure "the
Wizard" only appears once per visit.

Mike should stick to ensuring all the Usenet posts he uses on his site
to document Robert's activities are in fact accurate representations of
the Google searches they say they are. He frequently munges addresses
and snips the sig lines of the people he doesn't like which only serves
to highlight his own rather childish and egocentric behavior. The most
telling page is the famous "error message" page
which winds up pointing to his own online venture (
It would be fairly easy to "clear" the link to bassburglaralarms if
he doesn't want to "promote search engine positioning".

FWIW, goofysplace (and it's sister site
are amusing and also somewhat sad. It documents two individuals' rather
twisted mindsets (Robert's being one of the most truly evil on Usenet).

Frank Olson

"Splash, splash, splash, went the minnow." (Robert J. La Londe III -

Al Colombo

Jan 1, 1970
What is my "good buddy's" history? In Ohio, if you have a criminal
record, you cannot be involved in alarm systems, sales or installation.
I'm not up on the current law in Ohio, but I would think that in
Florida it would be even more stringent than here. Also, how much does
our "good buddy" know about computers, software programming, hacking,
e-mail spoofing, etc?

You can respond in private e-mail if you wish. Please use jkg-global @ (no spaces please). I'll delete it from the mail server
once we conclude our conversation(s). Anyone else who has informaton I
might be interested in about my "good buddy" can e-mail it here as
well. I like to know who my "good buddies" are.


Bob Worthy

Jan 1, 1970
Al Colombo said:
What is my "good buddy's" history? In Ohio, if you have a criminal
record, you cannot be involved in alarm systems, sales or installation.
I'm not up on the current law in Ohio, but I would think that in
Florida it would be even more stringent than here.

He is toast in Florida and he knows it. He slimmed by a home visit by the
Department of Business and Professional Regulations and it wasn't for
hamburgers. Maybe that is why he moved into a gated community, as if that
would help him when they flash that big gold badge at the gate. It didn't go
quite as well as the complaintant expected because of an interpetation issue
on a technicality between two state attorneys. That interpetation has since
been put to rest, but he may have been scared enough to stop what he was
Anyone else who has informaton

Oh, I am sure in time, especially with his self proclaimed growth of
personel, there will be more. I don't want to bust his bubble but when he
has employees, if that is even true, he will be responsible for everything
they say on the telephone. If they sell on the phone, he must be licensed
and the person working for him must also be certified. He used to hang is
hat on the fact that the statute said "on site sales" Oopps!! Maybe he
shouldn't be spending so much time in Brazil and paying a little more
attention to him business. He is also required by law to have his license
number on his website but he doesn't realize it. It isn't in statute but
somewhere else. I am not telling him where, after all he went to law school,
so he says, so he should be able to figure it out. I told him before, I
wasn't doing his homework for him. You can thank me later, or not, Robert,
but then I forgot, you have me filtered. I guess your not receiving this
free information. Don't bump this guys, lets let him find out for himself.
He has a couple people here in Florida gunning for him and they are not even
in the Newsgroup and besides, the DBPR has him on their radar. When the
complaintant Googled him, he found lots. There are things he has dug up that
as of right know I won't repeat, simply because it is hearsay. The
complainant is going much deeper than the BBB and his criminal history that
has been posted here. RLB really pissed this guy off for some reason. RLB
likes to blame me and Mugford for the last visit from the DBPR and that we
have some sort of tie to the complainant, but he is grabbing at straws. He
doesn't know squat except what he read in the complaint. Why doesn't
everyone ask him to post the complaint from the DBPR for some Kicks and
Giggles? He shouldn't have a problem with that since he was proud that he
beat it. Wasn't there some said about battles and wars.
I might be interested in about my "good buddy" can e-mail it here as
well. I like to know who my "good buddies" are.

Is there **really** anything else you need to know about the bASSmister?

Frank Olson

Jan 1, 1970
Bob said:
He is toast in Florida and he knows it. He slimmed by a home visit by the
Department of Business and Professional Regulations and it wasn't for
hamburgers. Maybe that is why he moved into a gated community, as if that
would help him when they flash that big gold badge at the gate. It didn't go
quite as well as the complaintant expected because of an interpetation issue
on a technicality between two state attorneys. That interpetation has since
been put to rest, but he may have been scared enough to stop what he was

Oh, I am sure in time, especially with his self proclaimed growth of
personel, there will be more. I don't want to bust his bubble but when he
has employees, if that is even true, he will be responsible for everything
they say on the telephone. If they sell on the phone, he must be licensed
and the person working for him must also be certified. He used to hang is
hat on the fact that the statute said "on site sales" Oopps!! Maybe he
shouldn't be spending so much time in Brazil and paying a little more
attention to him business. He is also required by law to have his license
number on his website but he doesn't realize it. It isn't in statute but
somewhere else. I am not telling him where, after all he went to law school,
so he says, so he should be able to figure it out. I told him before, I
wasn't doing his homework for him. You can thank me later, or not, Robert,
but then I forgot, you have me filtered. I guess your not receiving this
free information. Don't bump this guys, lets let him find out for himself.
He has a couple people here in Florida gunning for him and they are not even
in the Newsgroup and besides, the DBPR has him on their radar. When the
complaintant Googled him, he found lots. There are things he has dug up that
as of right know I won't repeat, simply because it is hearsay. The
complainant is going much deeper than the BBB and his criminal history that
has been posted here. RLB really pissed this guy off for some reason. RLB
likes to blame me and Mugford for the last visit from the DBPR and that we
have some sort of tie to the complainant, but he is grabbing at straws. He
doesn't know squat except what he read in the complaint. Why doesn't
everyone ask him to post the complaint from the DBPR for some Kicks and
Giggles? He shouldn't have a problem with that since he was proud that he
beat it. Wasn't there some said about battles and wars.

Is there **really** anything else you need to know about the bASSmister?

Does the DBPR know about his other "online" security ventures?? He now
has several addresses besides the one on his primary site which is no
longer valid but still hasn't bothered changing (I'll bet Ms. Combs is
mightely impressed getting all his snail mail):

3963 Torrey Pines Blvd, Sarasota, Florida 34238
4483 Fallcrest Circle, Sarasota, Florida 34233

He obviously has *one confirmed* employee in Michael Bass check the
contact page at security*alarm* (replace the "*'s" with "dashes").

More information at the BBB site:

As for his "ignoring you", I don't think it extends to actually
"plonking" your posts. Bass' ego demands he reads everything said about
him (that he's managed not to hit "reply" and continues to make
reference to the things we write is a testament to his cowardice). I'm
"bumping" your response for "better search engine positioning". :)

Frank Olson

Bob Worthy

Jan 1, 1970
Frank Olson said:
Does the DBPR know about his other "online" security ventures??

Sorry for leaving all the above, but maybe more will be able to easily
follow. I doubt the DBPR knows it at this point, but is there for the

He now
has several addresses besides the one on his primary site which is no
longer valid but still hasn't bothered changing (I'll bet Ms. Combs is
mightely impressed getting all his snail mail):

3963 Torrey Pines Blvd, Sarasota, Florida 34238
4483 Fallcrest Circle, Sarasota, Florida 34233

Maybe someone should check into his Homestead exemption status. That is a
tax break on your primary residence and you can only claim one, even if you
have a home in another state. Interesting, you don't think he might try to
cheat the government, do you?
He obviously has *one confirmed* employee in Michael Bass check the
contact page at security*alarm* (replace the "*'s" with

Well, I hope he isn't selling over the phone. What kind of paranoia will RLB
have knowing that everytime his phone rings, it just may be the original
complaintant, which is still after his bASS, just waiting for RLB or an
employee to sell something, one on one over the phone. It is easy for a
conversation to go over the line of exempt or not exempt. He doesn't have a
business license as a distributor. It might even be the DBPR doing a sting,
or his local tax assessor. It is getting harder for him to hide behind web
based sales without a license. hey hey hey :>)

I am sure that is on the DBPR radar
As for his "ignoring you", I don't think it extends to actually
"plonking" your posts. Bass' ego demands he reads everything said about
him (that he's managed not to hit "reply" and continues to make
reference to the things we write is a testament to his cowardice). I'm
"bumping" your response for "better search engine positioning". :)

He will come back around. He just might be figuring, out of sight out of
mind, if he stops posting to people in Florida. Or maybe he is trying to
figure out who my boss is. I hope he doesn't, because if he gets my boss
POed at me, I won't get dinner tonight.

Al Colombo

Jan 1, 1970

I assume he's reading the mail. I know he won't reply because he was
shown to be wrong. I would do the same, only I would have apologized
as that's my nature. My father always told me that powerful men know
enough to apologize when they are wrong. My father was a powerful man
who rarely used his power. My uncles, on the other hand, used their
power to the extreme.

Let me put it this way, where my father was as honest as the day is
long, there are others in the Colombo family who may not be.

When one of my Uncles tried to recruit me (he tried once when I was 24
[1974] and then when I was 39 [1989]), my father told me that he would
kick me in the behind if I accepted and relocated to Calif. That was
the first effort. My father had already passed on by 1989, the second
attempt, and his message remained with me, so the answer to my Uncle
was No.

I ask you, am I not my father's son? (The old man did his best to get
through to me and a few things he taught me made it through the clutter
of life :).


Frank Olson

Jan 1, 1970
Bob said:
... Interesting, you don't think he might try to
cheat the government, do you?

I wouldn't put it past him. I do know he sent a CCTV switcher to some
fireman's museum a while back. He got it as a "free sample" from the
manufacturer, then forwarded it the guy running the museum and had the
temerity (stupidity) to ask for a receipt on museum stationary "for tax
purposes". In the same thread he accused me of "promising" to send them
some equipment as well, and then reneging on the promise. In the words
of JS: "What a putz!"

Well, I hope he isn't selling over the phone. What kind of paranoia will RLB
have knowing that everytime his phone rings, it just may be the original
complaintant, which is still after his bASS, just waiting for RLB or an
employee to sell something, one on one over the phone. It is easy for a
conversation to go over the line of exempt or not exempt. He doesn't have a
business license as a distributor. It might even be the DBPR doing a sting,
or his local tax assessor. It is getting harder for him to hide behind web
based sales without a license. hey hey hey :>)

Actually this goes a long way toward explaining why he *doesn't* answer
the phone.

He will come back around. He just might be figuring, out of sight out of
mind, if he stops posting to people in Florida. Or maybe he is trying to
figure out who my boss is. I hope he doesn't, because if he gets my boss
POed at me, I won't get dinner tonight.

My "boss" stopped cooking years ago when she was told by my sons that I
was a better cook. "Not getting dinner" is something I don't have to
worry about. :)